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EasyGPS and Inet Explorer5.5

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I bet this has been asked before but...

I got EasyGPS for Groundspeak to talk to my Meridan green but when I try to download cache waypoints Explorer5.5 generates a file called




If I open that file its the page where I pressed the download button.

I'm guessing the problem is in my Explorer.. Any clues ??

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You need to go through THREE dialog boxes to get the .loc file.


Choose "open"

Choose "open" again

The decide if you really want to "open" or "save" and make your choice. This one will stick.


Maybe someone who knows more of the technical side can explain why this is. All I know is: That's what ya gotta do. icon_smile.gif




N 39° 54.705'

W 77° 33.137'

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You need to go through THREE dialog boxes to get the .loc file.


Choose "open"

Choose "open" again

The decide if you really want to "open" or "save" and make your choice. This one will stick.


Maybe someone who knows more of the technical side can explain why this is. All I know is: That's what ya gotta do. icon_smile.gif




N 39° 54.705'

W 77° 33.137'

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It has been awhile since I looked, but I suspect that the downloading is using a "Content-Disposition:" header. This header is not properly handled by IE versions before 6.


FWIW, it is not a clear cut case of IE being completely wrong. IE 5.5 and several versions before tried to 'sniff', or auto-detect content type. This solved one set of problems while creating others.


There is a workaround for site authors, but I can't remember it off the top of my head.



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I used to be a netscape 4.75 fan till ver 6 Netscape caused me to have to do a low level format and re-install. That caused me to try Ie 5.5 and that seemed more stable and is certainly easier to obtain. All in all it really makes me miss the days when all I had available was Lynx running in a telnet window.

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I only recently installed ExpertGPS...I am using the beta version. I can get it to work with Internet Explorer, as described in the posts above. However, I can not get it to work with Netscape 6.1. If I try to save the file it just seems to hang and do nothing (no file in the listed directory where it claims to have saved it). If I try to open the file rather than saving it, ExpertGPS opens but then I get an error message "An error occured while accessing this file" followed by the file name.


Any suggestions on anything else I should try? This may be the final straw that finally pushes me to using Internet Explorer as my default browser. At least it will be for a good reason, after all I have to be able to download cache coordinates!!! icon_wink.gif I guess that will make up for the fact that my husband, who hates the Evil Empire, will likely disown me. icon_biggrin.gif



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I only recently installed ExpertGPS...I am using the beta version. I can get it to work with Internet Explorer, as described in the posts above. However, I can not get it to work with Netscape 6.1. If I try to save the file it just seems to hang and do nothing (no file in the listed directory where it claims to have saved it). If I try to open the file rather than saving it, ExpertGPS opens but then I get an error message "An error occured while accessing this file" followed by the file name.


Any suggestions on anything else I should try? This may be the final straw that finally pushes me to using Internet Explorer as my default browser. At least it will be for a good reason, after all I have to be able to download cache coordinates!!! icon_wink.gif I guess that will make up for the fact that my husband, who hates the Evil Empire, will likely disown me. icon_biggrin.gif



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