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downloading cache info to a handspring from the website

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I use a handspring visor and am just starting to understand how to use it well. I have been making a hard copy of the cache pages that I want to visit, but I am wondering if there is a way to get the info fron the website and download it to my pda with out me loosing my mind.

did I memtion that my pc and myself are not really good friends yet!!!

Maybe there is some software that might help me.

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If what your after is to save some paper, and take all the cache information with you, it's easy.


Go to the cache page you wish to put in your Handspring.


Click on the "Make this page print-friendly" link, this opens a new browser window with all the same info from the cache page but it's been cleaned up and doesn't have the logs.


Highlight and copy all the text.


Now open your Palm Desktop, it's the program that came with the Handspring and has all the scheduling stuff in it.


Click on Memo and then new Memo.


Paste all the copied info in the memo.


Hotsync your Handsrping.


Now you have the complete Cache page in your hadspring to consult while out hunting a cache.

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hey there, I'm not as pist at my pc anymore

thanks for the info


the weekend of the 14th and 15th my job will send me to Newport OR and a few friends and i will be on our first hunt.

i am using geoniche on my pda and i am getting the hang of it pretty ok I will let you know how things went



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You'll find immediate relief with Geoclipping, available for free at this link. This automates the process of moving information from the cache page into Notepad or the Palm Desktop memo applet. It's a great timesaver.


Better yet is to get the Pocket Queries (for which you need the Mobipocket Reader). Does everything in one swell foop. You need to pony up charter membership, but it's money well spent. You can find out more on the page with information about charter membership.


Don't get even - get odd

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Originally posted by embra:

You'll find immediate relief with Geoclipping, available for free at http://home.earthlink.net/~rschoolf/geocaching.htm link. This automates the process of moving information from the cache page into Notepad or the Palm Desktop memo applet. It's a great timesaver.


I just downloaded this and it's pretty cool. It makes it very easy to D/L a cashe into my Handspring as a memo.



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I've just received this as a Christmas gift. It worked when I received it, then I decided that I'd better make sure I have the latest firmware. I downloaded the firmware update from their website. Now my Visor gets faults whenever I plug in the GPS module. Anyone know how to restore the factory firmware settings?



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Originally posted by nashr:

Anyone know how to restore the factory firmware settings?



I dont know how ir if you can...

I did the upgrade when I got mine, and it works fine!

You might try leaving the module in, and reset the visor, then upgrade again. icon_confused.gif


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NTGA member

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I've discovered plucker(www.plkr.org), and web clipper/offline viewer (along the lines of Avantgo). It's kind of for power users (manual configuration files- but not too bad if you're willing to spend some time).


I've built the homepage to go out and clip off the web all of the caches for my state. (browse to the page you want and copy the url into the plucker file. For example, for Arkansas I use:







and so on...)


It takes about 5 minutes (on my DSL connection) to clip everything and the file ends up being about 3 meg's (I include all pictures in full color). Not too bad for me since I have a sony CLIE with a mem-stick. If you cut out the pictures and go b/w (all this can be defined in the setup files) you can get down to a meg or so (if my memory serves correctly from when I was doing it on a Palm Vx)


Basically what I have is all of the caches in the state!!! Very useful.. I easy GPS all the caches in the state to my GPS and then look on the map of the GPS, find the cache name, and do a search in plucker for that name. Very useful!!!


I'm sure there's got to be a way to cut out some of the extra stuff I leave in there (for example, I get everything to a depth of 2 links deep, so I get all the links to pages like "about geocaching", "contact us", etc... Not sure if there's a way to exclude certain pages or not, but plucker is pretty flexable so it wouldn't surprise me if it can)


Anyways, I've rambled on... I love plucker for geocaching!!! take a look at the website... icon_smile.gif

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