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Block party icon color

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Appearance of Block Party icon. When there were only ~5000 of these and not showing up on maps, the icon color was not a problem. In 2025 there will be a lot more on the map. They are really hard to  discriminate from traditional icon colors. See pic. Can this be changed some before 2025?


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7 minutes ago, rragan said:

When there were only ~5000 of these and not showing up on maps, the icon color was not a problem. In 2025 there will be a lot more on the map.


While I sympathize with the accessibility concern, I think you have your cache types mixed up. I believe that the "5000" number you are thinking probably comes from the Lost & Found Events, which were re-branded as Community Celebration Events and awarded to everyone* in 2020. They will be doing this again in 2025. Those appear in red. The Block Party type is green, but I doubt there will be very many since the criteria for the type requires at minimum Mega status. Only six have been published so far.

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