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I need a serial port for Topo maps???

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I recently purchased the Magellan Mapsend Topo maps cd. None of my computers have a serial port ( the price I pay for being up to date) so I figured I could just use the Scure Digital slot in my laptop. Well I called Magellan tech support and they said that my unit needs to connect to my computer at least once so that it will create some file and after that I could transfer using the card. Is there any way around this?? I just want to get some maps onto my gps and I dont want to have to shell out more cash for some lame adapter Ill never use again in my life. Any help would be greatly appreciated

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I'm not aware that you ever have to hook your GPS up to the computer to use Topo.


I can't test that theory because I've already hooked my Meridian up to my computer dozens of times, but I can't imagine why you simply can't upload a map to your SD card and slap it into your GPS.


Of course, like DJ says, firmware upgrades require the PC cable to be connected.



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Originally posted by Khlash:

(Magellan tech support)...said my unit needs to connect to my computer at least once so that it will create some file and after that I could transfer using the card. Is there any way around this?


Nyet, I had a Meridian for a while and don't recall that being necessary. I was able to use the SD card without problems and never hooked up the serial cable except to do firmware updates. And I understand the latest firmware can be updated from the card also, without the cable.


What specifically is giving you problems that led you to call Magellan tech support? If you describe it here, maybe I (or someone else here) can spot what's going wrong and give a work-around.




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Cant upload and download waypoints & tracks onto/off of the SD card......Need serial port/cable for this.

WHY they did not include this functionality in the latest versions of Topo, with the ability to load maps onto SD card, I will never understand...


You can only upgrade the firmware from SD card on Merigold/Plats...NOT on Greens/Yellows....But then again, these models have been discontinued.....







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Originally posted by Cracker7M:

Cant upload and download waypoints & tracks onto/off of the SD card......Need serial port/cable for this.

WHY they did not include this functionality in the latest versions of Topo, with the ability to load maps onto SD card, I will never understand...


You can only upgrade the firmware from SD card on Merigold/Plats...NOT on Greens/Yellows....But then again, these models have been discontinued.....








You can save waypoints to the SD reader if you use GPSbabel to convert a .LOC file to a Magellan .WPT format.



"Just because I don't care doesn't mean I don't understand."

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