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Start it up, don't like it, shut it down???


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I'll give it another try.

[logic]The reason an option to close a topic is provided to the topic starter is that at some point when the forum software was developed, someone predicted that such a need could arise.[/logic]

[inference] There probably was no specific case the software developer had in mind when they created the feature. They thought it could come in handy, and if someone has found it handy, it has served it's purpose for that person.[/inference]


I'd like to ask some questions... Have you (anyone) continued posting to a controversial thread wherein the topic starter quit posting long ago, and wherein almost everyone is opposed to the topic starters opinion? If so, what good came of the continued posting? Have you ever swayed the opinion of a topic starter by ganging up on them after they gave up on their thread?


[This message was edited by Bloencustoms on March 32, 1999 at 25:60 PM]

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Zuuk, you seem to be of the impression that this thread has been started and centers around *you*. Or maybe you think that it centers around *your* recent thread that you closed. Feel free to continue to think so if it makes you happier, but this thread was not started for your benefit in any way. Your thread may have sparked the thought and got me thinking about the question of this thread, but make no mistake about it -- it is not about you.


Now, you've already very elequently expressed yourself regarding your logical answer and I thank you for that. I'll consider it, but I don't think that it's the only viewpoint and would like to hear from a few others who have an opinion. Thanks.



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Pan wrote:

Why, Jomarac5, did you utilize the means of stopping a discussion that you started when the forum conduct rules were not violated?

If you are referring to a private thread that I started and then ended -- then yes, but we're talking about public discussions here Pan.


Closing the private discussion that you were involved in has nothing at all to do with this topic.


Aside from this, I cannot recall any instance where I requested a public thread that I started be closed.



edit: finished sentence ("with this topic")


[This message was edited by Jomarac5 on October 07, 2003 at 09:28 PM.]

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New England n00b wrote:

Gotta go with the admins on this one - you just don't like the answer.

No. I haven't been given a satisfactory answer yet.


The closest that it has come was when it was suggested that a thread could be closed once a satistied answer was determined to a specific question. Then someone else responded that because someone may have a future answer that is relevant to the original question that it may not be a good reason to close a thread. Made sense.


It's not about me liking or not liking the answer that is given here. It's about discussing what could be an answer. So far I haven't seen where anyone (perhaps with the exception of Zuuk) who has directly given a reason *FOR* someone to have the ability to close a thread that they started.


My theory is that there is no good or warranted reason for anyone to close a thread unless the forum posting rules are violated.



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Originally posted by Jomarac5:


New England n00b wrote:

Gotta go with the admins on this one - you just don't like the answer.


No. I haven't been given a correct answer yet.



That has gotta be the most incredibly laughable comment I have read anywhere as of late. I just about laughed myself onto the floor... icon_biggrin.gif


What is the 'correct' answer?


Please tell us.



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Okay, well, because you brought it up, let's assume I am talking about a private thread you allegedly closed. (I mean, I wouldn't want anyone to accuse me of revealing any confidences.)


Hypothetically, why is closing a private thread any more "right" or "okay" or "permissable" than closing a public thread? Logically, it would seem that the standard should actually be HIGHER in a private thread because you are the one who INVITED everyone to the thread to discuss your topic. PLUS, if you do not want to be part of the topic anymore, I believe that you can leave the thread and never see it again, or even have access to it.


You said above:


...seems to me that if you ask the question, you should be prepared to accept the answer that is given -- not get in a snit and say "Well, I don't want to talk about it anymore, I'm shutting this topic down". There is no regard for those who might wish to continue with the discussion ...


Granted, you said this with relation to a public forum, but why is it any different in a private forum where A) you can leave at any time, and :smile: you invited everyone to discuss the topic at hand? Isn't closing down a private thread a much greater burden to the other parties involved in the thread? It eliminates the possiblity of the reference to the earlier discussion, forcing the parties into a new thread, with no way to review the old one.


Again, I only raise these points with the hope that if you reflect upon your own reasons for choosing to close a thread that you started, it might enlighten you to as to the reason one is permitted to do so.


Or maybe not.




Profanity is the crutch of the inarticulate, ***hole. - Unknown

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The pre-conceived notions you have about the answer you are seeking is what caused you to subconsciously type the word 'correct', which you edited to 'satisfactory' upon second thought and review. (which is okay)


Good change, and perhaps it's too bad that I caught it...

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Originally posted by Jomarac5:

My theory is that there is no _good or warranted_ reason for anyone to close a thread unless the forum posting rules are violated.


Then, again, why did you choose to do so?




Profanity is the crutch of the inarticulate, ***hole. - Unknown

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Pan, private discussions are quite a lot different. And if you recall, two people opted out of that private discussion you are referring to because *you* were getting off topic and abusive towards others. I closed the thread because of that reason and because nearly everyone in that discussion had suggested that the thread be closed.


Private threads are not the same as public threads in any case.



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Originally posted by Jomarac5:

And if you recall, more than one person opted out of that private discussion you are referring to because *you* were getting off topic and abusive towards others.


Actually, I don't need to "recall," I can read the thread any time I like. In fact, if you want, I can post the entire thread to a poll and we can see whether 1) people left because I was off topic or 2) whether I was abusive towards others.


Unfortunately, I wouldn't do that unless I could get the permission of all the posters to the private thread, which, most likely, is why you made such comments. Moving on...


I closed the thread because of that reason and because nearly everyone in that discussion had suggested that the thread be closed.


Oh, and by the by, if I remember correctly, the thread wasn't "closed," it was deleted. Admittedly, however, I may be wrong on this point, as I am not 100% sure.


More on topic, I agree, private threads are not the same as public threads, but again, my point was that, logically, private threads should be held to a higher locking, or deleting, standard. Thus, I believe the point is relevant to this conversation.




Profanity is the crutch of the inarticulate, ***hole. - Unknown

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Zuuk wrote:

The pre-conceived notions you have about the answer you are seeking is what caused you to subconsciously type the word 'correct', which you edited to 'satisfactory' upon second thought and review. (which is okay)

Thank you Sigmund.


I changed it because the word expressed my thought better. Not everything has hidden meanings, Zuuky.


Sheesh. icon_rolleyes.gif



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Before this thread goes completely off topic:


My theory is that there is no good or warranted reason for anyone to close a thread unless the forum posting rules are violated.


Anyone have any other thoughts as to why closing threads is a good idea?



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Originally posted by Jomarac5:

Before this thread goes completely off topic:


My theory is that there is no good or warranted reason for anyone to close a thread unless the forum posting rules are violated.


Anyone have any other thoughts as to why closing threads is a good idea?



Here is a real world example. A discussion was started about a site feature. Jeremy stated that there were no plans to include that feature, so the topic starter closed the thread as discussion was rendered moot. There you have it.


[This message was edited by Bloencustoms on March 32, 1999 at 25:60 PM]

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Owners of a topic are unable to close it after a certain amount of time passes (the same time, I believe, allowed for editing a post). In the Bloencustoms example I closed the topic as a request to the thread owner, as the question had been answered.


Not sure whether this is a bug, or "feature" but it will not allow the thread owner to close the thread after that time. In all the cases I know of, a forum moderator closed the topic for the topic originator.


smile.gif Jeremy Irish

Groundspeak - The Language of Location

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I don't micromanage the decisions of the moderators here in the forums, since I trust their judgement. Personally, if the originator of the thread requested that their topic be closed, I would give them that respect. If someone feels that the topic isn't finished, they can certainly create their own topic and continue the discussion, within reason.


smile.gif Jeremy Irish

Groundspeak - The Language of Location

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You really should be more specific, Jo. Nobody has been able to offer a sensible reason *that you like*.


I have already presented a sensible reason. Topics = rooms owned by starter. Closing thread = starter leaving room and turning off the light. Why? the current system has deemed the topic starter worthy of the power of own-thread moderation. It's a very "I brought you into this world and I can take you out of it".


That is the *REASON*. The system is created for it (by default, if I am to understand infopop's website correctly).


If on the other hand you would like to ask the question "should it?"...then that is open-ended and subject to each person's individual opinion on the topic. At that point, there is no *right* answer and you can stop confusing the issue between "why" and "should it be".


Or you could question if this is the most efficient way of running a forum (ala Bloen's topic). Again, it's a subjective question and subject to personal opinion so there is no *right* answer.


But the only answer that you can get for "Why does the thread starter have the means to stop a discussion that he started if the forum conduct rules have not been violated?" is simply:


Forum contact rule violation is not the only cause of a stoppage in discussion. The thread starter has been deemed worthy of having the power to stop discussion by the currently implemented system.


Asking "why would someone create a forum system that stifles discussion at the whim of a topic starter" would be beyond the scope of anyone in here, since Infopop designed the system, you should go ask Infopop (click the link at the bottom).


Honestly, you are barking up the wrong tree as none of us created this system and can not therefore determine the motive, if any, behind Infopop's current implementation. It is my opinion that given this very valid answer to your question in bold above, if you were to persist in asking the same question and ignoring this answer or feinting it off as if it did not apply and not following up with Infopop directly, then you are meerly trolling and not actually interested in finding the answer to your question.


Ta ta.





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Originally posted by Jomarac5:

Thank you.


That's all I wanted to know and I'm satisfied.


Then why wasn't this need to know satisfied hours ago when 3 of us said the exact same thing. At least you are willing to stop trolling once you attract the attention of the administration.


Next time, you can play with yourself in your own topic, troll.


Yes, I fully intended the double entendre.





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