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"watch This Cache" Question


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Good Morning one and All...Being a "newbie" I need some help in trying to figure out how to remove the glasses/watch this cache..I just didn't see a button and/or

clicking on the glasses again, (thinking that would remove it) just shows another

one..I apologize for the incovenience..Sincerely, Melart

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Related question:


Is there any way to temporarily stop your watch list from sending emails for when you go on vacation. (similar to a "no mail" option on yahoogroups).


I don't want to remove the caches from my watch list, but I would prefer not to have my inbox filling up while I am gone.



You could set up your email to block email from Geocaching.com


El Diablo

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Because I will go over my inbox limit. Have quite a few on my list. (which is why I don't want to take them all OFF my list just for the period I will be gone).


I am hoping that there is some kind of temporary "no mail" option just for watch lists, but I'm not seeing it.


If there isn't I will take Diablo's idea of blocking all geocaching email, but I didn't want to miss other geo-emails (like from other cachers)


Cacheola crew Mom

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It has been mentioned. See here. More specifically this post.


Jeremy's response:

Apr 4 2004, 12:20 AM 


We will be completely redoing listing features in the near future. When we do this we'll take these ideas into consideration. In the meantime there are unfortunately more mundane bugs and features that need fixed and added.

Edited by Markwell
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Well, taking a look at the emails from my watch list, they are all sent from noreply@geocaching.com. They also always have the subject line [LOG] Watchlist:. Perhaps you could set a filter for one of these?

Thanks, I guess that is what I will do cause I would still be able to the other Geocaching email, just not the watchlist stuff.


I'll be looking forward to the "checkmark" suggestion coming to pass.



Cacheola Crew Mom

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