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Ok...i Found One By Accident

woof n lulu

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Went out in the oil field today, and ran across a benchmark. It is a virticle control marker.

We have a picture of the mark, a picture of the witness post, the coordinates, and the elevation but how do we look it up? Its in the middle of nowhere !!! :D

Lea County NM somewhere west of and between the towns of Monument and Eunice NM. It is right next to an oil field dirt road, and the witness post is not hard to miss.

We typed in the Eunice Zip code, but it does not cover far enough away from the town to take this one in.

Any help would be greatly appreciated --- It will probably turn out to be one that is not entered, but we have no idea how to even find that out.


Thank you that got me on my way.

Most of the benchmarks in this area are have not been logged, and we have found 2 more...now we gotta go take pictures.


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