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Locationless caches, categorized


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I believe PQs are limited to a 500 mile range. I once wanted to do a PQ for all of the caches I have found, but I couldn't get them all due to the 500 mile rule.


I haven't ever done any locationless caches (I could never remember all of them after I read about them and moved on). This checklist is great! I already know of a couple I need to do, and having the list handly will help me keep them straight. Thanks.



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This is a great list!

I'm going to print it and keep it in the car so that if I see anything interesting I can see if there is a category for it. Of course, i'd have to guess at what form of evidence I need to submit, but I can always cover a few bases (e.g. picture of me w/ item, picture of GPS w/ item, etc.).


On categorization... what would be the drawback to repeating a cache in more than one category if it applies?


I have one other suggestion, though others may not agree... add &log=y to all th URLs.


I would actually do &log=y&decrypt=y, but some people may not want the hint decrypted.


I actually intend to put them into an email to myself with the above added to the URLs so I don't have to wait for the screen to refresh every time I add it into the "location" or "address" field of my browser.


BTW: DO NOT list all of the log entries for the Yellow Jeep Fever locationless cache and then print them out!


It's a good thing it's a Friday today and everyone is out to lunch... the printer is still going!


"I'm not Responsible... just ask my wife, She'll confirm it"


[This message was edited by Mark 42 on October 17, 2003 at 12:12 PM.]

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I've used Plucker to download the listing directly off the web page and bypassed the GPX problem.


Now its on my Clie and looks great. Hint keep the depth to a minimum of 2 and restrict the downloads to the home page and geocaching.com domain to avoid extraneous downloads.


Free your mind and the rest will follow 30296_400.gif

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