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Cache Thieves?

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Originally posted by FroBro Q-Tip:

...As far as the pirate's intentions, I don't think it is fair to judge a person's true intentions from the little info we have of the pirate. There is not much to go on, based on the person's first profile, and we cannot tell if he/she had a bigger plan developed at that time or not. The second profile leads us to believe they did. But we simply don't know if they created that one as a means to calm down the mob. We can't fairly assume either way...

Howdy, FroBro Q-Tip!

It sure is a good thing I'm thick-skinned, or I might have taken offense at your inference that I was judging or making an assumption about the thief's intentions when I was actually just referring to his own words.

from his 1st profile:

I pirate caches all over North America, plundering your goods and taking

them back to hide them in my cache...Signs of me visiting your cache include an emptied out cache...

from his 2nd profile:

I pirate caches all over North America, plundering your goods and taking

them back to hide them in another cache for you to find...All of the cache's are bagged and will be placed within another cache nearby...Signs of me visiting your cache include an emptied out cache...as with all caches I have plundered and will plunder in the future. I take and bag/tag only the contents to be placed at another location ...

I did not judge his intentions; he stated them clearly and repeatedly, though he modified them slightly in his 2nd profile. Does Mtt. 12:37 ring a bell? icon_wink.gif



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[skip this biblical paragraph, all who are offended by such postings.]

Mt. 12:37 speaks of God's judgment on the day where we each must make an accounting for the words we utter during our lives. I'm thankful we can leave that task to God. I don't want that job. icon_smile.gif

[/end of biblical paragraph]


I am glad you're thick-skinned. I feel like you're reading way too much into what I've said. I did not intend to point a finger at you specifically. Simply, at the height of the mob's ire, it seemed (to me) as if people were passing judgment on this person without having all the facts. I could be wrong, I admit, but that was the sense that I got of it all.


Of course, there weren't a lot of facts to go by. We only had one profile and a bunch of plundered logs. It did not look good for our pirate at that point, so I can see why people were upset, although I still think it was a bit harsh with personal, physical threats and all.


(Again, I'm not accusing you specifically of making any threats. Those people know who they are.)

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Simply, at the height of the mob's ire, it seemed (to me) as if people were passing judgment on this person without having all the facts. I could be wrong, I admit, but that was the sense that I got of it all.


I don't think you were wrong, FroBro. In fact, I think you've hit that proverbial nail on the head.



I still think it was a bit harsh with personal, physical threats and all.


Here, here.




The internet to tell me where. A GPS to get me there.

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Probably none of my business but............


I think (and this is just my opinion, remember-I'm allowed), that unless the cache hider has specified the cache as a 'moving' or 'roaming' cache, then whoever is moving the contents without the owner's permission is stealng them. I read the legal definition, but I think that what my mother taught me when I was 3 works best:


If it's not yours, don't take it.


Real cachers don't smell like Fleecy.

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Originally posted by DudeZilla:

"...On the other side of things we shouldn't put things in caches that we don't want to get rid of..."


Exactly. Nobody should leave anything in a cache container that they aren't prepared to see 'disappear' (with or without a log entry) ...that's just the nature of the beast. I didn't take the time to read through all of this from top to bottom, but if all that the 'plundering' consists of is the taking of cache contents (leaving the cache container and log intact), this needn't be considered a big deal. In as far as 'blocking' these folks from posting to the site, that's not going to stop them from being able to passively scoop cache location info without ever having to log on ...unless you make the caches 'Members Only' (which mightn't be a bad idea, at least until the ner'do-wells lose interest and/or discover the opposite sex <joke!> ).

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Here is a thought, albeit very immature. If the cache pirate's actions offend you, send him an e-mail telling him what a waste of skin he or she may be. I know if I were to receive 20 to 30 e-mails threatening me, I may reconsider my actions.


Or it might just spur him or her on to this even more. Oh well, my e-mail has been sent.


Make a sanity check.migo_sig_logo.jpg

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I also have a thought - and I know that I am just a newbie... however... The "so-called" pirate has achieved one thing here... he has us bickering amongst ourselves. It is useless to get mad at each other when we should be mad at him.


I think this is stealing and the first thing he should do is contact the person who's cache he is about to plunder and ask that person if it is OK to do so. I think if he went about this variation differently then maybe it wouldn't be so bad. He has gotten into our faces by sayiung this is how he is going to change our game (sport) and there is nothing we can do about it (according to him)


The people that should be contacting him about this are the owners of the geocashing site.


I do have a question... is there proof that he has actually plundered anything yet? He has only been a member for less then 15 days.


And there is much that can be learned from his IP address. The trackers out there can tell you where he is located and he can be banned (there are ways of banning dialup connections)

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Yes, there IS proof that he/she/it has plundered caches. Read earlier on in the thread, like on Page One.


Jeremy has already banned the first account, was watching the second account created in the wake, and has been monitoring the IPs. He stated it was an ELNK address, and it would be difficult to block this person completely due to the large IP pools each connection draws from. As I've already stated, the problem looks to be addressed...so far. Jeremy fired off an e-mail to the primary account at ELNK that was assigned to the cache_pirate account(s). No response that we know of yet, and no further activity.


I agree with many of the points stated here, but it all boils down to this. Taking the cache items (all of them) and replacing them with NOTHING, is not right. Is it stealing? There are peanut galleries for both sides to that issue. I have personal argument for both sides of that issue.


Anything else I would say here would be redundantly redundant from other posts I've made in this thread.



Team A.I.

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well I hope that I find an empty cache with a skull and crossbones in the logbook and that he is 10 minutes infront of me... Cause I would like to be the one to catch him... by the time I am finished they will need a GPS to find him.


Be sure to remove any trash you find when you are geocaching in the woods. Thanks.

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I didn't threaten anyone with physical harm... all I said was that they will need a GPSr to find the thief. I wouldn't hurt anyone... I feel guilty when I accidently step on poison ivy.


Be sure to remove any trash you find when you are geocaching in the woods. Thanks.

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Originally posted by Jolly B Good:

filling it with items from the dollar store so folks have something nice to seek out


LOL... for some reason, the above part of the post struck me as hilarous! [icon_wink.gif]


Joel (joefrog)


"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for ye are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!"

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