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Data-Mining of Geocaching.com

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First there was geocaching.com.


Then came the stats page, and buxleys maps.

Now some regional people are trying to set up a page with a different angle where the caches with the least finds is worth the most points.


These sites so far as I know access geocaching.com for data to get the information they need to run their sites. The secondary sites add interest to the sport.


Since geocaching.com has to know these sites do it and has to know that in the end they build up geocaching there should be a simple way to do this.


I don't know that there is or isn't. But it should exist even if it's a mirror site who's sole purpose is data leaving the main site undisturbed. The mirror site could be updated in the wee hours of the morning?


That's one idea. There are probably several solutions. I'd like to know that one is implimented or being worked on.


What sites get to have rights to data-mine is a different topic entirely.


Wherever you go there you are.

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We've been down this road before and are still where we are.



It's the little elf like people that run through the wires and copy it and then run back.


They're third cousins to the ones in the ATM's that hand out money!


Sometimes a majority only means that all the fools are on the same side

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