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Online map site?

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Hi from North Georgia, y'all.

Anybody know of a good online map site in which one can either plug in the street address or city name and get the LAT/LONG coordinates?

I know that Mapquest allows the opposite (insert coords for location) but I'd really like the option to do both.




mapsonus.com does that, sort of.


Enter a street address and get a map. Then, when you click on a location on the map and it redraws, the bottom of the map will have the coordinates (in decimal degrees) of where you clicked.






Geocode works pretty well. It's a little funky to figure out how to use it, though. Go to the "Test drive" section and enter in your address.


I've had very good luck with it....mostly. Once, on a trip to Chicago, it took us directly to the location I had entered. Another time, on a trip to St. Louis, it put us about 30 miles off.....but maybe I had the WAAS shut off. icon_wink.gif




"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field.

When a man found it, he hid it again." Mt. 13:44

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