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Ran-sacked cache


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Is there a way that I could prevent a charter member from seeing the web pages of caches that I have hidden?


The reason I ask, is that I have a cache that was completely ran-sacked by another cacher (by his own admission in an email to me). When I say he left no stone overturned, I mean he left them all oveturned. The place is a mess. He couldn't find it to boot. I was there today and tried to return the place to normal, but I think he actually dug some of the stones out of the ground. As you might expect, I was deeply saddened by what I saw. I have a "leave no trace" approach to hiking and to this sport and I expect others to do the same. I am thinking about placing another cache and would like to keep the location of it hidden from this member. Is this possible?



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I don't think there's any way to do that, but I would definitely inform Jeremy of the situation. Certain behavior may (should) be grounds for revoking membership on the site, regardless of the type of account involved.


Unfortunately, even unregistered users can view cache pages.




N 39°54.705'

W 77°33.137'

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If this person admitted trashing your cache in an email, forward it to Jeremy. That is ridiculous, there is no call for that. Let try to act like grown ups...I can't understand why a registered member of this site would have so much disregard for the environment...whoever you are.. GROW UP! icon_mad.gif

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If this person admitted trashing your cache in an email, forward it to Jeremy. That is ridiculous, there is no call for that. Let try to act like grown ups...I can't understand why a registered member of this site would have so much disregard for the environment...whoever you are.. GROW UP! icon_mad.gif

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Geoguru, would you clarify the situation a little more? Did this person ransack your cache out of spite or did they excessively disturb the cache site in their search for it (meaning no personal insult to you)? I can read both meanings into your initial paragraph.

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Sorry to hear about this,it is totally unexpectable and Charter membership should revoked and this person (I'd like to use other another word) band for life.


In the email were you singled you out for any further retaliations if you continue placing caches or were you threaten in anyway? If so contact his ISP in regards that he is abusing you and you want them to take action.


This at the least will take away his internet access while he is shopping for a new ISP.





.. and in our reminiscence, one ghost of mine -- trying to forget the failures, being forgotten after being victorious, and the many sacrifices and trials of plying my trade thousands of miles from home -- was laid to rest. - Bob Roll Great American cyclist


[This message was edited by Buckaroo Banzai on April 06, 2002 at 08:01 PM.]

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Originally posted by GeoGuru:

The reason I ask, is that I have a cache that was completely ran-sacked by another cacher (by his own admission in an email to me). When I say he left no stone overturned, I mean he left them all oveturned. The place is a mess. He couldn't find it to boot.


was this person a charter member?

not that it matters....


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Originally posted by GeoGuru:

The reason I ask, is that I have a cache that was completely ran-sacked by another cacher (by his own admission in an email to me). When I say he left no stone overturned, I mean he left them all oveturned. The place is a mess. He couldn't find it to boot.


was this person a charter member?

not that it matters....


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