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Etrex Vista survived

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So far impressed with the Etrex Vista (2.25). I was not convinced the unit met my requirements.


1) Survived constant use in 4 hour heavy rain Sunday AM in a RAM mount on a 20 mile rock trail ATV ride.


2) Survived a oops drop into the mud/puddle.


3) Downloaded track log to Mapsource application for display are review of the 20 miles.


4) Screen is difficult to read when in the pouring rain.


5) Never lost sat/nav with heavy clouds and overhead coverage in some areas.


6) Altitude reading appear accurate.


So far functioning better than expected.



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With the rain and low light level, combined with bouncing around, reading the Etrex was tough. Glad it did not leak and worked well for navigating on trails that existed but were not on the map.


Got to love big toys and technology.......

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My first unit was an Etrex. Then I bought the Vista. It's a pretty neat little box.. does nearly everything you'd expect and more! I like the GUI it's kinda like using Windoze! icon_cool.gif


I've dropped it a few times by mistake but I haven't put it through too much abuse yet.. Knock on wood! icon_wink.gif


Randall J. Berry



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My first unit was an Etrex. Then I bought the Vista. It's a pretty neat little box.. does nearly everything you'd expect and more! I like the GUI it's kinda like using Windoze! icon_cool.gif


I've dropped it a few times by mistake but I haven't put it through too much abuse yet.. Knock on wood! icon_wink.gif


Randall J. Berry



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I use the garmin case walking/driving with the unit. The RAM mount does not have the capability of using a case to cover the unit. Perhaps one of the marine style cases (waterproof) might work, need to check it out.


BTW - I installed the latest version of mapsource and viewed the tracks. Garmin has improved the functions and view capabilities in the version.

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The only extra length I went to was putting some clear tape on the screen to prevent scratching. Aside from that, the case itself is all the protection these things really need. The etrex is designed to be rugged, it can survive a dunk in up to one meter deep for thirty minutes (and I'm sure that is just a conservative statement on their part.) It is shock resistant, and so on. Frankly, though I would hesitate to put one of those neoprene cases on my Legend, as it seems to me that the neoprene covers up everything but the screen...including the antenna, and neoprene is a form of rubber, and rubber is an insulator. It probably wouldn't degridate the reception very much, but I spend a lot of time in tree covered areas, where signal degredation is bad enough, I wouldn't ever want to do anything that would possibly increase the degredation.


I love this little eTrex, it is small, durrable, a tough little unit.


ummmm....not sure what to say here....so ummm, well errrr, uhhhh, well I guess that's it.

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Originally posted by RAD Dad:

Frankly, though I would hesitate to put one of those neoprene cases on my Legend, as it seems to me that the neoprene covers up everything but the screen...including the antenna, and neoprene is a form of rubber, and rubber is an insulator. It probably wouldn't degridate the reception very much, but I spend a lot of time in tree covered areas, where signal degredation is bad enough, I wouldn't ever want to do anything that would possibly increase the degredation.


Insulating materials are not the problem for transmission of radio signals. Conductors such as metals and water are the materials to avoid.

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