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I am approaching the point of having hit all of the close caches to my house. I am reluctant to go on the hikes I normally did before this obsession, as I would rather drive to another hike with an unfound cache on it. But eventually this will become impractical. In Los Angeles, there are more than enough to keep you occupied, but I can imagine other areas (e.g. Hawaii) where you run out of new ones relatively quickly.


I got to thinking about an idea to make going back to caches more fun. What about modifying the game Risk to be played with caches. Each cache would be a 'country' and would be 'occupied' by one team/player at a time. The idea would be to 'occupy' the cache most recently. If someone took your cache, then you would have to go back and visit it.


I need some fleshing out of this idea, but some details could be...


1. There are numbers of 'troops' in each cache and you just cant 'take' it, you have to play some sort of dice war to have a chance of taking it just like in the game.


2. The caches are connected in specific orders or some simple algorythym to determine if you can 'take' a cache from a neighboring cache. Like the borders in the game and the lines connecting countries.


Also, what would be a way of making this easily joined in by all and people who have 'occupied' many caches don't have an insurmountable advantage over someone just starting to try the idea.


Just to be clear, this would have no effect on the caches, the original game, and any player not interested. The most effect the cache would see would be a 'signature item' to denote who 'has' that cache for the purpose of this sub game. The records could even be posted on a site like this or in the forums to show you where you stand in territory and give you incentive to go revisit the caches that have been 'taken' from you.


Maybe it was the hot sun, but I thought some variation and development of this idea might add something to the game for those that are looking for new ideas.


Gang, what do you think?



Everywhere that cache is found,

Bound to Cover Just a Little More Ground.

-Dru Morgan www.theheavenlyhost.com/dru

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