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Adventure lab crashes ~1minute after launch


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HARDWARE: Fairphone 4
OS: e.os 1.11 -a deGoogled rom based on LineageOS

APP version: Tried with 1.9.0 and 1.7.0


As the title says, Adventure lab keeps crashing. It may crash hard and quit or just loose screen focus and restart after selecting it again from the open apps.

In either way, it's hard to use as it doesn't stay open. It doesn't matter what you are viewing in the app, it will crash in general map or in active lab page.

I Just switched to this phone and os and I think the crash has something to do with the unofficial android.

But as Adventure lab is the only app I use that doesn't work now I thought that I'd share this bug with you.


I am new to Android internal workings and have no real coding skills to understand what I'm seeing.

I'm attaching a piece of log that contains an app crash, restart and a second crash.
First it looks like to be out of memory? And the second crash, according to internet may have something to do with mapbox?


--------- beginning of crash
06-20 23:37:34.050 10158  5443  5443 F libc    : Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -1 (SI_QUEUE) in tid 5443 (eact.adventures), pid 5443 (eact.adventures)
06-20 23:37:34.709  root     0     0 W rpmh_rsc_send_data: 8 callbacks suppressed
06-20 23:37:34.709  root     0     0 I qcom_rpmh DRV: apps_rsc TCS Busy, retrying RPMH message send: addr=0x42e08
06-20 23:37:34.709  root     0     0 I qcom_rpmh DRV: apps_rsc TCS Busy, retrying RPMH message send: addr=0x42e08
06-20 23:37:34.709  root     0     0 I qcom_rpmh DRV: apps_rsc TCS Busy, retrying RPMH message send: addr=0x42e08
06-20 23:37:34.709  root     0     0 I qcom_rpmh DRV: apps_rsc TCS Busy, retrying RPMH message send: addr=0x42e08
06-20 23:37:34.709  root     0     0 I qcom_rpmh DRV: apps_rsc TCS Busy, retrying RPMH message send: addr=0x42e08
06-20 23:37:34.709  root     0     0 I qcom_rpmh DRV: apps_rsc TCS Busy, retrying RPMH message send: addr=0x42e08
06-20 23:37:34.709  root     0     0 I qcom_rpmh DRV: apps_rsc TCS Busy, retrying RPMH message send: addr=0x42e08
06-20 23:37:34.709  root     0     0 I qcom_rpmh DRV: apps_rsc TCS Busy, retrying RPMH message send: addr=0x42e08
06-20 23:37:34.709  root     0     0 I qcom_rpmh DRV: apps_rsc TCS Busy, retrying RPMH message send: addr=0x42e08
06-20 23:37:34.709  root     0     0 I qcom_rpmh DRV: apps_rsc TCS Busy, retrying RPMH message send: addr=0x42e08
06-20 23:37:34.955  root     0     0 I         : aw8695_haptic_ram_config duration =15
06-20 23:37:34.955  root     0     0 I         : aw8695_haptic_ram_config wave index =1
06-20 23:37:34.960  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_pa_switch_get: aw882xx_pa_switch=1
06-20 23:37:34.960  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_pa_switch_set: ucontrol->value.integer.value[0]=0
06-20 23:37:34.960  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_pa_switch_get: aw882xx_pa_switch=1
06-20 23:37:34.961  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_pa_switch_set: ucontrol->value.integer.value[0]=0
06-20 23:37:34.966  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_startup: capture enter
06-20 23:37:34.966  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_startup: capture enter
06-20 23:37:34.966  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_hw_params: requested rate: 0, sample size: 32
06-20 23:37:34.966  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_hw_params: requested rate: 0, sample size: 32
06-20 23:37:34.967  root     0     0 I __afe_port_start: port id: 0x1017
06-20 23:37:34.967  root     0     0 I afe_find_cal_topo_id_by_port: port id: 0x1017, dev_acdb_id: -22
06-20 23:37:34.967  root     0     0 I afe_find_cal_topo_id_by_port: top_id:1000ff00 acdb_id:102 afe_port:0x1017
06-20 23:37:34.967  root     0     0 I afe_get_cal_topology_id: port_id = 0x1017 acdb_id = 102 topology_id = 0x1000ff00 cal_type_index=8 ret=0
06-20 23:37:34.969  root     0     0 I afe_send_port_topology_id: AFE set topology id 0x1000ff00  enable for port 0x1017 ret 0
06-20 23:37:34.969  root     0     0 I send_afe_cal_type: cal_index is 1
06-20 23:37:34.969  root     0     0 I send_afe_cal_type: dev_acdb_id[52] is -22
06-20 23:37:34.969  root     0     0 I send_afe_cal_type: Sending cal_index cal 1
06-20 23:37:34.969  root     0     0 I afe_send_hw_delay: port_id 0x1017 rate 48000 delay_usec 578 status 0
06-20 23:37:34.970  root     0     0 I         : aw8695->interval_us t=584
06-20 23:37:34.976  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_mute: mute state=0
06-20 23:37:34.976  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_mute: mute state=0
06-20 23:37:34.981  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_startup: playback enter
06-20 23:37:34.981  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_startup: playback enter
06-20 23:37:34.981  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_hw_params: requested rate: 48000, sample size: 32
06-20 23:37:34.982  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_hw_params: width = 32
06-20 23:37:34.982  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_hw_params: requested rate: 48000, sample size: 32
06-20 23:37:34.983  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_hw_params: width = 32
06-20 23:37:34.985  root     0     0 I __afe_port_start: port id: 0x1016
06-20 23:37:34.985  root     0     0 I afe_find_cal_topo_id_by_port: port id: 0x1016, dev_acdb_id: 15
06-20 23:37:34.985  root     0     0 I afe_find_cal_topo_id_by_port: top_id:1000ff01 acdb_id:15 afe_port_id:0x1016
06-20 23:37:34.985  root     0     0 I afe_get_cal_topology_id: port_id = 0x1016 acdb_id = 15 topology_id = 0x1000ff01 cal_type_index=8 ret=0
06-20 23:37:34.986  root     0     0 I afe_send_port_topology_id: AFE set topology id 0x1000ff01  enable for port 0x1016 ret 0
06-20 23:37:34.986  root     0     0 I send_afe_cal_type: cal_index is 0
06-20 23:37:34.986  root     0     0 I send_afe_cal_type: dev_acdb_id[51] is 15
06-20 23:37:34.986  root     0     0 I afe_find_cal: cal_index 0 port_id 0x1016 port_index 51
06-20 23:37:34.986  root     0     0 I afe_find_cal: acdb_id 15 dev_acdb_id 15 sample_rate 48000 afe_sample_rates 48000
06-20 23:37:34.986  root     0     0 I afe_find_cal: cal block is a match, size is 4556
06-20 23:37:34.986  root     0     0 I send_afe_cal_type: Sending cal_index cal 0
06-20 23:37:34.986  root     0     0 I afe_send_hw_delay: port_id 0x1016 rate 48000 delay_usec 474 status 0
06-20 23:37:34.990  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_mute: mute state=0
06-20 23:37:34.990  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_smartpa_cfg: flag = 1, power status = 0
06-20 23:37:34.990  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_start: enter
06-20 23:37:34.990  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_run_i2s_tx: enter
06-20 23:37:34.990  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_run_pwd: enter
06-20 23:37:34.999  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_clear_sysint: get_sysint=0x4395
06-20 23:37:34.999  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_clear_sysint: get_sysint=0x0000
06-20 23:37:35.000  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_run_mute: enter
06-20 23:37:35.000  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 180 , 0xf0
06-20 23:37:35.002  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 168 , 0xe0
06-20 23:37:35.004  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 156 , 0xd0
06-20 23:37:35.006  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 144 , 0xc0
06-20 23:37:35.008  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 132 , 0xb0
06-20 23:37:35.010  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 120 , 0xa0
06-20 23:37:35.012  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 108 , 0x90
06-20 23:37:35.014  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 96 , 0x80
06-20 23:37:35.016  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 84 , 0x70
06-20 23:37:35.017  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 72 , 0x60
06-20 23:37:35.019  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 60 , 0x50
06-20 23:37:35.021  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 48 , 0x40
06-20 23:37:35.023  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 36 , 0x30
06-20 23:37:35.025  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 24 , 0x20
06-20 23:37:35.027  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 12 , 0x10
06-20 23:37:35.029  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 0 , 0x0
06-20 23:37:35.031  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 0 , 0x0
06-20 23:37:35.031  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_cali_re_to_dsp: cali re = 0x647e
06-20 23:37:35.031  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_monitor_start: enter
06-20 23:37:35.031  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_mute: mute state=0
06-20 23:37:35.031  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_smartpa_cfg: flag = 1, power status = 0
06-20 23:37:35.031  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_start: enter
06-20 23:37:35.031  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_run_i2s_tx: enter
06-20 23:37:35.032  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_run_pwd: enter
06-20 23:37:35.033  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_monitor_get_data: vol: ipeak = 0x9, gain = 0x2, vmax = 0xffe81992
06-20 23:37:35.033  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_monitor_get_data: temp: ipeak = 0xa, gain = 0x0, vmax = 0x0
06-20 23:37:35.033  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_monitor_set_ipeak: ipeak = 0x9, no change
06-20 23:37:35.033  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 2 , 0x2
06-20 23:37:35.033  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_monitor_set_gain: set_volume = 1.0 dB
06-20 23:37:35.033  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_monitor_set_vmax: set vmax = 0xffe81992
06-20 23:37:35.039  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_clear_sysint: get_sysint=0x4395
06-20 23:37:35.040  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_clear_sysint: get_sysint=0x0000
06-20 23:37:35.040  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_run_mute: enter
06-20 23:37:35.040  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 180 , 0xf0
06-20 23:37:35.042  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 168 , 0xe0
06-20 23:37:35.044  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 156 , 0xd0
06-20 23:37:35.046  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 144 , 0xc0
06-20 23:37:35.048  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 132 , 0xb0
06-20 23:37:35.050  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 120 , 0xa0
06-20 23:37:35.052  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 108 , 0x90
06-20 23:37:35.054  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 96 , 0x80
06-20 23:37:35.056  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 84 , 0x70
06-20 23:37:35.058  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 72 , 0x60
06-20 23:37:35.060  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 60 , 0x50
06-20 23:37:35.062  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 48 , 0x40
06-20 23:37:35.064  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 36 , 0x30
06-20 23:37:35.066  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 24 , 0x20
06-20 23:37:35.068  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 12 , 0x10
06-20 23:37:35.071  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 0 , 0x0
06-20 23:37:35.073  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 0 , 0x0
06-20 23:37:35.073  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_cali_re_to_dsp: cali re = 0x75d2
06-20 23:37:35.073  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_monitor_start: enter
06-20 23:37:35.075  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_monitor_get_data: vol: ipeak = 0x9, gain = 0x2, vmax = 0xffe81992
06-20 23:37:35.075  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_monitor_get_data: temp: ipeak = 0xa, gain = 0x0, vmax = 0x0
06-20 23:37:35.075  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_monitor_set_ipeak: ipeak = 0x9, no change
06-20 23:37:35.076  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 2 , 0x2
06-20 23:37:35.076  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_monitor_set_gain: set_volume = 1.0 dB
06-20 23:37:35.076  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_monitor_set_vmax: set vmax = 0xffe81992
06-20 23:37:35.101  1000  1698  1962 V WindowManager: Unknown focus tokens, dropping reportFocusChanged
06-20 23:37:35.175  root     0     0 I IRQ 5   : no longer affine to CPU5
06-20 23:37:35.316 10158  8150  8150 F DEBUG   : *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
06-20 23:37:35.316 10158  8150  8150 F DEBUG   : Build fingerprint: 'Fairphone/FP4eea/FP4:11/RKQ1.210503.001/FP3Q:user/release-keys'
06-20 23:37:35.316 10158  8150  8150 F DEBUG   : Revision: '0'
06-20 23:37:35.316 10158  8150  8150 F DEBUG   : ABI: 'arm64'
06-20 23:37:35.316 10158  8150  8150 F DEBUG   : Timestamp: 2023-06-20 23:37:34.510015518+0300
06-20 23:37:35.316 10158  8150  8150 F DEBUG   : Process uptime: 0s
06-20 23:37:35.316 10158  8150  8150 F DEBUG   : Cmdline: com.Groundspeak.react.adventures
06-20 23:37:35.316 10158  8150  8150 F DEBUG   : pid: 5443, tid: 5443, name: eact.adventures  >>> com.Groundspeak.react.adventures <<<
06-20 23:37:35.316 10158  8150  8150 F DEBUG   : uid: 10158
06-20 23:37:35.316 10158  8150  8150 F DEBUG   : signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -1 (SI_QUEUE), fault addr --------
06-20 23:37:35.316 10158  8150  8150 F DEBUG   : Abort message: 'Scudo ERROR: internal map failure (NO MEMORY) requesting 292KB
06-20 23:37:35.316 10158  8150  8150 F DEBUG   : '
06-20 23:37:35.316 10158  8150  8150 F DEBUG   :     x0  0000000000000000  x1  0000000000001543  x2  0000000000000006  x3  0000007fff178d20
06-20 23:37:35.316 10158  8150  8150 F DEBUG   :     x4  0000000000000080  x5  0000000000000080  x6  0000000000000080  x7  8000000000000000
06-20 23:37:35.316 10158  8150  8150 F DEBUG   :     x8  00000000000000f0  x9  00000072ffcaf0b0  x10 0000000000000000  x11 ffffff80fffffbdf
06-20 23:37:35.316 10158  8150  8150 F DEBUG   :     x12 0000000000000001  x13 000000028b0ad76d  x14 0002c7a35a41e671  x15 0000000000000080
06-20 23:37:35.316 10158  8150  8150 F DEBUG   :     x16 00000072ffd4c050  x17 00000072ffd29bd0  x18 0000007321db4000  x19 0000000000001543
06-20 23:37:35.316 10158  8150  8150 F DEBUG   :     x20 0000000000001543  x21 00000000ffffffff  x22 0000000000049000  x23 000000000004b000
06-20 23:37:35.316 10158  8150  8150 F DEBUG   :     x24 0000006ef839a000  x25 0000006ef839b000  x26 0000000000049000  x27 0000007fff178f28
06-20 23:37:35.316 10158  8150  8150 F DEBUG   :     x28 0000006ef83e4000  x29 0000007fff178da0
06-20 23:37:35.316 10158  8150  8150 F DEBUG   :     lr  00000072ffcdc72c  sp  0000007fff178d00  pc  00000072ffcdc75c  pst 0000000000001000
06-20 23:37:35.316 10158  8150  8150 F DEBUG   : backtrace:
06-20 23:37:35.316 10158  8150  8150 F DEBUG   :   NOTE: Function names and BuildId information is missing for some frames due
06-20 23:37:35.316 10158  8150  8150 F DEBUG   :   NOTE: to unreadable libraries. For unwinds of apps, only shared libraries
06-20 23:37:35.316 10158  8150  8150 F DEBUG   :   NOTE: found under the lib/ directory are readable.
06-20 23:37:35.316 10158  8150  8150 F DEBUG   :   NOTE: On this device, run setenforce 0 to make the libraries readable.
06-20 23:37:35.316 10158  8150  8150 F DEBUG   :       #00 pc 000000000004f75c  /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (abort+168) (BuildId: f9471102bb6e4ed28f2e46762b2f446d)
06-20 23:37:35.316 10158  8150  8150 F DEBUG   :       #01 pc 0000000000040214  /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (scudo::die()+8) (BuildId: f9471102bb6e4ed28f2e46762b2f446d)
06-20 23:37:35.316 10158  8150  8150 F DEBUG   :       #02 pc 000000000003fb24  /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (scudo::dieOnMapUnmapError(unsigned long)+96) (BuildId: f9471102bb6e4ed28f2e46762b2f446d)
06-20 23:37:35.316 10158  8150  8150 F DEBUG   :       #03 pc 00000000000402d4  /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (scudo::map(void*, unsigned long, char const*, unsigned long, scudo::MapPlatformData*)+188) (BuildId: f9471102bb6e4ed28f2e46762b2f446d)
06-20 23:37:35.316 10158  8150  8150 F DEBUG   :       #04 pc 0000000000043fc8  /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (scudo::MapAllocator<scudo::AndroidConfig>::allocate(scudo::Options, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long*, scudo::FillContentsMode)+508) (BuildId: f9471102bb6e4ed28f2e46762b2f446d)
06-20 23:37:35.316 10158  8150  8150 F DEBUG   :       #05 pc 0000000000041e40  /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (scudo::Allocator<scudo::AndroidConfig, &(scudo_malloc_postinit)>::allocate(unsigned long, scudo::Chunk::Origin, unsigned long, bool)+1208) (BuildId: f9471102bb6e4ed28f2e46762b2f446d)
06-20 23:37:35.316 10158  8150  8150 F DEBUG   :       #06 pc 000000000004220c  /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (scudo_malloc+36) (BuildId: f9471102bb6e4ed28f2e46762b2f446d)
06-20 23:37:35.316 10158  8150  8150 F DEBUG   :       #07 pc 000000000003cc7c  /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (malloc+36) (BuildId: f9471102bb6e4ed28f2e46762b2f446d)
06-20 23:37:35.316 10158  8150  8150 F DEBUG   :       #08 pc 00000000002f46c4  /data/data/com.Groundspeak.react.adventures/cache/.gmscore/lib/arm64-v8a/libmapbox-gl.so
06-20 23:37:35.316 10158  8150  8150 F DEBUG   :       #09 pc 0000000000171780  /data/data/com.Groundspeak.react.adventures/cache/.gmscore/lib/arm64-v8a/libmapbox-gl.so
06-20 23:37:35.316 10158  8150  8150 F DEBUG   :       #10 pc 000000000016de34  /data/data/com.Groundspeak.react.adventures/cache/.gmscore/lib/arm64-v8a/libmapbox-gl.so
06-20 23:37:35.316 10158  8150  8150 F DEBUG   :       #11 pc 00000000000af5ec  /data/data/com.Groundspeak.react.adventures/cache/.gmscore/lib/arm64-v8a/libmapbox-gl.so
06-20 23:37:35.316 10158  8150  8150 F DEBUG   :       #12 pc 000000000202d580  /memfd:jit-cache (deleted) (art_jni_trampoline+112)
06-20 23:37:35.316 10158  8150  8150 F DEBUG   :       #13 pc 0000000002001a20  /memfd:jit-cache (deleted) (com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.maps.NativeMapView.addImages+144)
06-20 23:37:35.316 10158  8150  8150 F DEBUG   :       #14 pc 000000000202b9e0  /memfd:jit-cache (deleted) (com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.maps.Style.addImage+368)
06-20 23:37:35.316 10158  8150  8150 F DEBUG   :       #15 pc 00000000020007f0  /memfd:jit-cache (deleted) (com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.maps.Style.addImage+128)
06-20 23:37:35.316 10158  8150  8150 F DEBUG   :       #16 pc 0000000002030bd8  /memfd:jit-cache (deleted) (org.microg.gms.maps.mapbox.model.BitmapDescriptorFactoryImpl$registerBitmap$1$1.invoke+168)
06-20 23:37:35.316 10158  8150  8150 F DEBUG   :       #17 pc 000000000204d490  /memfd:jit-cache (deleted) (org.microg.gms.maps.mapbox.model.BitmapDescriptorFactoryImpl$registerBitmap$1$1.invoke+112)
06-20 23:37:35.316 10158  8150  8150 F DEBUG   :       #18 pc 000000000203084c  /memfd:jit-cache (deleted) (org.microg.gms.maps.mapbox.GoogleMapKt.runOnMainLooper+204)
06-20 23:37:35.316 10158  8150  8150 F DEBUG   :       #19 pc 0000000002027d00  /memfd:jit-cache (deleted) (org.microg.gms.maps.mapbox.model.BitmapDescriptorFactoryImpl.registerBitmap$lambda-4+304)
06-20 23:37:35.316 10158  8150  8150 F DEBUG   :       #20 pc 0000000000211608  /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (nterp_helper+152) (BuildId: 9938ac19137e593321b1dc75f5548d56)
06-20 23:37:35.316 10158  8150  8150 F DEBUG   :       #21 pc 0000000000147434  /system/priv-app/GmsCore/GmsCore.apk (org.microg.gms.maps.mapbox.model.BitmapDescriptorFactoryImpl.$r8$lambda$9qhnRbnpU_Vcfx8DbBdiZkitjvk+0)
06-20 23:37:35.316 10158  8150  8150 F DEBUG   :       #22 pc 0000000002036eec  /memfd:jit-cache (deleted) (org.microg.gms.maps.mapbox.model.BitmapDescriptorFactoryImpl$$ExternalSyntheticLambda0.onStyleLoaded+124)
06-20 23:37:35.316 10158  8150  8150 F DEBUG   :       #23 pc 000000000203c68c  /memfd:jit-cache (deleted) (com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.maps.MapboxMap.getStyle+220)
06-20 23:37:35.316 10158  8150  8150 F DEBUG   :       #24 pc 000000000201f04c  /memfd:jit-cache (deleted) (org.microg.gms.maps.mapbox.model.BitmapDescriptorFactoryImpl.registerBitmap+1260)
06-20 23:37:35.316 10158  8150  8150 F DEBUG   :       #25 pc 0000000002026d5c  /memfd:jit-cache (deleted) (org.microg.gms.maps.mapbox.model.BitmapDescriptorFactoryImpl.fromBitmap+508)
06-20 23:37:35.316 10158  8150  8150 F DEBUG   :       #26 pc 000000000202e464  /memfd:jit-cache (deleted) (com.google.android.gms.maps.model.internal.IBitmapDescriptorFactoryDelegate$Stub.onTransact+692)
06-20 23:37:35.316 10158  8150  8150 F DEBUG   :       #27 pc 0000000000212520  /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (nterp_helper+4016) (BuildId: 9938ac19137e593321b1dc75f5548d56)
06-20 23:37:35.316 10158  8150  8150 F DEBUG   :       #28 pc 0000000000147022  /system/priv-app/GmsCore/GmsCore.apk (org.microg.gms.maps.mapbox.model.BitmapDescriptorFactoryImpl.onTransact+10)
06-20 23:37:35.316 10158  8150  8150 F DEBUG   :       #29 pc 0000000000581ec4  /system/framework/arm64/boot-framework.oat (android.os.Binder.transact+148) (BuildId: a057d164d48f759f5868485c337930066a505008)
06-20 23:37:35.316 10158  8150  8150 F DEBUG   :       #30 pc 000000000202d104  /memfd:jit-cache (deleted) (od.a.z+196)
06-20 23:37:35.316 10158  8150  8150 F DEBUG   :       #31 pc 000000000202f5cc  /memfd:jit-cache (deleted) (od.q.J0+204)
06-20 23:37:35.316 10158  8150  8150 F DEBUG   :       #32 pc 000000000202d6d4  /memfd:jit-cache (deleted) (ud.b.c+212)
06-20 23:37:35.316 10158  8150  8150 F DEBUG   :       #33 pc 000000000204cf5c  /memfd:jit-cache (deleted) (com.airbnb.android.react.maps.g.getIcon+732)
06-20 23:37:35.316 10158  8150  8150 F DEBUG   :       #34 pc 000000000203dfa0  /memfd:jit-cache (deleted) (com.airbnb.android.react.maps.g.B+112)
06-20 23:37:35.316 10158  8150  8150 F DEBUG   :       #35 pc 000000000204ad28  /memfd:jit-cache (deleted) (com.airbnb.android.react.maps.g.A+136)
06-20 23:37:35.316 10158  8150  8150 F DEBUG   :       #36 pc 00000000020358ac  /memfd:jit-cache (deleted) (com.airbnb.android.react.maps.x.h+364)
06-20 23:37:35.316 10158  8150  8150 F DEBUG   :       #37 pc 000000000203e7b4  /memfd:jit-cache (deleted) (com.airbnb.android.react.maps.x$a.run+164)
06-20 23:37:35.316 10158  8150  8150 F DEBUG   :       #38 pc 0000000000519650  /system/framework/arm64/boot-framework.oat (android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage+80) (BuildId: a057d164d48f759f5868485c337930066a505008)
06-20 23:37:35.316 10158  8150  8150 F DEBUG   :       #39 pc 000000000051c54c  /system/framework/arm64/boot-framework.oat (android.os.Looper.loopOnce+1148) (BuildId: a057d164d48f759f5868485c337930066a505008)
06-20 23:37:35.316 10158  8150  8150 F DEBUG   :       #40 pc 000000000051c034  /system/framework/arm64/boot-framework.oat (android.os.Looper.loop+516) (BuildId: a057d164d48f759f5868485c337930066a505008)
06-20 23:37:35.316 10158  8150  8150 F DEBUG   :       #41 pc 00000000002e3e08  /system/framework/arm64/boot-framework.oat (android.app.ActivityThread.main+728) (BuildId: a057d164d48f759f5868485c337930066a505008)
06-20 23:37:35.316 10158  8150  8150 F DEBUG   :       #42 pc 0000000000218be8  /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art_quick_invoke_static_stub+568) (BuildId: 9938ac19137e593321b1dc75f5548d56)
06-20 23:37:35.316 10158  8150  8150 F DEBUG   :       #43 pc 000000000028407c  /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char const*)+212) (BuildId: 9938ac19137e593321b1dc75f5548d56)
06-20 23:37:35.316 10158  8150  8150 F DEBUG   :       #44 pc 0000000000617804  /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (_jobject* art::InvokeMethod<(art::PointerSize)8>(art::ScopedObjectAccessAlreadyRunnable const&, _jobject*, _jobject*, _jobject*, unsigned long)+1384) (BuildId: 9938ac19137e593321b1dc75f5548d56)
06-20 23:37:35.316 10158  8150  8150 F DEBUG   :       #45 pc 000000000058a6c8  /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::Method_invoke(_JNIEnv*, _jobject*, _jobject*, _jobjectArray*)+52) (BuildId: 9938ac19137e593321b1dc75f5548d56)
06-20 23:37:35.316 10158  8150  8150 F DEBUG   :       #46 pc 00000000000b2f74  /apex/com.android.art/javalib/arm64/boot.oat (art_jni_trampoline+132) (BuildId: c9335f586a3431c478b52ef92db81d0f382dd414)
06-20 23:37:35.316 10158  8150  8150 F DEBUG   :       #47 pc 000000000084e11c  /system/framework/arm64/boot-framework.oat (com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run+140) (BuildId: a057d164d48f759f5868485c337930066a505008)
06-20 23:37:35.316 10158  8150  8150 F DEBUG   :       #48 pc 00000000008567ec  /system/framework/arm64/boot-framework.oat (com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main+2172) (BuildId: a057d164d48f759f5868485c337930066a505008)
06-20 23:37:35.316 10158  8150  8150 F DEBUG   :       #49 pc 0000000000218be8  /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art_quick_invoke_static_stub+568) (BuildId: 9938ac19137e593321b1dc75f5548d56)
06-20 23:37:35.316 10158  8150  8150 F DEBUG   :       #50 pc 000000000028407c  /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char const*)+212) (BuildId: 9938ac19137e593321b1dc75f5548d56)
06-20 23:37:35.316 10158  8150  8150 F DEBUG   :       #51 pc 0000000000617f58  /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::JValue art::InvokeWithVarArgs<art::ArtMethod*>(art::ScopedObjectAccessAlreadyRunnable const&, _jobject*, art::ArtMethod*, std::__va_list)+448) (BuildId: 9938ac19137e593321b1dc75f5548d56)
06-20 23:37:35.316 10158  8150  8150 F DEBUG   :       #52 pc 0000000000618424  /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::JValue art::InvokeWithVarArgs<_jmethodID*>(art::ScopedObjectAccessAlreadyRunnable const&, _jobject*, _jmethodID*, std::__va_list)+92) (BuildId: 9938ac19137e593321b1dc75f5548d56)
06-20 23:37:35.316 10158  8150  8150 F DEBUG   :       #53 pc 00000000004f7614  /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::JNI<true>::CallStaticVoidMethodV(_JNIEnv*, _jclass*, _jmethodID*, std::__va_list)+608) (BuildId: 9938ac19137e593321b1dc75f5548d56)
06-20 23:37:35.316 10158  8150  8150 F DEBUG   :       #54 pc 00000000000b5ad0  /system/lib64/libandroid_runtime.so (_JNIEnv::CallStaticVoidMethod(_jclass*, _jmethodID*, ...)+120) (BuildId: 7a2f8c298ca6a26af93d0393fec77436)
06-20 23:37:35.316 10158  8150  8150 F DEBUG   :       #55 pc 00000000000c0f68  /system/lib64/libandroid_runtime.so (android::AndroidRuntime::start(char const*, android::Vector<android::String8> const&, bool)+828) (BuildId: 7a2f8c298ca6a26af93d0393fec77436)
06-20 23:37:35.316 10158  8150  8150 F DEBUG   :       #56 pc 0000000000002580  /system/bin/app_process64 (main+1324) (BuildId: ddb233935f6ae6a038b020beea13d8fb)
06-20 23:37:35.316 10158  8150  8150 F DEBUG   :       #57 pc 00000000000484f0  /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__libc_init+96) (BuildId: f9471102bb6e4ed28f2e46762b2f446d)
06-20 23:37:35.335  root     0     0 I IRQ 5   : no longer affine to CPU4
06-20 23:37:35.529  1000  1698  8157 W ActivityTaskManager:   Force finishing activity com.Groundspeak.react.adventures/.MainActivity
06-20 23:37:35.537  1000  1698  8158 I DropBoxManagerService: add tag=data_app_native_crash isTagEnabled=true flags=0x2
06-20 23:37:35.538  1000  1698  2158 I BootReceiver: Copying /data/tombstones/tombstone_27 to DropBox (SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE)
06-20 23:37:35.538  1000  1698  2158 I DropBoxManagerService: add tag=SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE isTagEnabled=true flags=0x6
06-20 23:37:35.579  root     0     0 I init    : Untracked pid 8150 exited with status 0
06-20 23:37:35.580  1000  1698  2158 I DropBoxManagerService: add tag=SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE_PROTO isTagEnabled=true flags=0x4
06-20 23:37:35.653  root     0     0 I init    : Untracked pid 8152 exited with status 0
06-20 23:37:36.037  1000  1698  1962 W ActivityTaskManager: Activity top resumed state loss timeout for ActivityRecord{bd4439 u0 com.Groundspeak.react.adventures/.MainActivity t12 f}}
06-20 23:37:36.040  1000  1698  1962 W ActivityTaskManager: Activity pause timeout for ActivityRecord{bd4439 u0 com.Groundspeak.react.adventures/.MainActivity t12 f}}
06-20 23:37:36.065  1000  1698  2599 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10000000 cmp=foundation.e.blisslauncher/.features.launcher.LauncherActivity} from uid 10139
06-20 23:37:36.067  1000  1698  1962 I ActivityManager: PendingStartActivityUids startActivity to updateOomAdj delay:1011ms, uid:10139
06-20 23:37:36.166  1000  1698  1962 I ActivityManager: Killing 5443:com.Groundspeak.react.adventures/u0a158 (adj 900): remove task
06-20 23:37:36.172  1000  1698  3342 E TaskPersister: File error accessing recents directory (directory doesn't exist?).
06-20 23:37:36.461  root     0     0 I binder  : undelivered transaction 204069, process died.
06-20 23:37:36.461  root     0     0 I binder  : undelivered transaction 204078, process died.
06-20 23:37:36.461  root     0     0 I binder  : undelivered transaction 203648, process died.
06-20 23:37:36.461  root     0     0 I binder  : undelivered transaction 203647, process died.
06-20 23:37:36.461  root     0     0 I binder  : undelivered transaction 203683, process died.
06-20 23:37:36.461  root     0     0 I binder  : undelivered transaction 204052, process died.
06-20 23:37:36.466  1000  1698  3361 I WindowManager: WIN DEATH: Window{a2a0caf u0 com.Groundspeak.react.adventures/com.Groundspeak.react.adventures.MainActivity}
06-20 23:37:36.476  1000  1698  1963 W ActivityTaskManager: Can't find TaskDisplayArea to determine support for multi window. Task id=12 attached=false
06-20 23:37:36.476  1000  1698  1963 W ActivityTaskManager: Can't find TaskDisplayArea to determine support for multi window. Task id=12 attached=false
06-20 23:37:36.477  1000  1698  1962 W ActivityManager: setHasOverlayUi called on unknown pid: 5443
06-20 23:37:38.178  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_mute: mute state=1
06-20 23:37:38.178  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_smartpa_cfg: flag = 0, power status = 2
06-20 23:37:38.178  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_stop: enter
06-20 23:37:38.178  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_monitor_stop: enter
06-20 23:37:38.179  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_stop: get_sysint=0x0000
06-20 23:37:38.179  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_run_mute: enter
06-20 23:37:38.180  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 2 , 0x2
06-20 23:37:38.182  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 14 , 0x12
06-20 23:37:38.184  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 26 , 0x22
06-20 23:37:38.187  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 38 , 0x32
06-20 23:37:38.190  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 50 , 0x42
06-20 23:37:38.192  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 62 , 0x52
06-20 23:37:38.194  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 74 , 0x62
06-20 23:37:38.196  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 86 , 0x72
06-20 23:37:38.198  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 98 , 0x82
06-20 23:37:38.200  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 110 , 0x92
06-20 23:37:38.203  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 122 , 0xa2
06-20 23:37:38.205  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 134 , 0xb2
06-20 23:37:38.208  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 146 , 0xc2
06-20 23:37:38.210  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 158 , 0xd2
06-20 23:37:38.212  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 170 , 0xe2
06-20 23:37:38.214  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 180 , 0xf0
06-20 23:37:38.215  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_run_i2s_tx: enter
06-20 23:37:38.216  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_run_pwd: enter
06-20 23:37:38.216  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_mute: mute state=1
06-20 23:37:38.216  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_smartpa_cfg: flag = 0, power status = 2
06-20 23:37:38.216  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_stop: enter
06-20 23:37:38.216  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_monitor_stop: enter
06-20 23:37:38.216  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_stop: get_sysint=0x0000
06-20 23:37:38.217  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_run_mute: enter
06-20 23:37:38.217  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 2 , 0x2
06-20 23:37:38.219  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 14 , 0x12
06-20 23:37:38.222  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 26 , 0x22
06-20 23:37:38.224  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 38 , 0x32
06-20 23:37:38.226  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 50 , 0x42
06-20 23:37:38.228  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 62 , 0x52
06-20 23:37:38.230  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 74 , 0x62
06-20 23:37:38.232  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 86 , 0x72
06-20 23:37:38.235  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 98 , 0x82
06-20 23:37:38.237  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 110 , 0x92
06-20 23:37:38.239  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 122 , 0xa2
06-20 23:37:38.242  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 134 , 0xb2
06-20 23:37:38.244  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 146 , 0xc2
06-20 23:37:38.246  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 158 , 0xd2
06-20 23:37:38.248  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 170 , 0xe2
06-20 23:37:38.250  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 180 , 0xf0
06-20 23:37:38.251  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_run_i2s_tx: enter
06-20 23:37:38.252  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_run_pwd: enter
06-20 23:37:38.263  root     0     0 I afe_close: port_id = 0x1016
06-20 23:37:38.274  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_pa_switch_get: aw882xx_pa_switch=0
06-20 23:37:38.274  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_pa_switch_set: ucontrol->value.integer.value[0]=1
06-20 23:37:38.274  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_pa_switch_get: aw882xx_pa_switch=0
06-20 23:37:38.275  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_pa_switch_set: ucontrol->value.integer.value[0]=1
06-20 23:37:38.275  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_mute: mute state=1
06-20 23:37:38.275  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_mute: mute state=1
06-20 23:37:38.278  root     0     0 I afe_close: port_id = 0x1017
06-20 23:37:38.958  1000  1698  1779 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.Groundspeak.react.adventures/.MainActivity bnds=[335,1229][494,1388]} from uid 10070
06-20 23:37:38.959  1000  1698  1779 W ActivityTaskManager: Can't find TaskDisplayArea to determine support for multi window. Task id=13 attached=false
06-20 23:37:38.963  1000  1698  1779 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 174042980; UID 10158; state: DISABLED
06-20 23:37:38.964  1000  1698  1779 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 184838306; UID 10158; state: DISABLED
06-20 23:37:38.964  1000  1698  1779 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 185004937; UID 10158; state: DISABLED
06-20 23:37:38.973  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_pa_switch_get: aw882xx_pa_switch=1
06-20 23:37:38.973  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_pa_switch_set: ucontrol->value.integer.value[0]=0
06-20 23:37:38.973  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_pa_switch_get: aw882xx_pa_switch=1
06-20 23:37:38.974  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_pa_switch_set: ucontrol->value.integer.value[0]=0
06-20 23:37:38.981  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_startup: capture enter
06-20 23:37:38.981  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_startup: capture enter
06-20 23:37:38.982  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_hw_params: requested rate: 0, sample size: 32
06-20 23:37:38.982  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_hw_params: requested rate: 0, sample size: 32
06-20 23:37:38.971  1000  1698  1779 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 168419799; UID 10158; state: DISABLED
06-20 23:37:38.999  1000  1698  1962 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 10158; state: DISABLED
06-20 23:37:38.999  1000  1698  1962 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 177438394; UID 10158; state: DISABLED
06-20 23:37:38.999  1000  1698  1962 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135772972; UID 10158; state: DISABLED
06-20 23:37:38.999  1000  1698  1962 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135754954; UID 10158; state: ENABLED
06-20 23:37:39.000  1000  1698  1992 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 143937733; UID 10158; state: ENABLED
06-20 23:37:39.009  1000  1698  1992 I ActivityManager: Start proc 8162:com.Groundspeak.react.adventures/u0a158 for pre-top-activity {com.Groundspeak.react.adventures/com.Groundspeak.react.adventures.MainActivity}
06-20 23:37:39.007  root     0     0 I __afe_port_start: port id: 0x1017
06-20 23:37:39.007  root     0     0 I afe_find_cal_topo_id_by_port: port id: 0x1017, dev_acdb_id: -22
06-20 23:37:39.007  root     0     0 I afe_find_cal_topo_id_by_port: top_id:1000ff00 acdb_id:102 afe_port:0x1017
06-20 23:37:39.007  root     0     0 I afe_get_cal_topology_id: port_id = 0x1017 acdb_id = 102 topology_id = 0x1000ff00 cal_type_index=8 ret=0
06-20 23:37:39.009  root     0     0 I afe_send_port_topology_id: AFE set topology id 0x1000ff00  enable for port 0x1017 ret 0
06-20 23:37:39.009  root     0     0 I send_afe_cal_type: cal_index is 1
06-20 23:37:39.009  root     0     0 I send_afe_cal_type: dev_acdb_id[52] is -22
06-20 23:37:39.009  root     0     0 I send_afe_cal_type: Sending cal_index cal 1
06-20 23:37:39.009  root     0     0 I afe_send_hw_delay: port_id 0x1017 rate 48000 delay_usec 578 status 0
06-20 23:37:39.016  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_mute: mute state=0
06-20 23:37:39.016  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_mute: mute state=0
06-20 23:37:39.022  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_startup: playback enter
06-20 23:37:39.022  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_startup: playback enter
06-20 23:37:39.022  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_hw_params: requested rate: 48000, sample size: 32
06-20 23:37:39.023  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_hw_params: width = 32
06-20 23:37:39.024  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_hw_params: requested rate: 48000, sample size: 32
06-20 23:37:39.024  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_hw_params: width = 32
06-20 23:37:39.027  root     0     0 I __afe_port_start: port id: 0x1016
06-20 23:37:39.027  root     0     0 I afe_find_cal_topo_id_by_port: port id: 0x1016, dev_acdb_id: 15
06-20 23:37:39.027  root     0     0 I afe_find_cal_topo_id_by_port: top_id:1000ff01 acdb_id:15 afe_port_id:0x1016
06-20 23:37:39.027  root     0     0 I afe_get_cal_topology_id: port_id = 0x1016 acdb_id = 15 topology_id = 0x1000ff01 cal_type_index=8 ret=0
06-20 23:37:39.028  root     0     0 I afe_send_port_topology_id: AFE set topology id 0x1000ff01  enable for port 0x1016 ret 0
06-20 23:37:39.028  root     0     0 I send_afe_cal_type: cal_index is 0
06-20 23:37:39.028  root     0     0 I send_afe_cal_type: dev_acdb_id[51] is 15
06-20 23:37:39.028  root     0     0 I afe_find_cal: cal_index 0 port_id 0x1016 port_index 51
06-20 23:37:39.028  root     0     0 I afe_find_cal: acdb_id 15 dev_acdb_id 15 sample_rate 48000 afe_sample_rates 48000
06-20 23:37:39.028  root     0     0 I afe_find_cal: cal block is a match, size is 4556
06-20 23:37:39.028  root     0     0 I send_afe_cal_type: Sending cal_index cal 0
06-20 23:37:39.028  root     0     0 I afe_send_hw_delay: port_id 0x1016 rate 48000 delay_usec 474 status 0
06-20 23:37:39.032  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_mute: mute state=0
06-20 23:37:39.032  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_smartpa_cfg: flag = 1, power status = 0
06-20 23:37:39.032  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_start: enter
06-20 23:37:39.032  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_run_i2s_tx: enter
06-20 23:37:39.032  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_run_pwd: enter
06-20 23:37:39.040  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_clear_sysint: get_sysint=0x4395
06-20 23:37:39.040  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_clear_sysint: get_sysint=0x0000
06-20 23:37:39.040  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_run_mute: enter
06-20 23:37:39.040  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 180 , 0xf0
06-20 23:37:39.042  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 168 , 0xe0
06-20 23:37:39.044  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 156 , 0xd0
06-20 23:37:39.046  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 144 , 0xc0
06-20 23:37:39.048  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 132 , 0xb0
06-20 23:37:39.050  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 120 , 0xa0
06-20 23:37:39.052  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 108 , 0x90
06-20 23:37:39.054  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 96 , 0x80
06-20 23:37:39.056  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 84 , 0x70
06-20 23:37:39.059  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 72 , 0x60
06-20 23:37:39.061  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 60 , 0x50
06-20 23:37:39.063  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 48 , 0x40
06-20 23:37:39.065  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 36 , 0x30
06-20 23:37:39.068  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 24 , 0x20
06-20 23:37:39.070  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 12 , 0x10
06-20 23:37:39.072  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 0 , 0x0
06-20 23:37:39.074  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 0 , 0x0
06-20 23:37:39.074  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_cali_re_to_dsp: cali re = 0x647e
06-20 23:37:39.074  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_monitor_start: enter
06-20 23:37:39.074  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_mute: mute state=0
06-20 23:37:39.074  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_smartpa_cfg: flag = 1, power status = 0
06-20 23:37:39.074  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_start: enter
06-20 23:37:39.074  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_run_i2s_tx: enter
06-20 23:37:39.074  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_run_pwd: enter
06-20 23:37:39.076  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_monitor_get_data: vol: ipeak = 0x9, gain = 0x2, vmax = 0xffe81992
06-20 23:37:39.076  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_monitor_get_data: temp: ipeak = 0xa, gain = 0x0, vmax = 0x0
06-20 23:37:39.076  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_monitor_set_ipeak: ipeak = 0x9, no change
06-20 23:37:39.076  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 2 , 0x2
06-20 23:37:39.077  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_monitor_set_gain: set_volume = 1.0 dB
06-20 23:37:39.077  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_monitor_set_vmax: set vmax = 0xffe81992
06-20 23:37:39.084  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_clear_sysint: get_sysint=0x4395
06-20 23:37:39.084  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_clear_sysint: get_sysint=0x0000
06-20 23:37:39.084  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_run_mute: enter
06-20 23:37:39.085  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 180 , 0xf0
06-20 23:37:39.087  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 168 , 0xe0
06-20 23:37:39.089  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 156 , 0xd0
06-20 23:37:39.091  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 144 , 0xc0
06-20 23:37:39.093  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 132 , 0xb0
06-20 23:37:39.095  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 120 , 0xa0
06-20 23:37:39.098  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 108 , 0x90
06-20 23:37:39.100  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 96 , 0x80
06-20 23:37:39.102  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 84 , 0x70
06-20 23:37:39.104  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 72 , 0x60
06-20 23:37:39.106  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 60 , 0x50
06-20 23:37:39.109  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 48 , 0x40
06-20 23:37:39.111  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 36 , 0x30
06-20 23:37:39.113  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 24 , 0x20
06-20 23:37:39.115  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 12 , 0x10
06-20 23:37:39.117  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 0 , 0x0
06-20 23:37:39.119  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 0 , 0x0
06-20 23:37:39.120  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_cali_re_to_dsp: cali re = 0x75d2
06-20 23:37:39.120  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_monitor_start: enter
06-20 23:37:39.124  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_monitor_get_data: vol: ipeak = 0x9, gain = 0x2, vmax = 0xffe81992
06-20 23:37:39.124  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_monitor_get_data: temp: ipeak = 0xa, gain = 0x0, vmax = 0x0
06-20 23:37:39.124  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_monitor_set_ipeak: ipeak = 0x9, no change
06-20 23:37:39.124  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 2 , 0x2
06-20 23:37:39.125  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_monitor_set_gain: set_volume = 1.0 dB
06-20 23:37:39.125  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_monitor_set_vmax: set vmax = 0xffe81992
06-20 23:37:39.356  root     0     0 I IRQ 5   : no longer affine to CPU4
06-20 23:37:39.510  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.511  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.511  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.511  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.511  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.511  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.512  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.512  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.514  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.514  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.514  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.515  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.515  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.515  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.515  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.516  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.517  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.517  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.517  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.517  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.517  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.517  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.518  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.518  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.519  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.520  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.520  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.520  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.520  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.520  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.521  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.521  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.522  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.522  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.523  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.523  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.523  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.523  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.524  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.524  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.525  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.525  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.526  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.526  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.526  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.526  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.527  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.527  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.529  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.529  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.530  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.530  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.530  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.530  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.531  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.531  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.532  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.532  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.532  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.532  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.533  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.533  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.533  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.533  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.534  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.535  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.535  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.535  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.535  root     0     0 I IRQ 5   : no longer affine to CPU5
06-20 23:37:39.535  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.535  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.536  root     0     0 I IRQ 5   : no longer affine to CPU4
06-20 23:37:39.536  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.536  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.537  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.537  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.537  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.537  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.538  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.538  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.538  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.538  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.539  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.540  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.540  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.540  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.540  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.541  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.541  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.541  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.542  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.543  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.543  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.543  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.543  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.544  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.544  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.544  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.545  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.546  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.546  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.546  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.546  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.546  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.547  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.547  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.548  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.549  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.549  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.549  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.549  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.549  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.550  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.550  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.552  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.552  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.552  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.552  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.552  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.553  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.553  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.553  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.554  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.554  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.554  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.555  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.555  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.555  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.555  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.555  root     0     0 E FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): FAT read failed (blocknr 2526)
06-20 23:37:39.795  1000  1698  1962 V WindowManager: Unknown focus tokens, dropping reportFocusChanged
06-20 23:37:39.986  1000  1698  3342 E TaskPersister: File error accessing recents directory (directory doesn't exist?).
06-20 23:37:40.015  root     0     0 I IRQ 5   : no longer affine to CPU4
06-20 23:37:40.044  1000  1698  1779 E PackageDexUsage: Unsupported context?
06-20 23:37:40.355  root     0     0 I IRQ 5   : no longer affine to CPU5
06-20 23:37:40.407  1000  1698  1779 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 168936375; UID 10061; state: DISABLED
06-20 23:37:40.420  1000  1698  1779 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 73144566; UID 10061; state: DISABLED
06-20 23:37:41.275  root     0     0 I IRQ 5   : no longer affine to CPU5
06-20 23:37:41.538  root     0     0 E gsi soc : qcom,msm_gsi: gsi_config_channel_mode:3832 already in requested mode 1 chan_hdl=6
06-20 23:37:41.538  root     0     0 W NOHZ    : local_softirq_pending 08
06-20 23:37:41.538  root     0     0 W NOHZ    : local_softirq_pending 08
06-20 23:37:41.539  root     0     0 W NOHZ    : local_softirq_pending 08
06-20 23:37:42.212  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_mute: mute state=1
06-20 23:37:42.212  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_smartpa_cfg: flag = 0, power status = 2
06-20 23:37:42.212  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_stop: enter
06-20 23:37:42.212  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_monitor_stop: enter
06-20 23:37:42.212  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_stop: get_sysint=0x0000
06-20 23:37:42.212  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_run_mute: enter
06-20 23:37:42.213  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 2 , 0x2
06-20 23:37:42.215  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 14 , 0x12
06-20 23:37:42.217  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 26 , 0x22
06-20 23:37:42.219  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 38 , 0x32
06-20 23:37:42.222  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 50 , 0x42
06-20 23:37:42.224  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 62 , 0x52
06-20 23:37:42.226  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 74 , 0x62
06-20 23:37:42.228  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 86 , 0x72
06-20 23:37:42.230  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 98 , 0x82
06-20 23:37:42.232  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 110 , 0x92
06-20 23:37:42.234  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 122 , 0xa2
06-20 23:37:42.236  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 134 , 0xb2
06-20 23:37:42.238  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 146 , 0xc2
06-20 23:37:42.240  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 158 , 0xd2
06-20 23:37:42.242  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 170 , 0xe2
06-20 23:37:42.244  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 180 , 0xf0
06-20 23:37:42.245  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_run_i2s_tx: enter
06-20 23:37:42.245  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_run_pwd: enter
06-20 23:37:42.246  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_mute: mute state=1
06-20 23:37:42.246  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_smartpa_cfg: flag = 0, power status = 2
06-20 23:37:42.246  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_stop: enter
06-20 23:37:42.246  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_monitor_stop: enter
06-20 23:37:42.246  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_stop: get_sysint=0x0000
06-20 23:37:42.246  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_run_mute: enter
06-20 23:37:42.246  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 2 , 0x2
06-20 23:37:42.249  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 14 , 0x12
06-20 23:37:42.251  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 26 , 0x22
06-20 23:37:42.253  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 38 , 0x32
06-20 23:37:42.255  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 50 , 0x42
06-20 23:37:42.257  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 62 , 0x52
06-20 23:37:42.259  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 74 , 0x62
06-20 23:37:42.262  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 86 , 0x72
06-20 23:37:42.264  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 98 , 0x82
06-20 23:37:42.266  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 110 , 0x92
06-20 23:37:42.268  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 122 , 0xa2
06-20 23:37:42.270  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 134 , 0xb2
06-20 23:37:42.272  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 146 , 0xc2
06-20 23:37:42.274  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 158 , 0xd2
06-20 23:37:42.276  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 170 , 0xe2
06-20 23:37:42.278  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 180 , 0xf0
06-20 23:37:42.279  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_run_i2s_tx: enter
06-20 23:37:42.279  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_run_pwd: enter
06-20 23:37:42.287  root     0     0 I afe_close: port_id = 0x1016
06-20 23:37:42.294  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_pa_switch_get: aw882xx_pa_switch=0
06-20 23:37:42.295  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_pa_switch_set: ucontrol->value.integer.value[0]=1
06-20 23:37:42.295  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_pa_switch_get: aw882xx_pa_switch=0
06-20 23:37:42.295  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_pa_switch_set: ucontrol->value.integer.value[0]=1
06-20 23:37:42.296  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_mute: mute state=1
06-20 23:37:42.296  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_mute: mute state=1
06-20 23:37:42.297  root     0     0 I afe_close: port_id = 0x1017
06-20 23:37:43.981  root     0     0 E QG-K    : process_udata_work: userspace write rbat=114, esr=68
06-20 23:37:43.995  root     0     0 W healthd : battery l=56 v=3855 t=34.3 h=2 st=3 c=-356750 fc=3916000 cc=0 chg=
06-20 23:37:44.005  root     0     0 W healthd : battery l=56 v=3855 t=34.3 h=2 st=3 c=-356750 fc=3916000 cc=0 chg=
06-20 23:37:44.006  1000  1698  2015 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
06-20 23:37:44.007  1000  1698  2015 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu6/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
06-20 23:37:44.013  1000  1698  2015 E KernelCpuUidActiveTimeReader: Negative delta from active time for uid: 1053, delta: -4
06-20 23:37:44.013  1000  1698  2015 E KernelCpuUidActiveTimeReader: Negative delta from active time for uid: 10135, delta: -15
06-20 23:37:44.013  1000  1698  2015 E KernelCpuUidActiveTimeReader: Negative delta from active time for uid: 10133, delta: -20
06-20 23:37:44.013  1000  1698  2015 E KernelCpuUidActiveTimeReader: Negative delta from active time for uid: 1072, delta: -5
06-20 23:37:44.013  1000  1698  2015 E KernelCpuUidActiveTimeReader: Negative delta from active time for uid: 10102, delta: -3
06-20 23:37:44.013  1000  1698  2015 E KernelCpuUidActiveTimeReader: Negative delta from active time for uid: 10152, delta: -4
06-20 23:37:44.013  1000  1698  2015 E KernelCpuUidActiveTimeReader: Negative delta from active time for uid: 10147, delta: -8
06-20 23:37:44.013  1000  1698  2015 E KernelCpuUidActiveTimeReader: Negative delta from active time for uid: 1068, delta: -7
06-20 23:37:44.013  1000  1698  2015 E KernelCpuUidActiveTimeReader: Negative delta from active time for uid: 10116, delta: -6
06-20 23:37:44.916  root     0     0 I IRQ 5   : no longer affine to CPU5
06-20 23:37:45.103  root     0     0 W rpmh_rsc_send_data: 4 callbacks suppressed
06-20 23:37:45.103  root     0     0 I qcom_rpmh DRV: apps_rsc TCS Busy, retrying RPMH message send: addr=0x42e08
06-20 23:37:45.103  root     0     0 I qcom_rpmh DRV: apps_rsc TCS Busy, retrying RPMH message send: addr=0x42e08
06-20 23:37:45.103  root     0     0 I qcom_rpmh DRV: apps_rsc TCS Busy, retrying RPMH message send: addr=0x42e08
06-20 23:37:45.103  root     0     0 I qcom_rpmh DRV: apps_rsc TCS Busy, retrying RPMH message send: addr=0x42e08
06-20 23:37:45.103  root     0     0 I qcom_rpmh DRV: apps_rsc TCS Busy, retrying RPMH message send: addr=0x42e08
06-20 23:37:45.103  root     0     0 I qcom_rpmh DRV: apps_rsc TCS Busy, retrying RPMH message send: addr=0x42e08
06-20 23:37:45.104  root     0     0 I qcom_rpmh DRV: apps_rsc TCS Busy, retrying RPMH message send: addr=0x42e08
06-20 23:37:53.823  root     0     0 I qcom_rpmh DRV: apps_rsc TCS Busy, retrying RPMH message send: addr=0x42e08
06-20 23:37:53.823  root     0     0 I qcom_rpmh DRV: apps_rsc TCS Busy, retrying RPMH message send: addr=0x42e08
06-20 23:37:53.823  root     0     0 I qcom_rpmh DRV: apps_rsc TCS Busy, retrying RPMH message send: addr=0x42e08
06-20 23:37:53.823  root     0     0 I qcom_rpmh DRV: apps_rsc TCS Busy, retrying RPMH message send: addr=0x42e08
06-20 23:37:53.823  root     0     0 I qcom_rpmh DRV: apps_rsc TCS Busy, retrying RPMH message send: addr=0x42e08
06-20 23:37:53.823  root     0     0 I qcom_rpmh DRV: apps_rsc TCS Busy, retrying RPMH message send: addr=0x42e08
06-20 23:37:53.823  root     0     0 I qcom_rpmh DRV: apps_rsc TCS Busy, retrying RPMH message send: addr=0x42e08
06-20 23:37:53.823  root     0     0 I qcom_rpmh DRV: apps_rsc TCS Busy, retrying RPMH message send: addr=0x42e08
06-20 23:37:53.823  root     0     0 I qcom_rpmh DRV: apps_rsc TCS Busy, retrying RPMH message send: addr=0x42e08
06-20 23:37:53.823  root     0     0 I qcom_rpmh DRV: apps_rsc TCS Busy, retrying RPMH message send: addr=0x42e08
06-20 23:37:54.717  1000  1698  2230 W NetworkPolicy: shared quota unsupported; generating rule for each iface
06-20 23:38:00.515  root     0     0 I IRQ 5   : no longer affine to CPU5
06-20 23:38:01.450  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_pa_switch_get: aw882xx_pa_switch=1
06-20 23:38:01.450  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_pa_switch_set: ucontrol->value.integer.value[0]=0
06-20 23:38:01.450  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_pa_switch_get: aw882xx_pa_switch=1
06-20 23:38:01.450  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_pa_switch_set: ucontrol->value.integer.value[0]=0
06-20 23:38:01.454  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_startup: capture enter
06-20 23:38:01.454  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_startup: capture enter
06-20 23:38:01.455  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_hw_params: requested rate: 0, sample size: 32
06-20 23:38:01.455  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_hw_params: requested rate: 0, sample size: 32
06-20 23:38:01.457  root     0     0 I __afe_port_start: port id: 0x1017
06-20 23:38:01.457  root     0     0 I afe_find_cal_topo_id_by_port: port id: 0x1017, dev_acdb_id: -22
06-20 23:38:01.457  root     0     0 I afe_find_cal_topo_id_by_port: top_id:1000ff00 acdb_id:102 afe_port:0x1017
06-20 23:38:01.457  root     0     0 I afe_get_cal_topology_id: port_id = 0x1017 acdb_id = 102 topology_id = 0x1000ff00 cal_type_index=8 ret=0
06-20 23:38:01.458  root     0     0 I afe_send_port_topology_id: AFE set topology id 0x1000ff00  enable for port 0x1017 ret 0
06-20 23:38:01.458  root     0     0 I send_afe_cal_type: cal_index is 1
06-20 23:38:01.458  root     0     0 I send_afe_cal_type: dev_acdb_id[52] is -22
06-20 23:38:01.458  root     0     0 I send_afe_cal_type: Sending cal_index cal 1
06-20 23:38:01.458  root     0     0 I afe_send_hw_delay: port_id 0x1017 rate 48000 delay_usec 578 status 0
06-20 23:38:01.465  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_mute: mute state=0
06-20 23:38:01.465  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_mute: mute state=0
06-20 23:38:01.470  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_startup: playback enter
06-20 23:38:01.470  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_startup: playback enter
06-20 23:38:01.470  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_hw_params: requested rate: 48000, sample size: 32
06-20 23:38:01.471  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_hw_params: width = 32
06-20 23:38:01.472  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_hw_params: requested rate: 48000, sample size: 32
06-20 23:38:01.472  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_hw_params: width = 32
06-20 23:38:01.474  root     0     0 I __afe_port_start: port id: 0x1016
06-20 23:38:01.474  root     0     0 I afe_find_cal_topo_id_by_port: port id: 0x1016, dev_acdb_id: 15
06-20 23:38:01.474  root     0     0 I afe_find_cal_topo_id_by_port: top_id:1000ff01 acdb_id:15 afe_port_id:0x1016
06-20 23:38:01.474  root     0     0 I afe_get_cal_topology_id: port_id = 0x1016 acdb_id = 15 topology_id = 0x1000ff01 cal_type_index=8 ret=0
06-20 23:38:01.475  root     0     0 I afe_send_port_topology_id: AFE set topology id 0x1000ff01  enable for port 0x1016 ret 0
06-20 23:38:01.475  root     0     0 I send_afe_cal_type: cal_index is 0
06-20 23:38:01.475  root     0     0 I send_afe_cal_type: dev_acdb_id[51] is 15
06-20 23:38:01.475  root     0     0 I afe_find_cal: cal_index 0 port_id 0x1016 port_index 51
06-20 23:38:01.475  root     0     0 I afe_find_cal: acdb_id 15 dev_acdb_id 15 sample_rate 48000 afe_sample_rates 48000
06-20 23:38:01.475  root     0     0 I afe_find_cal: cal block is a match, size is 4556
06-20 23:38:01.475  root     0     0 I send_afe_cal_type: Sending cal_index cal 0
06-20 23:38:01.475  root     0     0 I afe_send_hw_delay: port_id 0x1016 rate 48000 delay_usec 474 status 0
06-20 23:38:01.479  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_mute: mute state=0
06-20 23:38:01.479  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_smartpa_cfg: flag = 1, power status = 0
06-20 23:38:01.479  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_start: enter
06-20 23:38:01.479  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_run_i2s_tx: enter
06-20 23:38:01.480  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_run_pwd: enter
06-20 23:38:01.488  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_clear_sysint: get_sysint=0x4395
06-20 23:38:01.488  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_clear_sysint: get_sysint=0x0000
06-20 23:38:01.488  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_run_mute: enter
06-20 23:38:01.488  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 180 , 0xf0
06-20 23:38:01.490  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 168 , 0xe0
06-20 23:38:01.492  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 156 , 0xd0
06-20 23:38:01.494  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 144 , 0xc0
06-20 23:38:01.496  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 132 , 0xb0
06-20 23:38:01.498  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 120 , 0xa0
06-20 23:38:01.500  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 108 , 0x90
06-20 23:38:01.503  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 96 , 0x80
06-20 23:38:01.505  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 84 , 0x70
06-20 23:38:01.507  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 72 , 0x60
06-20 23:38:01.509  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 60 , 0x50
06-20 23:38:01.511  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 48 , 0x40
06-20 23:38:01.513  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 36 , 0x30
06-20 23:38:01.515  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 24 , 0x20
06-20 23:38:01.517  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 12 , 0x10
06-20 23:38:01.519  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 0 , 0x0
06-20 23:38:01.521  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 0 , 0x0
06-20 23:38:01.521  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_cali_re_to_dsp: cali re = 0x647e
06-20 23:38:01.522  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_monitor_start: enter
06-20 23:38:01.522  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_mute: mute state=0
06-20 23:38:01.522  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_smartpa_cfg: flag = 1, power status = 0
06-20 23:38:01.522  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_start: enter
06-20 23:38:01.522  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_run_i2s_tx: enter
06-20 23:38:01.522  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_run_pwd: enter
06-20 23:38:01.523  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_monitor_get_data: vol: ipeak = 0x9, gain = 0x2, vmax = 0xffe81992
06-20 23:38:01.523  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_monitor_get_data: temp: ipeak = 0xa, gain = 0x0, vmax = 0x0
06-20 23:38:01.523  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_monitor_set_ipeak: ipeak = 0x9, no change
06-20 23:38:01.524  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 2 , 0x2
06-20 23:38:01.524  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_monitor_set_gain: set_volume = 1.0 dB
06-20 23:38:01.524  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_monitor_set_vmax: set vmax = 0xffe81992
06-20 23:38:01.527  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_clear_sysint: get_sysint=0x4395
06-20 23:38:01.528  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_clear_sysint: get_sysint=0x0000
06-20 23:38:01.528  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_run_mute: enter
06-20 23:38:01.529  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 180 , 0xf0
06-20 23:38:01.531  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 168 , 0xe0
06-20 23:38:01.533  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 156 , 0xd0
06-20 23:38:01.535  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 144 , 0xc0
06-20 23:38:01.537  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 132 , 0xb0
06-20 23:38:01.539  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 120 , 0xa0
06-20 23:38:01.541  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 108 , 0x90
06-20 23:38:01.544  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 96 , 0x80
06-20 23:38:01.546  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 84 , 0x70
06-20 23:38:01.548  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 72 , 0x60
06-20 23:38:01.550  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 60 , 0x50
06-20 23:38:01.552  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 48 , 0x40
06-20 23:38:01.554  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 36 , 0x30
06-20 23:38:01.556  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 24 , 0x20
06-20 23:38:01.558  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 12 , 0x10
06-20 23:38:01.560  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 0 , 0x0
06-20 23:38:01.562  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 0 , 0x0
06-20 23:38:01.562  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_cali_re_to_dsp: cali re = 0x75d2
06-20 23:38:01.563  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_monitor_start: enter
06-20 23:38:01.566  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_monitor_get_data: vol: ipeak = 0x9, gain = 0x2, vmax = 0xffe81992
06-20 23:38:01.566  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_monitor_get_data: temp: ipeak = 0xa, gain = 0x0, vmax = 0x0
06-20 23:38:01.566  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_monitor_set_ipeak: ipeak = 0x9, no change
06-20 23:38:01.567  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 2 , 0x2
06-20 23:38:01.567  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_monitor_set_gain: set_volume = 1.0 dB
06-20 23:38:01.567  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_monitor_set_vmax: set vmax = 0xffe81992
06-20 23:38:03.354  1000  1698  1698 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 151105954; UID 1000; state: ENABLED
06-20 23:38:03.354  1000  1698  1698 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 151105954; UID 1000; state: DISABLED
06-20 23:38:03.356  1000  1698  1698 E AppOps  : attributionTag twilight not declared in manifest of android
06-20 23:38:04.681  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_mute: mute state=1
06-20 23:38:04.681  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_smartpa_cfg: flag = 0, power status = 2
06-20 23:38:04.681  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_stop: enter
06-20 23:38:04.681  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_monitor_stop: enter
06-20 23:38:04.681  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_stop: get_sysint=0x0000
06-20 23:38:04.681  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_run_mute: enter
06-20 23:38:04.682  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 2 , 0x2
06-20 23:38:04.684  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 14 , 0x12
06-20 23:38:04.686  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 26 , 0x22
06-20 23:38:04.688  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 38 , 0x32
06-20 23:38:04.690  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 50 , 0x42
06-20 23:38:04.692  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 62 , 0x52
06-20 23:38:04.694  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 74 , 0x62
06-20 23:38:04.696  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 86 , 0x72
06-20 23:38:04.698  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 98 , 0x82
06-20 23:38:04.700  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 110 , 0x92
06-20 23:38:04.702  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 122 , 0xa2
06-20 23:38:04.704  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 134 , 0xb2
06-20 23:38:04.706  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 146 , 0xc2
06-20 23:38:04.708  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 158 , 0xd2
06-20 23:38:04.710  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 170 , 0xe2
06-20 23:38:04.711  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 180 , 0xf0
06-20 23:38:04.712  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_run_i2s_tx: enter
06-20 23:38:04.712  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_run_pwd: enter
06-20 23:38:04.713  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_mute: mute state=1
06-20 23:38:04.713  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_smartpa_cfg: flag = 0, power status = 2
06-20 23:38:04.713  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_stop: enter
06-20 23:38:04.713  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_monitor_stop: enter
06-20 23:38:04.713  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_stop: get_sysint=0x0000
06-20 23:38:04.713  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_run_mute: enter
06-20 23:38:04.714  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 2 , 0x2
06-20 23:38:04.716  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 14 , 0x12
06-20 23:38:04.718  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 26 , 0x22
06-20 23:38:04.720  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 38 , 0x32
06-20 23:38:04.722  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 50 , 0x42
06-20 23:38:04.725  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 62 , 0x52
06-20 23:38:04.727  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 74 , 0x62
06-20 23:38:04.729  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 86 , 0x72
06-20 23:38:04.732  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 98 , 0x82
06-20 23:38:04.734  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 110 , 0x92
06-20 23:38:04.736  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 122 , 0xa2
06-20 23:38:04.739  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 134 , 0xb2
06-20 23:38:04.742  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 146 , 0xc2
06-20 23:38:04.744  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 158 , 0xd2
06-20 23:38:04.746  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 170 , 0xe2
06-20 23:38:04.748  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 180 , 0xf0
06-20 23:38:04.749  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_run_i2s_tx: enter
06-20 23:38:04.749  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_run_pwd: enter
06-20 23:38:04.760  root     0     0 I afe_close: port_id = 0x1016
06-20 23:38:04.767  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_pa_switch_get: aw882xx_pa_switch=0
06-20 23:38:04.768  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_pa_switch_set: ucontrol->value.integer.value[0]=1
06-20 23:38:04.768  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_pa_switch_get: aw882xx_pa_switch=0
06-20 23:38:04.768  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_pa_switch_set: ucontrol->value.integer.value[0]=1
06-20 23:38:04.768  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_mute: mute state=1
06-20 23:38:04.768  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_mute: mute state=1
06-20 23:38:04.770  root     0     0 I afe_close: port_id = 0x1017
06-20 23:38:17.101  root     0     0 W rpmh_rsc_send_data: 49 callbacks suppressed
06-20 23:38:17.101  root     0     0 I qcom_rpmh DRV: apps_rsc TCS Busy, retrying RPMH message send: addr=0x30090
06-20 23:38:22.675  1000  1698  2599 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1214 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2911 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal:1179 
06-20 23:38:22.676  1000  1698  2599 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1264 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2215 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2915 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 
06-20 23:38:22.677  1000  1698  2599 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1264 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2215 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2922 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 
06-20 23:38:22.677  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{6b0609d 2298:com.android.systemui/u0a146} (pid=2298, uid=10146) requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:38:22.677  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{6b0609d 2298:com.android.systemui/u0a146} (pid=2298, uid=10146) requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:38:22.677  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{78c0260 2492:com.android.phone/1001} (pid=2492, uid=1001) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:38:22.677  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver requires android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:38:22.678  1000  1698  2599 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1264 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2215 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2926 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 
06-20 23:38:22.679  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{78c0260 2492:com.android.phone/1001} (pid=2492, uid=1001) excludes appop android:fine_location due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:38:22.679  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:38:22.679  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{6b0609d 2298:com.android.systemui/u0a146} (pid=2298, uid=10146) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:38:22.679  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{78c0260 2492:com.android.phone/1001} (pid=2492, uid=1001) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:38:22.680  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver requires android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:38:22.681  1000  1698  2230 W NetworkPolicy: shared quota unsupported; generating rule for each iface
06-20 23:38:22.709  1000  1698  2230 W NetworkPolicy: shared quota unsupported; generating rule for each iface
06-20 23:38:23.695  1000  1698  2230 W NetworkPolicy: shared quota unsupported; generating rule for each iface
06-20 23:38:24.308  1000  1698  2213 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1214 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2911 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal:1179 
06-20 23:38:24.309  1000  1698  2213 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1264 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2215 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2915 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 
06-20 23:38:24.309  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{6b0609d 2298:com.android.systemui/u0a146} (pid=2298, uid=10146) requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:38:24.310  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver requires android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:38:24.310  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{6b0609d 2298:com.android.systemui/u0a146} (pid=2298, uid=10146) requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:38:24.311  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{78c0260 2492:com.android.phone/1001} (pid=2492, uid=1001) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:38:24.311  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:38:24.311  1000  1698  2213 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1264 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2215 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2922 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 
06-20 23:38:24.311  1000  1698  2213 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1264 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2215 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2926 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 
06-20 23:38:24.312  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{78c0260 2492:com.android.phone/1001} (pid=2492, uid=1001) excludes appop android:fine_location due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:38:24.312  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver requires android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:38:24.312  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{6b0609d 2298:com.android.systemui/u0a146} (pid=2298, uid=10146) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:38:24.312  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{78c0260 2492:com.android.phone/1001} (pid=2492, uid=1001) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:38:24.462  root     0     0 W healthd : battery l=56 v=3858 t=34.4 h=2 st=3 c=-393066 fc=3916000 cc=0 chg=
06-20 23:38:34.408  root     0     0 E gsi soc : qcom,msm_gsi: gsi_config_channel_mode:3832 already in requested mode 1 chan_hdl=6
06-20 23:38:34.436  1000  1698  2213 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1214 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2911 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal:1179 
06-20 23:38:34.437  1000  1698  2213 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1264 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2215 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2915 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 
06-20 23:38:34.438  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{6b0609d 2298:com.android.systemui/u0a146} (pid=2298, uid=10146) requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:38:34.438  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver requires android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:38:34.439  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{6b0609d 2298:com.android.systemui/u0a146} (pid=2298, uid=10146) requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:38:34.440  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{78c0260 2492:com.android.phone/1001} (pid=2492, uid=1001) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:38:34.440  1000  1698  2213 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1264 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2215 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2922 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 
06-20 23:38:34.440  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:38:34.440  1000  1698  2213 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1264 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2215 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2926 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 
06-20 23:38:34.441  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{78c0260 2492:com.android.phone/1001} (pid=2492, uid=1001) excludes appop android:fine_location due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:38:34.441  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver requires android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:38:34.441  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{6b0609d 2298:com.android.systemui/u0a146} (pid=2298, uid=10146) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:38:34.442  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{78c0260 2492:com.android.phone/1001} (pid=2492, uid=1001) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:38:34.468  1000  1698  1778 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1214 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2911 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal:1179 
06-20 23:38:34.469  1000  1698  1778 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1264 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2215 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2915 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 
06-20 23:38:34.469  1000  1698  1778 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1264 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2215 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2922 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 
06-20 23:38:34.469  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{6b0609d 2298:com.android.systemui/u0a146} (pid=2298, uid=10146) requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:38:34.470  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{6b0609d 2298:com.android.systemui/u0a146} (pid=2298, uid=10146) requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:38:34.470  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{78c0260 2492:com.android.phone/1001} (pid=2492, uid=1001) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:38:34.470  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver requires android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:38:34.472  1000  1698  1778 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1264 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2215 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2926 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 
06-20 23:38:34.472  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{78c0260 2492:com.android.phone/1001} (pid=2492, uid=1001) excludes appop android:fine_location due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:38:34.472  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:38:34.473  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{6b0609d 2298:com.android.systemui/u0a146} (pid=2298, uid=10146) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:38:34.473  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{78c0260 2492:com.android.phone/1001} (pid=2492, uid=1001) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:38:34.473  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver requires android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:38:34.642  1000  1698  2213 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1214 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2911 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal:1179 
06-20 23:38:34.643  1000  1698  2213 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1264 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2215 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2915 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 
06-20 23:38:34.644  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{6b0609d 2298:com.android.systemui/u0a146} (pid=2298, uid=10146) requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:38:34.645  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver requires android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:38:34.646  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{6b0609d 2298:com.android.systemui/u0a146} (pid=2298, uid=10146) requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:38:34.648  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{78c0260 2492:com.android.phone/1001} (pid=2492, uid=1001) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:38:34.648  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:38:34.650  1000  1698  2213 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1264 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2215 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2922 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 
06-20 23:38:34.651  1000  1698  2213 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1264 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2215 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2926 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 
06-20 23:38:34.651  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{78c0260 2492:com.android.phone/1001} (pid=2492, uid=1001) excludes appop android:fine_location due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:38:34.652  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver requires android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:38:34.653  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{6b0609d 2298:com.android.systemui/u0a146} (pid=2298, uid=10146) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:38:34.654  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{78c0260 2492:com.android.phone/1001} (pid=2492, uid=1001) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:38:34.686  1000  1698  1778 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1214 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2911 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal:1179 
06-20 23:38:34.686  1000  1698  1778 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1264 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2215 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2915 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 
06-20 23:38:34.687  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{6b0609d 2298:com.android.systemui/u0a146} (pid=2298, uid=10146) requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:38:34.688  1000  1698  1778 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1264 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2215 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2922 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 
06-20 23:38:34.688  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{6b0609d 2298:com.android.systemui/u0a146} (pid=2298, uid=10146) requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:38:34.688  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{78c0260 2492:com.android.phone/1001} (pid=2492, uid=1001) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:38:34.688  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver requires android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:38:34.689  1000  1698  1778 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1264 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2215 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2926 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 
06-20 23:38:34.689  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{78c0260 2492:com.android.phone/1001} (pid=2492, uid=1001) excludes appop android:fine_location due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:38:34.689  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:38:34.690  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{6b0609d 2298:com.android.systemui/u0a146} (pid=2298, uid=10146) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:38:34.690  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{78c0260 2492:com.android.phone/1001} (pid=2492, uid=1001) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:38:34.690  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver requires android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:38:34.693  1000  1698  2230 W NetworkPolicy: shared quota unsupported; generating rule for each iface
06-20 23:38:34.719  1000  1698  2230 W NetworkPolicy: shared quota unsupported; generating rule for each iface
06-20 23:38:34.748  1000  1698  2599 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1214 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2911 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal:1179 
06-20 23:38:34.749  1000  1698  2599 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1264 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2215 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2915 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 
06-20 23:38:34.749  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{6b0609d 2298:com.android.systemui/u0a146} (pid=2298, uid=10146) requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:38:34.750  1000  1698  2599 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1264 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2215 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2922 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 
06-20 23:38:34.750  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{6b0609d 2298:com.android.systemui/u0a146} (pid=2298, uid=10146) requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:38:34.751  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{78c0260 2492:com.android.phone/1001} (pid=2492, uid=1001) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:38:34.751  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver requires android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:38:34.752  1000  1698  2599 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1264 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2215 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2926 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 
06-20 23:38:34.752  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{78c0260 2492:com.android.phone/1001} (pid=2492, uid=1001) excludes appop android:fine_location due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:38:34.752  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:38:34.753  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{6b0609d 2298:com.android.systemui/u0a146} (pid=2298, uid=10146) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:38:34.753  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{78c0260 2492:com.android.phone/1001} (pid=2492, uid=1001) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:38:34.753  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver requires android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:38:35.699  1000  1698  2230 W NetworkPolicy: shared quota unsupported; generating rule for each iface
06-20 23:38:45.804  root     0     0 E gsi soc : qcom,msm_gsi: gsi_stop_channel:2995 chan=7 busy try again
06-20 23:38:45.813  root     0     0 E gsi soc : qcom,msm_gsi: gsi_config_channel_mode:3832 already in requested mode 1 chan_hdl=6
06-20 23:38:47.830  root     0     0 E QG-K    : process_udata_work: userspace write rbat=112, esr=68
06-20 23:38:50.195  root     0     0 I IRQ 5   : no longer affine to CPU4
06-20 23:39:00.597  root     0     0 I rmt_storage: INFO:rmt_storage_rw_iovec_cb: Write iovec request (req_h 0xa wr_count 2) received for /boot/modem_fs1
06-20 23:39:00.598  root     0     0 I rmt_storage: INFO:rmt_storage_client_thread: Calling Write [offset=0, size=6291456, req_h 0xa, wr_count 2] for /boot/modem_fs1!
06-20 23:39:00.641  root     0     0 I rmt_storage: INFO:rmt_storage_client_thread: Done Write (bytes = 6291456, req_h 0xa, wr_count 2) for /boot/modem_fs1!
06-20 23:39:10.387  1000  1698  1778 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1214 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2911 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal:1179 
06-20 23:39:10.387  1000  1698  1778 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1264 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2215 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2915 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 
06-20 23:39:10.388  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{6b0609d 2298:com.android.systemui/u0a146} (pid=2298, uid=10146) requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:39:10.388  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver requires android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:39:10.389  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{6b0609d 2298:com.android.systemui/u0a146} (pid=2298, uid=10146) requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:39:10.389  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{78c0260 2492:com.android.phone/1001} (pid=2492, uid=1001) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:39:10.389  1000  1698  1778 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1264 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2215 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2922 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 
06-20 23:39:10.389  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:39:10.390  1000  1698  1778 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1264 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2215 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2926 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 
06-20 23:39:10.392  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{78c0260 2492:com.android.phone/1001} (pid=2492, uid=1001) excludes appop android:fine_location due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:39:10.392  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{6b0609d 2298:com.android.systemui/u0a146} (pid=2298, uid=10146) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:39:10.393  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{78c0260 2492:com.android.phone/1001} (pid=2492, uid=1001) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:39:10.393  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver requires android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:39:10.413  1000  1698  2230 W NetworkPolicy: shared quota unsupported; generating rule for each iface
06-20 23:39:10.415  1000  1698  2230 W NetworkPolicy: shared quota unsupported; generating rule for each iface
06-20 23:39:10.515  root     0     0 I IRQ 5   : no longer affine to CPU5
06-20 23:39:11.402  1000  1698  2230 W NetworkPolicy: shared quota unsupported; generating rule for each iface
06-20 23:39:12.239  1000  1698  1779 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1214 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2911 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal:1179 
06-20 23:39:12.240  1000  1698  1779 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1264 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2215 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2915 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 
06-20 23:39:12.241  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{6b0609d 2298:com.android.systemui/u0a146} (pid=2298, uid=10146) requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:39:12.241  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver requires android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:39:12.242  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{6b0609d 2298:com.android.systemui/u0a146} (pid=2298, uid=10146) requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:39:12.243  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{78c0260 2492:com.android.phone/1001} (pid=2492, uid=1001) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:39:12.243  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:39:12.243  1000  1698  1779 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1264 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2215 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2922 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 
06-20 23:39:12.244  1000  1698  1779 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1264 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2215 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2926 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 
06-20 23:39:12.244  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{78c0260 2492:com.android.phone/1001} (pid=2492, uid=1001) excludes appop android:fine_location due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:39:12.244  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver requires android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:39:12.246  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{6b0609d 2298:com.android.systemui/u0a146} (pid=2298, uid=10146) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:39:12.246  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{78c0260 2492:com.android.phone/1001} (pid=2492, uid=1001) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:39:12.316  root     0     0 I IRQ 5   : no longer affine to CPU4
06-20 23:39:21.031  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_pa_switch_get: aw882xx_pa_switch=1
06-20 23:39:21.032  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_pa_switch_set: ucontrol->value.integer.value[0]=0
06-20 23:39:21.033  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_pa_switch_get: aw882xx_pa_switch=1
06-20 23:39:21.034  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_pa_switch_set: ucontrol->value.integer.value[0]=0
06-20 23:39:21.040  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_startup: capture enter
06-20 23:39:21.040  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_startup: capture enter
06-20 23:39:21.041  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_hw_params: requested rate: 0, sample size: 32
06-20 23:39:21.041  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_hw_params: requested rate: 0, sample size: 32
06-20 23:39:21.044  root     0     0 I qcom_rpmh DRV: apps_rsc TCS Busy, retrying RPMH message send: addr=0x30090
06-20 23:39:21.044  root     0     0 I qcom_rpmh DRV: apps_rsc TCS Busy, retrying RPMH message send: addr=0x30090
06-20 23:39:21.044  root     0     0 I qcom_rpmh DRV: apps_rsc TCS Busy, retrying RPMH message send: addr=0x30090
06-20 23:39:21.046  root     0     0 I __afe_port_start: port id: 0x1017
06-20 23:39:21.046  root     0     0 I afe_find_cal_topo_id_by_port: port id: 0x1017, dev_acdb_id: -22
06-20 23:39:21.046  root     0     0 I afe_find_cal_topo_id_by_port: top_id:1000ff00 acdb_id:102 afe_port:0x1017
06-20 23:39:21.046  root     0     0 I afe_get_cal_topology_id: port_id = 0x1017 acdb_id = 102 topology_id = 0x1000ff00 cal_type_index=8 ret=0
06-20 23:39:21.047  root     0     0 I afe_send_port_topology_id: AFE set topology id 0x1000ff00  enable for port 0x1017 ret 0
06-20 23:39:21.047  root     0     0 I send_afe_cal_type: cal_index is 1
06-20 23:39:21.047  root     0     0 I send_afe_cal_type: dev_acdb_id[52] is -22
06-20 23:39:21.047  root     0     0 I send_afe_cal_type: Sending cal_index cal 1
06-20 23:39:21.048  root     0     0 I afe_send_hw_delay: port_id 0x1017 rate 48000 delay_usec 578 status 0
06-20 23:39:21.055  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_mute: mute state=0
06-20 23:39:21.055  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_mute: mute state=0
06-20 23:39:21.061  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_startup: playback enter
06-20 23:39:21.061  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_startup: playback enter
06-20 23:39:21.062  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_hw_params: requested rate: 48000, sample size: 32
06-20 23:39:21.063  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_hw_params: width = 32
06-20 23:39:21.063  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_hw_params: requested rate: 48000, sample size: 32
06-20 23:39:21.064  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_hw_params: width = 32
06-20 23:39:21.066  root     0     0 I __afe_port_start: port id: 0x1016
06-20 23:39:21.066  root     0     0 I afe_find_cal_topo_id_by_port: port id: 0x1016, dev_acdb_id: 15
06-20 23:39:21.066  root     0     0 I afe_find_cal_topo_id_by_port: top_id:1000ff01 acdb_id:15 afe_port_id:0x1016
06-20 23:39:21.066  root     0     0 I afe_get_cal_topology_id: port_id = 0x1016 acdb_id = 15 topology_id = 0x1000ff01 cal_type_index=8 ret=0
06-20 23:39:21.066  root     0     0 I afe_send_port_topology_id: AFE set topology id 0x1000ff01  enable for port 0x1016 ret 0
06-20 23:39:21.067  root     0     0 I send_afe_cal_type: cal_index is 0
06-20 23:39:21.067  root     0     0 I send_afe_cal_type: dev_acdb_id[51] is 15
06-20 23:39:21.067  root     0     0 I afe_find_cal: cal_index 0 port_id 0x1016 port_index 51
06-20 23:39:21.067  root     0     0 I afe_find_cal: acdb_id 15 dev_acdb_id 15 sample_rate 48000 afe_sample_rates 48000
06-20 23:39:21.067  root     0     0 I afe_find_cal: cal block is a match, size is 4556
06-20 23:39:21.067  root     0     0 I send_afe_cal_type: Sending cal_index cal 0
06-20 23:39:21.067  root     0     0 I afe_send_hw_delay: port_id 0x1016 rate 48000 delay_usec 474 status 0
06-20 23:39:21.071  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_mute: mute state=0
06-20 23:39:21.071  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_smartpa_cfg: flag = 1, power status = 0
06-20 23:39:21.071  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_start: enter
06-20 23:39:21.071  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_run_i2s_tx: enter
06-20 23:39:21.072  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_run_pwd: enter
06-20 23:39:21.080  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_clear_sysint: get_sysint=0x4395
06-20 23:39:21.080  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_clear_sysint: get_sysint=0x0000
06-20 23:39:21.080  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_run_mute: enter
06-20 23:39:21.080  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 180 , 0xf0
06-20 23:39:21.083  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 168 , 0xe0
06-20 23:39:21.085  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 156 , 0xd0
06-20 23:39:21.087  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 144 , 0xc0
06-20 23:39:21.089  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 132 , 0xb0
06-20 23:39:21.091  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 120 , 0xa0
06-20 23:39:21.093  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 108 , 0x90
06-20 23:39:21.096  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 96 , 0x80
06-20 23:39:21.098  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 84 , 0x70
06-20 23:39:21.100  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 72 , 0x60
06-20 23:39:21.102  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 60 , 0x50
06-20 23:39:21.104  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 48 , 0x40
06-20 23:39:21.106  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 36 , 0x30
06-20 23:39:21.108  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 24 , 0x20
06-20 23:39:21.110  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 12 , 0x10
06-20 23:39:21.112  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 0 , 0x0
06-20 23:39:21.114  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 0 , 0x0
06-20 23:39:21.115  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_cali_re_to_dsp: cali re = 0x647e
06-20 23:39:21.115  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_monitor_start: enter
06-20 23:39:21.115  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_mute: mute state=0
06-20 23:39:21.115  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_smartpa_cfg: flag = 1, power status = 0
06-20 23:39:21.115  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_start: enter
06-20 23:39:21.115  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_run_i2s_tx: enter
06-20 23:39:21.116  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_run_pwd: enter
06-20 23:39:21.118  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_monitor_get_data: vol: ipeak = 0x9, gain = 0x2, vmax = 0xffe81992
06-20 23:39:21.118  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_monitor_get_data: temp: ipeak = 0xa, gain = 0x0, vmax = 0x0
06-20 23:39:21.118  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_monitor_set_ipeak: ipeak = 0x9, no change
06-20 23:39:21.118  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 2 , 0x2
06-20 23:39:21.118  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_monitor_set_gain: set_volume = 1.0 dB
06-20 23:39:21.119  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_monitor_set_vmax: set vmax = 0xffe81992
06-20 23:39:21.124  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_clear_sysint: get_sysint=0x4395
06-20 23:39:21.124  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_clear_sysint: get_sysint=0x0000
06-20 23:39:21.124  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_run_mute: enter
06-20 23:39:21.125  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 180 , 0xf0
06-20 23:39:21.127  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 168 , 0xe0
06-20 23:39:21.129  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 156 , 0xd0
06-20 23:39:21.131  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 144 , 0xc0
06-20 23:39:21.133  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 132 , 0xb0
06-20 23:39:21.135  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 120 , 0xa0
06-20 23:39:21.137  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 108 , 0x90
06-20 23:39:21.139  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 96 , 0x80
06-20 23:39:21.141  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 84 , 0x70
06-20 23:39:21.143  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 72 , 0x60
06-20 23:39:21.146  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 60 , 0x50
06-20 23:39:21.148  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 48 , 0x40
06-20 23:39:21.150  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 36 , 0x30
06-20 23:39:21.152  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 24 , 0x20
06-20 23:39:21.154  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 12 , 0x10
06-20 23:39:21.156  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 0 , 0x0
06-20 23:39:21.158  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 0 , 0x0
06-20 23:39:21.158  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_cali_re_to_dsp: cali re = 0x75d2
06-20 23:39:21.158  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_monitor_start: enter
06-20 23:39:21.160  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_monitor_get_data: vol: ipeak = 0x9, gain = 0x2, vmax = 0xffe81992
06-20 23:39:21.160  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_monitor_get_data: temp: ipeak = 0xa, gain = 0x0, vmax = 0x0
06-20 23:39:21.161  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_monitor_set_ipeak: ipeak = 0x9, no change
06-20 23:39:21.162  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 2 , 0x2
06-20 23:39:21.162  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_monitor_set_gain: set_volume = 1.0 dB
06-20 23:39:21.162  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_monitor_set_vmax: set vmax = 0xffe81992
06-20 23:39:21.294  1000  1698  1778 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1214 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2911 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal:1179 
06-20 23:39:21.295  1000  1698  1778 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1264 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2215 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2915 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 
06-20 23:39:21.296  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{6b0609d 2298:com.android.systemui/u0a146} (pid=2298, uid=10146) requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:39:21.296  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver requires android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:39:21.297  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{6b0609d 2298:com.android.systemui/u0a146} (pid=2298, uid=10146) requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:39:21.297  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{78c0260 2492:com.android.phone/1001} (pid=2492, uid=1001) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:39:21.297  1000  1698  1778 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1264 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2215 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2922 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 
06-20 23:39:21.297  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:39:21.298  1000  1698  1778 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1264 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2215 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2926 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 
06-20 23:39:21.300  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{78c0260 2492:com.android.phone/1001} (pid=2492, uid=1001) excludes appop android:fine_location due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:39:21.300  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{6b0609d 2298:com.android.systemui/u0a146} (pid=2298, uid=10146) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:39:21.300  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{78c0260 2492:com.android.phone/1001} (pid=2492, uid=1001) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:39:21.300  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver requires android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:39:21.334  1000  1698  1778 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1214 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2911 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal:1179 
06-20 23:39:21.335  1000  1698  1778 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1264 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2215 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2915 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 
06-20 23:39:21.335  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{6b0609d 2298:com.android.systemui/u0a146} (pid=2298, uid=10146) requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:39:21.336  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver requires android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:39:21.337  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{6b0609d 2298:com.android.systemui/u0a146} (pid=2298, uid=10146) requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:39:21.338  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{78c0260 2492:com.android.phone/1001} (pid=2492, uid=1001) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:39:21.338  1000  1698  1778 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1264 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2215 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2922 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 
06-20 23:39:21.338  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:39:21.339  1000  1698  1778 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1264 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2215 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2926 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 
06-20 23:39:21.339  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{78c0260 2492:com.android.phone/1001} (pid=2492, uid=1001) excludes appop android:fine_location due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:39:21.340  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver requires android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:39:21.340  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{6b0609d 2298:com.android.systemui/u0a146} (pid=2298, uid=10146) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:39:21.340  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{78c0260 2492:com.android.phone/1001} (pid=2492, uid=1001) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:39:21.376  root     0     0 I IRQ 5   : no longer affine to CPU4
06-20 23:39:21.490  1000  1698  2569 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1214 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2911 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal:1179 
06-20 23:39:21.491  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{6b0609d 2298:com.android.systemui/u0a146} (pid=2298, uid=10146) requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:39:21.491  1000  1698  2569 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1264 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2215 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2915 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 
06-20 23:39:21.492  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver requires android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:39:21.494  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{6b0609d 2298:com.android.systemui/u0a146} (pid=2298, uid=10146) requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:39:21.495  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{78c0260 2492:com.android.phone/1001} (pid=2492, uid=1001) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:39:21.495  1000  1698  2569 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1264 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2215 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2922 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 
06-20 23:39:21.495  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:39:21.497  1000  1698  2569 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1264 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2215 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2926 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 
06-20 23:39:21.497  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{78c0260 2492:com.android.phone/1001} (pid=2492, uid=1001) excludes appop android:fine_location due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:39:21.498  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver requires android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:39:21.499  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{6b0609d 2298:com.android.systemui/u0a146} (pid=2298, uid=10146) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:39:21.499  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{78c0260 2492:com.android.phone/1001} (pid=2492, uid=1001) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:39:21.531  1000  1698  8161 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1214 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2911 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal:1179 
06-20 23:39:21.533  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{6b0609d 2298:com.android.systemui/u0a146} (pid=2298, uid=10146) requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:39:21.534  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver requires android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:39:21.535  1000  1698  8161 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1264 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2215 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2915 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 
06-20 23:39:21.536  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{6b0609d 2298:com.android.systemui/u0a146} (pid=2298, uid=10146) requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:39:21.537  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{78c0260 2492:com.android.phone/1001} (pid=2492, uid=1001) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:39:21.537  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:39:21.538  1000  1698  8161 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1264 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2215 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2922 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 
06-20 23:39:21.540  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{78c0260 2492:com.android.phone/1001} (pid=2492, uid=1001) excludes appop android:fine_location due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:39:21.540  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver requires android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:39:21.541  1000  1698  8161 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1264 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2215 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2926 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 
06-20 23:39:21.542  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{6b0609d 2298:com.android.systemui/u0a146} (pid=2298, uid=10146) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:39:21.542  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{78c0260 2492:com.android.phone/1001} (pid=2492, uid=1001) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:39:21.547  1000  1698  2230 W NetworkPolicy: shared quota unsupported; generating rule for each iface
06-20 23:39:21.561  1000  1698  2230 W NetworkPolicy: shared quota unsupported; generating rule for each iface
06-20 23:39:21.613  1000  1698  8161 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1214 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2911 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal:1179 
06-20 23:39:21.614  1000  1698  8161 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1264 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2215 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2915 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 
06-20 23:39:21.614  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{6b0609d 2298:com.android.systemui/u0a146} (pid=2298, uid=10146) requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:39:21.615  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver requires android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:39:21.616  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{6b0609d 2298:com.android.systemui/u0a146} (pid=2298, uid=10146) requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:39:21.617  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{78c0260 2492:com.android.phone/1001} (pid=2492, uid=1001) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:39:21.617  1000  1698  8161 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1264 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2215 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2922 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 
06-20 23:39:21.617  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:39:21.618  1000  1698  8161 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1264 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2215 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2926 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 
06-20 23:39:21.619  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{78c0260 2492:com.android.phone/1001} (pid=2492, uid=1001) excludes appop android:fine_location due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:39:21.619  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver requires android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:39:21.620  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{6b0609d 2298:com.android.systemui/u0a146} (pid=2298, uid=10146) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:39:21.621  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{78c0260 2492:com.android.phone/1001} (pid=2492, uid=1001) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:39:21.675  root     0     0 I IRQ 5   : no longer affine to CPU5
06-20 23:39:21.867  root     0     0 E gsi soc : qcom,msm_gsi: gsi_config_channel_mode:3832 already in requested mode 1 chan_hdl=6
06-20 23:39:22.375  root     0     0 I IRQ 5   : no longer affine to CPU4
06-20 23:39:22.542  1000  1698  2230 W NetworkPolicy: shared quota unsupported; generating rule for each iface
06-20 23:39:23.946  1000  1698  2205 D ActivityManager: freezing 4125 org.calyxos.backup.contacts
06-20 23:39:23.948  1000  1698  2205 D ActivityManager: froze 4125 org.calyxos.backup.contacts
06-20 23:39:24.090  1000  1698  2205 D ActivityManager: freezing 2515 com.android.settings
06-20 23:39:24.092  1000  1698  2205 D ActivityManager: froze 2515 com.android.settings
06-20 23:39:24.096  1000  1698  2205 D ActivityManager: freezing 4141 org.lineageos.updater
06-20 23:39:24.097  1000  1698  2205 D ActivityManager: froze 4141 org.lineageos.updater
06-20 23:39:24.265  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_mute: mute state=1
06-20 23:39:24.265  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_smartpa_cfg: flag = 0, power status = 2
06-20 23:39:24.265  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_stop: enter
06-20 23:39:24.265  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_monitor_stop: enter
06-20 23:39:24.266  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_stop: get_sysint=0x0000
06-20 23:39:24.266  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_run_mute: enter
06-20 23:39:24.266  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 2 , 0x2
06-20 23:39:24.269  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 14 , 0x12
06-20 23:39:24.271  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 26 , 0x22
06-20 23:39:24.273  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 38 , 0x32
06-20 23:39:24.277  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 50 , 0x42
06-20 23:39:24.279  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 62 , 0x52
06-20 23:39:24.281  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 74 , 0x62
06-20 23:39:24.283  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 86 , 0x72
06-20 23:39:24.285  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 98 , 0x82
06-20 23:39:24.289  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 110 , 0x92
06-20 23:39:24.293  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 122 , 0xa2
06-20 23:39:24.295  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 134 , 0xb2
06-20 23:39:24.297  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 146 , 0xc2
06-20 23:39:24.299  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 158 , 0xd2
06-20 23:39:24.301  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 170 , 0xe2
06-20 23:39:24.303  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 180 , 0xf0
06-20 23:39:24.303  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_run_i2s_tx: enter
06-20 23:39:24.304  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_run_pwd: enter
06-20 23:39:24.304  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_mute: mute state=1
06-20 23:39:24.304  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_smartpa_cfg: flag = 0, power status = 2
06-20 23:39:24.304  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_stop: enter
06-20 23:39:24.304  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_monitor_stop: enter
06-20 23:39:24.304  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_stop: get_sysint=0x0000
06-20 23:39:24.304  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_run_mute: enter
06-20 23:39:24.305  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 2 , 0x2
06-20 23:39:24.308  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 14 , 0x12
06-20 23:39:24.310  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 26 , 0x22
06-20 23:39:24.312  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 38 , 0x32
06-20 23:39:24.314  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 50 , 0x42
06-20 23:39:24.316  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 62 , 0x52
06-20 23:39:24.318  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 74 , 0x62
06-20 23:39:24.320  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 86 , 0x72
06-20 23:39:24.323  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 98 , 0x82
06-20 23:39:24.325  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 110 , 0x92
06-20 23:39:24.327  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 122 , 0xa2
06-20 23:39:24.329  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 134 , 0xb2
06-20 23:39:24.331  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 146 , 0xc2
06-20 23:39:24.333  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 158 , 0xd2
06-20 23:39:24.335  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 170 , 0xe2
06-20 23:39:24.337  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 180 , 0xf0
06-20 23:39:24.338  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_run_i2s_tx: enter
06-20 23:39:24.338  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_run_pwd: enter
06-20 23:39:24.348  root     0     0 I afe_close: port_id = 0x1016
06-20 23:39:24.354  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_pa_switch_get: aw882xx_pa_switch=0
06-20 23:39:24.354  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_pa_switch_set: ucontrol->value.integer.value[0]=1
06-20 23:39:24.354  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_pa_switch_get: aw882xx_pa_switch=0
06-20 23:39:24.354  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_pa_switch_set: ucontrol->value.integer.value[0]=1
06-20 23:39:24.354  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_mute: mute state=1
06-20 23:39:24.354  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_mute: mute state=1
06-20 23:39:24.356  root     0     0 I afe_close: port_id = 0x1017
06-20 23:39:25.909  1000  1698  2205 D ActivityManager: freezing 3563 com.android.printspooler
06-20 23:39:25.910  1000  1698  2205 D ActivityManager: froze 3563 com.android.printspooler
06-20 23:39:30.831  1000  1698  1698 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 168419799; UID 1000; state: DISABLED
06-20 23:39:36.084  1000  1698  8791 I BackgroundDexOptService: Pinning optimized code {}
06-20 23:39:38.982  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_pa_switch_get: aw882xx_pa_switch=1
06-20 23:39:38.983  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_pa_switch_set: ucontrol->value.integer.value[0]=0
06-20 23:39:38.983  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_pa_switch_get: aw882xx_pa_switch=1
06-20 23:39:38.983  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_pa_switch_set: ucontrol->value.integer.value[0]=0
06-20 23:39:38.988  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_startup: capture enter
06-20 23:39:38.988  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_startup: capture enter
06-20 23:39:38.988  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_hw_params: requested rate: 0, sample size: 32
06-20 23:39:38.988  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_hw_params: requested rate: 0, sample size: 32
06-20 23:39:38.990  root     0     0 I __afe_port_start: port id: 0x1017
06-20 23:39:38.990  root     0     0 I afe_find_cal_topo_id_by_port: port id: 0x1017, dev_acdb_id: -22
06-20 23:39:38.990  root     0     0 I afe_find_cal_topo_id_by_port: top_id:1000ff00 acdb_id:102 afe_port:0x1017
06-20 23:39:38.990  root     0     0 I afe_get_cal_topology_id: port_id = 0x1017 acdb_id = 102 topology_id = 0x1000ff00 cal_type_index=8 ret=0
06-20 23:39:38.991  root     0     0 I afe_send_port_topology_id: AFE set topology id 0x1000ff00  enable for port 0x1017 ret 0
06-20 23:39:38.991  root     0     0 I send_afe_cal_type: cal_index is 1
06-20 23:39:38.991  root     0     0 I send_afe_cal_type: dev_acdb_id[52] is -22
06-20 23:39:38.991  root     0     0 I send_afe_cal_type: Sending cal_index cal 1
06-20 23:39:38.992  root     0     0 I afe_send_hw_delay: port_id 0x1017 rate 48000 delay_usec 578 status 0
06-20 23:39:38.998  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_mute: mute state=0
06-20 23:39:38.998  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_mute: mute state=0
06-20 23:39:39.005  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_startup: playback enter
06-20 23:39:39.005  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_startup: playback enter
06-20 23:39:39.005  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_hw_params: requested rate: 48000, sample size: 32
06-20 23:39:39.006  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_hw_params: width = 32
06-20 23:39:39.007  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_hw_params: requested rate: 48000, sample size: 32
06-20 23:39:39.007  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_hw_params: width = 32
06-20 23:39:39.009  root     0     0 I __afe_port_start: port id: 0x1016
06-20 23:39:39.009  root     0     0 I afe_find_cal_topo_id_by_port: port id: 0x1016, dev_acdb_id: 15
06-20 23:39:39.009  root     0     0 I afe_find_cal_topo_id_by_port: top_id:1000ff01 acdb_id:15 afe_port_id:0x1016
06-20 23:39:39.009  root     0     0 I afe_get_cal_topology_id: port_id = 0x1016 acdb_id = 15 topology_id = 0x1000ff01 cal_type_index=8 ret=0
06-20 23:39:39.010  root     0     0 I afe_send_port_topology_id: AFE set topology id 0x1000ff01  enable for port 0x1016 ret 0
06-20 23:39:39.010  root     0     0 I send_afe_cal_type: cal_index is 0
06-20 23:39:39.010  root     0     0 I send_afe_cal_type: dev_acdb_id[51] is 15
06-20 23:39:39.010  root     0     0 I afe_find_cal: cal_index 0 port_id 0x1016 port_index 51
06-20 23:39:39.010  root     0     0 I afe_find_cal: acdb_id 15 dev_acdb_id 15 sample_rate 48000 afe_sample_rates 48000
06-20 23:39:39.010  root     0     0 I afe_find_cal: cal block is a match, size is 4556
06-20 23:39:39.010  root     0     0 I send_afe_cal_type: Sending cal_index cal 0
06-20 23:39:39.010  root     0     0 I afe_send_hw_delay: port_id 0x1016 rate 48000 delay_usec 474 status 0
06-20 23:39:39.014  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_mute: mute state=0
06-20 23:39:39.014  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_smartpa_cfg: flag = 1, power status = 0
06-20 23:39:39.014  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_start: enter
06-20 23:39:39.014  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_run_i2s_tx: enter
06-20 23:39:39.014  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_run_pwd: enter
06-20 23:39:39.020  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_clear_sysint: get_sysint=0x4395
06-20 23:39:39.020  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_clear_sysint: get_sysint=0x0000
06-20 23:39:39.020  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_run_mute: enter
06-20 23:39:39.020  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 180 , 0xf0
06-20 23:39:39.022  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 168 , 0xe0
06-20 23:39:39.024  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 156 , 0xd0
06-20 23:39:39.026  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 144 , 0xc0
06-20 23:39:39.028  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 132 , 0xb0
06-20 23:39:39.030  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 120 , 0xa0
06-20 23:39:39.032  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 108 , 0x90
06-20 23:39:39.034  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 96 , 0x80
06-20 23:39:39.036  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 84 , 0x70
06-20 23:39:39.038  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 72 , 0x60
06-20 23:39:39.040  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 60 , 0x50
06-20 23:39:39.042  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 48 , 0x40
06-20 23:39:39.044  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 36 , 0x30
06-20 23:39:39.046  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 24 , 0x20
06-20 23:39:39.048  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 12 , 0x10
06-20 23:39:39.050  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 0 , 0x0
06-20 23:39:39.052  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 0 , 0x0
06-20 23:39:39.052  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_cali_re_to_dsp: cali re = 0x647e
06-20 23:39:39.052  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_monitor_start: enter
06-20 23:39:39.052  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_mute: mute state=0
06-20 23:39:39.052  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_smartpa_cfg: flag = 1, power status = 0
06-20 23:39:39.052  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_start: enter
06-20 23:39:39.052  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_run_i2s_tx: enter
06-20 23:39:39.053  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_run_pwd: enter
06-20 23:39:39.053  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_monitor_get_data: vol: ipeak = 0x9, gain = 0x2, vmax = 0xffe81992
06-20 23:39:39.053  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_monitor_get_data: temp: ipeak = 0xa, gain = 0x0, vmax = 0x0
06-20 23:39:39.054  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_monitor_set_ipeak: ipeak = 0x9, no change
06-20 23:39:39.054  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 2 , 0x2
06-20 23:39:39.054  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_monitor_set_gain: set_volume = 1.0 dB
06-20 23:39:39.054  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_monitor_set_vmax: set vmax = 0xffe81992
06-20 23:39:39.059  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_clear_sysint: get_sysint=0x4395
06-20 23:39:39.059  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_clear_sysint: get_sysint=0x0000
06-20 23:39:39.060  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_run_mute: enter
06-20 23:39:39.060  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 180 , 0xf0
06-20 23:39:39.062  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 168 , 0xe0
06-20 23:39:39.064  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 156 , 0xd0
06-20 23:39:39.066  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 144 , 0xc0
06-20 23:39:39.068  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 132 , 0xb0
06-20 23:39:39.070  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 120 , 0xa0
06-20 23:39:39.072  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 108 , 0x90
06-20 23:39:39.074  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 96 , 0x80
06-20 23:39:39.076  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 84 , 0x70
06-20 23:39:39.078  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 72 , 0x60
06-20 23:39:39.080  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 60 , 0x50
06-20 23:39:39.082  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 48 , 0x40
06-20 23:39:39.084  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 36 , 0x30
06-20 23:39:39.086  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 24 , 0x20
06-20 23:39:39.088  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 12 , 0x10
06-20 23:39:39.090  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 0 , 0x0
06-20 23:39:39.092  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 0 , 0x0
06-20 23:39:39.092  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_cali_re_to_dsp: cali re = 0x75d2
06-20 23:39:39.093  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_monitor_start: enter
06-20 23:39:39.094  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_monitor_get_data: vol: ipeak = 0x9, gain = 0x2, vmax = 0xffe81992
06-20 23:39:39.094  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_monitor_get_data: temp: ipeak = 0xa, gain = 0x0, vmax = 0x0
06-20 23:39:39.094  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_monitor_set_ipeak: ipeak = 0x9, no change
06-20 23:39:39.095  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 2 , 0x2
06-20 23:39:39.095  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_monitor_set_gain: set_volume = 1.0 dB
06-20 23:39:39.095  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_monitor_set_vmax: set vmax = 0xffe81992
06-20 23:39:42.126  1000  1698  2230 W NetworkPolicy: shared quota unsupported; generating rule for each iface
06-20 23:39:42.197  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_mute: mute state=1
06-20 23:39:42.197  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_smartpa_cfg: flag = 0, power status = 2
06-20 23:39:42.197  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_stop: enter
06-20 23:39:42.197  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_monitor_stop: enter
06-20 23:39:42.197  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_stop: get_sysint=0x0000
06-20 23:39:42.197  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_run_mute: enter
06-20 23:39:42.197  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 2 , 0x2
06-20 23:39:42.199  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 14 , 0x12
06-20 23:39:42.201  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 26 , 0x22
06-20 23:39:42.203  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 38 , 0x32
06-20 23:39:42.205  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 50 , 0x42
06-20 23:39:42.207  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 62 , 0x52
06-20 23:39:42.209  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 74 , 0x62
06-20 23:39:42.211  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 86 , 0x72
06-20 23:39:42.214  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 98 , 0x82
06-20 23:39:42.216  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 110 , 0x92
06-20 23:39:42.218  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 122 , 0xa2
06-20 23:39:42.220  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 134 , 0xb2
06-20 23:39:42.222  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 146 , 0xc2
06-20 23:39:42.224  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 158 , 0xd2
06-20 23:39:42.226  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 170 , 0xe2
06-20 23:39:42.228  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 180 , 0xf0
06-20 23:39:42.229  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_run_i2s_tx: enter
06-20 23:39:42.229  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_run_pwd: enter
06-20 23:39:42.230  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_mute: mute state=1
06-20 23:39:42.230  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_smartpa_cfg: flag = 0, power status = 2
06-20 23:39:42.230  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_stop: enter
06-20 23:39:42.230  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_monitor_stop: enter
06-20 23:39:42.230  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_stop: get_sysint=0x0000
06-20 23:39:42.230  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_run_mute: enter
06-20 23:39:42.231  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 2 , 0x2
06-20 23:39:42.233  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 14 , 0x12
06-20 23:39:42.235  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 26 , 0x22
06-20 23:39:42.237  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 38 , 0x32
06-20 23:39:42.240  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 50 , 0x42
06-20 23:39:42.242  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 62 , 0x52
06-20 23:39:42.244  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 74 , 0x62
06-20 23:39:42.246  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 86 , 0x72
06-20 23:39:42.248  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 98 , 0x82
06-20 23:39:42.250  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 110 , 0x92
06-20 23:39:42.252  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 122 , 0xa2
06-20 23:39:42.254  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 134 , 0xb2
06-20 23:39:42.256  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 146 , 0xc2
06-20 23:39:42.258  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 158 , 0xd2
06-20 23:39:42.260  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 170 , 0xe2
06-20 23:39:42.262  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 180 , 0xf0
06-20 23:39:42.262  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_run_i2s_tx: enter
06-20 23:39:42.263  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_run_pwd: enter
06-20 23:39:42.270  root     0     0 I afe_close: port_id = 0x1016
06-20 23:39:42.278  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_pa_switch_get: aw882xx_pa_switch=0
06-20 23:39:42.278  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_pa_switch_set: ucontrol->value.integer.value[0]=1
06-20 23:39:42.278  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_pa_switch_get: aw882xx_pa_switch=0
06-20 23:39:42.278  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_pa_switch_set: ucontrol->value.integer.value[0]=1
06-20 23:39:42.278  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_mute: mute state=1
06-20 23:39:42.278  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_mute: mute state=1
06-20 23:39:42.281  root     0     0 I afe_close: port_id = 0x1017
06-20 23:39:45.611  1000  1698  2205 D ActivityManager: freezing 3589 com.android.providers.calendar
06-20 23:39:45.612  1000  1698  2205 D ActivityManager: froze 3589 com.android.providers.calendar
06-20 23:39:48.714  root     0     0 E gsi soc : qcom,msm_gsi: gsi_stop_channel:2995 chan=7 busy try again
06-20 23:39:50.470  1000  1698  2205 D ActivityManager: freezing 3447 foundation.e.calendar
06-20 23:39:50.472  1000  1698  2205 D ActivityManager: froze 3447 foundation.e.calendar
06-20 23:39:51.307  root     0     0 I perf    : interrupt took too long (3156 > 3132), lowering kernel.perf_event_max_sample_rate to 63250
06-20 23:39:51.683  root     0     0 E QG-K    : process_udata_work: userspace write rbat=109, esr=67
06-20 23:39:51.696  root     0     0 W healthd : battery l=55 v=3794 t=35.3 h=2 st=3 c=-1127625 fc=3916000 cc=0 chg=
06-20 23:39:51.712  1000  1698  2015 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
06-20 23:39:51.712  1000  1698  2015 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu6/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
06-20 23:39:51.712  root     0     0 W healthd : battery l=55 v=3794 t=35.3 h=2 st=3 c=-1127625 fc=3916000 cc=0 chg=
06-20 23:39:51.716  1000  1698  2015 E KernelCpuUidActiveTimeReader: Negative delta from active time for uid: 1053, delta: -4
06-20 23:39:51.717  1000  1698  2015 E KernelCpuUidActiveTimeReader: Negative delta from active time for uid: 10135, delta: -15
06-20 23:39:51.717  1000  1698  2015 E KernelCpuUidActiveTimeReader: Negative delta from active time for uid: 10133, delta: -20
06-20 23:39:51.717  1000  1698  2015 E KernelCpuUidActiveTimeReader: Negative delta from active time for uid: 1072, delta: -5
06-20 23:39:51.717  1000  1698  2015 E KernelCpuUidActiveTimeReader: Negative delta from active time for uid: 10102, delta: -3
06-20 23:39:51.717  1000  1698  2015 E KernelCpuUidActiveTimeReader: Negative delta from active time for uid: 10152, delta: -4
06-20 23:39:51.717  1000  1698  2015 E KernelCpuUidActiveTimeReader: Negative delta from active time for uid: 10147, delta: -8
06-20 23:39:51.718  1000  1698  2015 E KernelCpuUidActiveTimeReader: Negative delta from active time for uid: 1068, delta: -7
06-20 23:39:51.718  1000  1698  2015 E KernelCpuUidActiveTimeReader: Negative delta from active time for uid: 10116, delta: -6
06-20 23:39:51.855  root     0     0 I IRQ 5   : no longer affine to CPU5
06-20 23:39:54.290  1000  1698  2205 D ActivityManager: freezing 4371 com.android.permissioncontroller
06-20 23:39:54.292  1000  1698  2205 D ActivityManager: froze 4371 com.android.permissioncontroller
06-20 23:39:57.959  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_pa_switch_get: aw882xx_pa_switch=1
06-20 23:39:57.960  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_pa_switch_set: ucontrol->value.integer.value[0]=0
06-20 23:39:57.960  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_pa_switch_get: aw882xx_pa_switch=1
06-20 23:39:57.961  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_pa_switch_set: ucontrol->value.integer.value[0]=0
06-20 23:39:57.965  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_startup: capture enter
06-20 23:39:57.965  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_startup: capture enter
06-20 23:39:57.966  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_hw_params: requested rate: 0, sample size: 32
06-20 23:39:57.966  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_hw_params: requested rate: 0, sample size: 32
06-20 23:39:57.967  root     0     0 I __afe_port_start: port id: 0x1017
06-20 23:39:57.967  root     0     0 I afe_find_cal_topo_id_by_port: port id: 0x1017, dev_acdb_id: -22
06-20 23:39:57.967  root     0     0 I afe_find_cal_topo_id_by_port: top_id:1000ff00 acdb_id:102 afe_port:0x1017
06-20 23:39:57.967  root     0     0 I afe_get_cal_topology_id: port_id = 0x1017 acdb_id = 102 topology_id = 0x1000ff00 cal_type_index=8 ret=0
06-20 23:39:57.969  root     0     0 I afe_send_port_topology_id: AFE set topology id 0x1000ff00  enable for port 0x1017 ret 0
06-20 23:39:57.969  root     0     0 I send_afe_cal_type: cal_index is 1
06-20 23:39:57.969  root     0     0 I send_afe_cal_type: dev_acdb_id[52] is -22
06-20 23:39:57.969  root     0     0 I send_afe_cal_type: Sending cal_index cal 1
06-20 23:39:57.969  root     0     0 I afe_send_hw_delay: port_id 0x1017 rate 48000 delay_usec 578 status 0
06-20 23:39:57.977  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_mute: mute state=0
06-20 23:39:57.977  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_mute: mute state=0
06-20 23:39:57.980  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_startup: playback enter
06-20 23:39:57.980  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_startup: playback enter
06-20 23:39:57.980  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_hw_params: requested rate: 48000, sample size: 32
06-20 23:39:57.981  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_hw_params: width = 32
06-20 23:39:57.982  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_hw_params: requested rate: 48000, sample size: 32
06-20 23:39:57.982  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_hw_params: width = 32
06-20 23:39:57.984  root     0     0 I __afe_port_start: port id: 0x1016
06-20 23:39:57.984  root     0     0 I afe_find_cal_topo_id_by_port: port id: 0x1016, dev_acdb_id: 15
06-20 23:39:57.984  root     0     0 I afe_find_cal_topo_id_by_port: top_id:1000ff01 acdb_id:15 afe_port_id:0x1016
06-20 23:39:57.984  root     0     0 I afe_get_cal_topology_id: port_id = 0x1016 acdb_id = 15 topology_id = 0x1000ff01 cal_type_index=8 ret=0
06-20 23:39:57.985  root     0     0 I afe_send_port_topology_id: AFE set topology id 0x1000ff01  enable for port 0x1016 ret 0
06-20 23:39:57.985  root     0     0 I send_afe_cal_type: cal_index is 0
06-20 23:39:57.985  root     0     0 I send_afe_cal_type: dev_acdb_id[51] is 15
06-20 23:39:57.985  root     0     0 I afe_find_cal: cal_index 0 port_id 0x1016 port_index 51
06-20 23:39:57.985  root     0     0 I afe_find_cal: acdb_id 15 dev_acdb_id 15 sample_rate 48000 afe_sample_rates 48000
06-20 23:39:57.985  root     0     0 I afe_find_cal: cal block is a match, size is 4556
06-20 23:39:57.985  root     0     0 I send_afe_cal_type: Sending cal_index cal 0
06-20 23:39:57.986  root     0     0 I afe_send_hw_delay: port_id 0x1016 rate 48000 delay_usec 474 status 0
06-20 23:39:57.990  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_mute: mute state=0
06-20 23:39:57.990  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_smartpa_cfg: flag = 1, power status = 0
06-20 23:39:57.990  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_start: enter
06-20 23:39:57.990  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_run_i2s_tx: enter
06-20 23:39:57.990  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_run_pwd: enter
06-20 23:39:57.996  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_clear_sysint: get_sysint=0x4395
06-20 23:39:57.996  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_clear_sysint: get_sysint=0x0000
06-20 23:39:57.997  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_run_mute: enter
06-20 23:39:57.997  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 180 , 0xf0
06-20 23:39:57.999  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 168 , 0xe0
06-20 23:39:58.002  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 156 , 0xd0
06-20 23:39:58.004  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 144 , 0xc0
06-20 23:39:58.006  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 132 , 0xb0
06-20 23:39:58.008  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 120 , 0xa0
06-20 23:39:58.010  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 108 , 0x90
06-20 23:39:58.012  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 96 , 0x80
06-20 23:39:58.014  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 84 , 0x70
06-20 23:39:58.016  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 72 , 0x60
06-20 23:39:58.018  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 60 , 0x50
06-20 23:39:58.020  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 48 , 0x40
06-20 23:39:58.022  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 36 , 0x30
06-20 23:39:58.024  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 24 , 0x20
06-20 23:39:58.026  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 12 , 0x10
06-20 23:39:58.028  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 0 , 0x0
06-20 23:39:58.030  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 0 , 0x0
06-20 23:39:58.030  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_cali_re_to_dsp: cali re = 0x647e
06-20 23:39:58.030  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_monitor_start: enter
06-20 23:39:58.030  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_mute: mute state=0
06-20 23:39:58.030  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_smartpa_cfg: flag = 1, power status = 0
06-20 23:39:58.030  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_start: enter
06-20 23:39:58.030  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_run_i2s_tx: enter
06-20 23:39:58.030  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_run_pwd: enter
06-20 23:39:58.031  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_monitor_get_data: vol: ipeak = 0x9, gain = 0x2, vmax = 0xffe81992
06-20 23:39:58.031  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_monitor_get_data: temp: ipeak = 0xa, gain = 0x0, vmax = 0x0
06-20 23:39:58.032  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_monitor_set_ipeak: ipeak = 0x9, no change
06-20 23:39:58.032  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 2 , 0x2
06-20 23:39:58.032  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_monitor_set_gain: set_volume = 1.0 dB
06-20 23:39:58.032  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_monitor_set_vmax: set vmax = 0xffe81992
06-20 23:39:58.035  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_clear_sysint: get_sysint=0x4395
06-20 23:39:58.035  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_clear_sysint: get_sysint=0x0000
06-20 23:39:58.036  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_run_mute: enter
06-20 23:39:58.036  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 180 , 0xf0
06-20 23:39:58.038  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 168 , 0xe0
06-20 23:39:58.040  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 156 , 0xd0
06-20 23:39:58.042  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 144 , 0xc0
06-20 23:39:58.044  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 132 , 0xb0
06-20 23:39:58.047  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 120 , 0xa0
06-20 23:39:58.049  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 108 , 0x90
06-20 23:39:58.051  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 96 , 0x80
06-20 23:39:58.053  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 84 , 0x70
06-20 23:39:58.055  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 72 , 0x60
06-20 23:39:58.057  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 60 , 0x50
06-20 23:39:58.059  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 48 , 0x40
06-20 23:39:58.061  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 36 , 0x30
06-20 23:39:58.063  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 24 , 0x20
06-20 23:39:58.065  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 12 , 0x10
06-20 23:39:58.067  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 0 , 0x0
06-20 23:39:58.069  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 0 , 0x0
06-20 23:39:58.069  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_cali_re_to_dsp: cali re = 0x75d2
06-20 23:39:58.069  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_monitor_start: enter
06-20 23:39:58.071  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_monitor_get_data: vol: ipeak = 0x9, gain = 0x2, vmax = 0xffe81992
06-20 23:39:58.071  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_monitor_get_data: temp: ipeak = 0xa, gain = 0x0, vmax = 0x0
06-20 23:39:58.072  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_monitor_set_ipeak: ipeak = 0x9, no change
06-20 23:39:58.072  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 2 , 0x2
06-20 23:39:58.072  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_monitor_set_gain: set_volume = 1.0 dB
06-20 23:39:58.072  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_monitor_set_vmax: set vmax = 0xffe81992
06-20 23:39:59.735  root     0     0 I IRQ 5   : no longer affine to CPU5
06-20 23:40:02.995  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_mute: mute state=1
06-20 23:40:02.995  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_smartpa_cfg: flag = 0, power status = 2
06-20 23:40:02.995  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_stop: enter
06-20 23:40:02.995  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_monitor_stop: enter
06-20 23:40:02.996  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_stop: get_sysint=0x0000
06-20 23:40:02.996  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_run_mute: enter
06-20 23:40:02.996  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 2 , 0x2
06-20 23:40:02.998  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 14 , 0x12
06-20 23:40:03.001  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 26 , 0x22
06-20 23:40:03.003  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 38 , 0x32
06-20 23:40:03.005  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 50 , 0x42
06-20 23:40:03.007  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 62 , 0x52
06-20 23:40:03.009  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 74 , 0x62
06-20 23:40:03.011  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 86 , 0x72
06-20 23:40:03.013  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 98 , 0x82
06-20 23:40:03.015  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 110 , 0x92
06-20 23:40:03.017  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 122 , 0xa2
06-20 23:40:03.019  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 134 , 0xb2
06-20 23:40:03.021  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 146 , 0xc2
06-20 23:40:03.024  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 158 , 0xd2
06-20 23:40:03.026  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 170 , 0xe2
06-20 23:40:03.028  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 180 , 0xf0
06-20 23:40:03.028  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_run_i2s_tx: enter
06-20 23:40:03.028  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_run_pwd: enter
06-20 23:40:03.029  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_mute: mute state=1
06-20 23:40:03.029  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_smartpa_cfg: flag = 0, power status = 2
06-20 23:40:03.029  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_stop: enter
06-20 23:40:03.029  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_monitor_stop: enter
06-20 23:40:03.029  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_stop: get_sysint=0x0000
06-20 23:40:03.029  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_run_mute: enter
06-20 23:40:03.030  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 2 , 0x2
06-20 23:40:03.032  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 14 , 0x12
06-20 23:40:03.034  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 26 , 0x22
06-20 23:40:03.036  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 38 , 0x32
06-20 23:40:03.038  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 50 , 0x42
06-20 23:40:03.040  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 62 , 0x52
06-20 23:40:03.043  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 74 , 0x62
06-20 23:40:03.045  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 86 , 0x72
06-20 23:40:03.047  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 98 , 0x82
06-20 23:40:03.049  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 110 , 0x92
06-20 23:40:03.051  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 122 , 0xa2
06-20 23:40:03.054  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 134 , 0xb2
06-20 23:40:03.056  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 146 , 0xc2
06-20 23:40:03.058  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 158 , 0xd2
06-20 23:40:03.060  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 170 , 0xe2
06-20 23:40:03.062  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 180 , 0xf0
06-20 23:40:03.062  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_run_i2s_tx: enter
06-20 23:40:03.063  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_run_pwd: enter
06-20 23:40:03.070  root     0     0 I afe_close: port_id = 0x1016
06-20 23:40:03.077  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_pa_switch_get: aw882xx_pa_switch=0
06-20 23:40:03.077  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_pa_switch_set: ucontrol->value.integer.value[0]=1
06-20 23:40:03.077  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_pa_switch_get: aw882xx_pa_switch=0
06-20 23:40:03.078  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_pa_switch_set: ucontrol->value.integer.value[0]=1
06-20 23:40:03.078  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_mute: mute state=1
06-20 23:40:03.078  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_mute: mute state=1
06-20 23:40:03.080  root     0     0 I afe_close: port_id = 0x1017
06-20 23:40:30.296  1000  1698  2230 W NetworkPolicy: shared quota unsupported; generating rule for each iface
06-20 23:40:30.297  1000  1698  1779 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1214 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2911 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal:1179 
06-20 23:40:30.298  1000  1698  1779 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1264 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2215 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2915 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 
06-20 23:40:30.298  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{6b0609d 2298:com.android.systemui/u0a146} (pid=2298, uid=10146) requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:30.299  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver requires android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:30.301  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{6b0609d 2298:com.android.systemui/u0a146} (pid=2298, uid=10146) requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:30.301  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{78c0260 2492:com.android.phone/1001} (pid=2492, uid=1001) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:30.301  1000  1698  1779 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1264 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2215 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2922 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 
06-20 23:40:30.301  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:30.303  1000  1698  1779 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1264 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2215 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2926 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 
06-20 23:40:30.303  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{78c0260 2492:com.android.phone/1001} (pid=2492, uid=1001) excludes appop android:fine_location due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:30.304  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver requires android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:30.305  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{6b0609d 2298:com.android.systemui/u0a146} (pid=2298, uid=10146) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:30.305  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{78c0260 2492:com.android.phone/1001} (pid=2492, uid=1001) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:30.326  1000  1698  2230 W NetworkPolicy: shared quota unsupported; generating rule for each iface
06-20 23:40:31.316  1000  1698  2230 W NetworkPolicy: shared quota unsupported; generating rule for each iface
06-20 23:40:32.115  1000  1698  8161 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1214 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2911 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal:1179 
06-20 23:40:32.116  1000  1698  2230 W NetworkPolicy: shared quota unsupported; generating rule for each iface
06-20 23:40:32.116  1000  1698  8161 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1264 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2215 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2915 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 
06-20 23:40:32.117  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{6b0609d 2298:com.android.systemui/u0a146} (pid=2298, uid=10146) requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:32.117  1000  1698  8161 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1264 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2215 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2922 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 
06-20 23:40:32.118  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{6b0609d 2298:com.android.systemui/u0a146} (pid=2298, uid=10146) requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:32.118  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{78c0260 2492:com.android.phone/1001} (pid=2492, uid=1001) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:32.118  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver requires android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:32.119  1000  1698  8161 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1264 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2215 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2926 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 
06-20 23:40:32.120  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{78c0260 2492:com.android.phone/1001} (pid=2492, uid=1001) excludes appop android:fine_location due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:32.120  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:32.120  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{6b0609d 2298:com.android.systemui/u0a146} (pid=2298, uid=10146) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:32.121  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{78c0260 2492:com.android.phone/1001} (pid=2492, uid=1001) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:32.121  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver requires android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:32.142  1000  1698  2230 W NetworkPolicy: shared quota unsupported; generating rule for each iface
06-20 23:40:32.162  1000  1698  8161 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1214 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2911 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal:1179 
06-20 23:40:32.162  1000  1698  8161 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1264 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2215 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2915 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 
06-20 23:40:32.163  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{6b0609d 2298:com.android.systemui/u0a146} (pid=2298, uid=10146) requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:32.163  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver requires android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:32.164  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{6b0609d 2298:com.android.systemui/u0a146} (pid=2298, uid=10146) requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:32.164  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{78c0260 2492:com.android.phone/1001} (pid=2492, uid=1001) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:32.164  1000  1698  8161 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1264 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2215 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2922 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 
06-20 23:40:32.164  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:32.165  1000  1698  8161 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1264 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2215 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2926 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 
06-20 23:40:32.165  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{78c0260 2492:com.android.phone/1001} (pid=2492, uid=1001) excludes appop android:fine_location due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:32.166  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver requires android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:32.166  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{6b0609d 2298:com.android.systemui/u0a146} (pid=2298, uid=10146) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:32.166  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{78c0260 2492:com.android.phone/1001} (pid=2492, uid=1001) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:32.281  1000  1698  2599 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1214 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2911 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal:1179 
06-20 23:40:32.282  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{6b0609d 2298:com.android.systemui/u0a146} (pid=2298, uid=10146) requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:32.283  1000  1698  2599 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1264 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2215 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2915 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 
06-20 23:40:32.283  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver requires android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:32.284  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{6b0609d 2298:com.android.systemui/u0a146} (pid=2298, uid=10146) requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:32.284  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{78c0260 2492:com.android.phone/1001} (pid=2492, uid=1001) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:32.284  1000  1698  2599 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1264 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2215 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2922 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 
06-20 23:40:32.285  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:32.286  1000  1698  2599 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1264 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2215 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2926 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 
06-20 23:40:32.287  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{78c0260 2492:com.android.phone/1001} (pid=2492, uid=1001) excludes appop android:fine_location due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:32.287  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver requires android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:32.290  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{6b0609d 2298:com.android.systemui/u0a146} (pid=2298, uid=10146) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:32.290  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{78c0260 2492:com.android.phone/1001} (pid=2492, uid=1001) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:32.314  1000  1698  2599 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1214 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2911 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal:1179 
06-20 23:40:32.314  1000  1698  2599 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1264 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2215 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2915 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 
06-20 23:40:32.315  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{6b0609d 2298:com.android.systemui/u0a146} (pid=2298, uid=10146) requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:32.316  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver requires android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:32.317  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{6b0609d 2298:com.android.systemui/u0a146} (pid=2298, uid=10146) requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:32.317  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{78c0260 2492:com.android.phone/1001} (pid=2492, uid=1001) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:32.317  1000  1698  2599 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1264 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2215 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2922 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 
06-20 23:40:32.317  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:32.318  1000  1698  2599 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1264 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2215 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2926 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 
06-20 23:40:32.318  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{78c0260 2492:com.android.phone/1001} (pid=2492, uid=1001) excludes appop android:fine_location due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:32.318  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver requires android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:32.320  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{6b0609d 2298:com.android.systemui/u0a146} (pid=2298, uid=10146) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:32.320  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{78c0260 2492:com.android.phone/1001} (pid=2492, uid=1001) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:32.364  1000  1698  8161 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1214 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2911 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal:1179 
06-20 23:40:32.365  1000  1698  8161 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1264 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2215 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2915 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 
06-20 23:40:32.365  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{6b0609d 2298:com.android.systemui/u0a146} (pid=2298, uid=10146) requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:32.366  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver requires android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:32.366  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{6b0609d 2298:com.android.systemui/u0a146} (pid=2298, uid=10146) requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:32.367  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{78c0260 2492:com.android.phone/1001} (pid=2492, uid=1001) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:32.367  1000  1698  8161 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1264 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2215 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2922 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 
06-20 23:40:32.367  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:32.368  1000  1698  8161 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1264 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2215 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2926 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 
06-20 23:40:32.368  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{78c0260 2492:com.android.phone/1001} (pid=2492, uid=1001) excludes appop android:fine_location due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:32.368  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver requires android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:32.369  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{6b0609d 2298:com.android.systemui/u0a146} (pid=2298, uid=10146) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:32.369  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{78c0260 2492:com.android.phone/1001} (pid=2492, uid=1001) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:33.324  1000  1698  2230 W NetworkPolicy: shared quota unsupported; generating rule for each iface
06-20 23:40:45.142  1000  1698  3361 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1214 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2911 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal:1179 
06-20 23:40:45.142  1000  1698  3361 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1264 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2215 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2915 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 
06-20 23:40:45.143  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{6b0609d 2298:com.android.systemui/u0a146} (pid=2298, uid=10146) requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:45.143  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver requires android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:45.144  1000  1698  2230 W NetworkPolicy: shared quota unsupported; generating rule for each iface
06-20 23:40:45.145  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{6b0609d 2298:com.android.systemui/u0a146} (pid=2298, uid=10146) requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:45.145  1000  1698  3361 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1264 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2215 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2922 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 
06-20 23:40:45.145  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{78c0260 2492:com.android.phone/1001} (pid=2492, uid=1001) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:45.146  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:45.146  1000  1698  3361 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1264 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2215 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2926 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 
06-20 23:40:45.147  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{78c0260 2492:com.android.phone/1001} (pid=2492, uid=1001) excludes appop android:fine_location due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:45.147  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver requires android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:45.147  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{6b0609d 2298:com.android.systemui/u0a146} (pid=2298, uid=10146) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:45.148  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{78c0260 2492:com.android.phone/1001} (pid=2492, uid=1001) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:45.167  1000  1698  2230 W NetworkPolicy: shared quota unsupported; generating rule for each iface
06-20 23:40:46.162  1000  1698  2230 W NetworkPolicy: shared quota unsupported; generating rule for each iface
06-20 23:40:48.996  1000  1698  3361 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1214 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2911 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal:1179 
06-20 23:40:48.996  1000  1698  3361 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1264 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2215 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2915 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 
06-20 23:40:48.996  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{6b0609d 2298:com.android.systemui/u0a146} (pid=2298, uid=10146) requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:48.997  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver requires android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:48.998  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{6b0609d 2298:com.android.systemui/u0a146} (pid=2298, uid=10146) requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:48.998  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{78c0260 2492:com.android.phone/1001} (pid=2492, uid=1001) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:48.998  1000  1698  3361 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1264 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2215 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2922 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 
06-20 23:40:48.998  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:49.000  1000  1698  3361 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1264 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2215 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2926 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 
06-20 23:40:49.001  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{78c0260 2492:com.android.phone/1001} (pid=2492, uid=1001) excludes appop android:fine_location due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:49.001  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{6b0609d 2298:com.android.systemui/u0a146} (pid=2298, uid=10146) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:49.002  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{78c0260 2492:com.android.phone/1001} (pid=2492, uid=1001) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:49.002  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver requires android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:49.040  1000  1698  8161 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1214 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2911 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal:1179 
06-20 23:40:49.041  1000  1698  8161 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1264 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2215 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2915 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 
06-20 23:40:49.041  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{6b0609d 2298:com.android.systemui/u0a146} (pid=2298, uid=10146) requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:49.042  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver requires android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:49.042  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{6b0609d 2298:com.android.systemui/u0a146} (pid=2298, uid=10146) requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:49.043  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{78c0260 2492:com.android.phone/1001} (pid=2492, uid=1001) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:49.043  1000  1698  8161 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1264 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2215 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2922 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 
06-20 23:40:49.043  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:49.043  1000  1698  8161 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1264 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2215 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2926 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 
06-20 23:40:49.044  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{78c0260 2492:com.android.phone/1001} (pid=2492, uid=1001) excludes appop android:fine_location due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:49.044  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver requires android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:49.044  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{6b0609d 2298:com.android.systemui/u0a146} (pid=2298, uid=10146) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:49.045  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{78c0260 2492:com.android.phone/1001} (pid=2492, uid=1001) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:49.140  1000  1698  8161 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1214 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2911 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal:1179 
06-20 23:40:49.141  1000  1698  8161 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1264 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2215 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2915 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 
06-20 23:40:49.141  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{6b0609d 2298:com.android.systemui/u0a146} (pid=2298, uid=10146) requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:49.143  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver requires android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:49.144  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{6b0609d 2298:com.android.systemui/u0a146} (pid=2298, uid=10146) requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:49.144  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{78c0260 2492:com.android.phone/1001} (pid=2492, uid=1001) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:49.144  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:49.144  1000  1698  8161 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1264 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2215 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2922 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 
06-20 23:40:49.146  1000  1698  8161 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1264 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2215 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2926 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 
06-20 23:40:49.146  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{78c0260 2492:com.android.phone/1001} (pid=2492, uid=1001) excludes appop android:fine_location due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:49.147  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver requires android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:49.149  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{6b0609d 2298:com.android.systemui/u0a146} (pid=2298, uid=10146) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:49.150  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{78c0260 2492:com.android.phone/1001} (pid=2492, uid=1001) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:49.186  1000  1698  2599 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1214 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2911 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal:1179 
06-20 23:40:49.187  1000  1698  2599 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1264 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2215 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2915 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 
06-20 23:40:49.188  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{6b0609d 2298:com.android.systemui/u0a146} (pid=2298, uid=10146) requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:49.189  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver requires android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:49.189  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{6b0609d 2298:com.android.systemui/u0a146} (pid=2298, uid=10146) requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:49.190  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{78c0260 2492:com.android.phone/1001} (pid=2492, uid=1001) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:49.190  1000  1698  2599 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1264 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2215 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2922 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 
06-20 23:40:49.190  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:49.191  1000  1698  2599 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1264 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2215 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2926 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 
06-20 23:40:49.191  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{78c0260 2492:com.android.phone/1001} (pid=2492, uid=1001) excludes appop android:fine_location due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:49.192  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver requires android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:49.192  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{6b0609d 2298:com.android.systemui/u0a146} (pid=2298, uid=10146) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:49.193  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{78c0260 2492:com.android.phone/1001} (pid=2492, uid=1001) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:49.196  1000  1698  2230 W NetworkPolicy: shared quota unsupported; generating rule for each iface
06-20 23:40:49.224  1000  1698  2230 W NetworkPolicy: shared quota unsupported; generating rule for each iface
06-20 23:40:49.261  1000  1698  1778 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1214 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2911 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal:1179 
06-20 23:40:49.262  1000  1698  1778 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1264 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2215 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2915 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 
06-20 23:40:49.262  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{6b0609d 2298:com.android.systemui/u0a146} (pid=2298, uid=10146) requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:49.262  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver requires android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:49.263  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{6b0609d 2298:com.android.systemui/u0a146} (pid=2298, uid=10146) requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:49.263  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{78c0260 2492:com.android.phone/1001} (pid=2492, uid=1001) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:49.263  1000  1698  1778 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1264 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2215 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2922 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 
06-20 23:40:49.263  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:49.264  1000  1698  1778 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1264 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2215 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2926 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1613 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 
06-20 23:40:49.264  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{78c0260 2492:com.android.phone/1001} (pid=2492, uid=1001) excludes appop android:fine_location due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:49.264  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver requires android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:49.266  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{6b0609d 2298:com.android.systemui/u0a146} (pid=2298, uid=10146) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:49.266  1000  1698  1991 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{78c0260 2492:com.android.phone/1001} (pid=2492, uid=1001) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
06-20 23:40:49.598  1000  1698  2205 D ActivityManager: freezing 4745 com.android.vending
06-20 23:40:49.599  1000  1698  2205 D ActivityManager: froze 4745 com.android.vending
06-20 23:40:50.198  1000  1698  2230 W NetworkPolicy: shared quota unsupported; generating rule for each iface
06-20 23:40:51.117  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_pa_switch_get: aw882xx_pa_switch=1
06-20 23:40:51.117  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_pa_switch_set: ucontrol->value.integer.value[0]=0
06-20 23:40:51.118  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_pa_switch_get: aw882xx_pa_switch=1
06-20 23:40:51.118  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_pa_switch_set: ucontrol->value.integer.value[0]=0
06-20 23:40:51.123  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_startup: capture enter
06-20 23:40:51.123  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_startup: capture enter
06-20 23:40:51.124  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_hw_params: requested rate: 0, sample size: 32
06-20 23:40:51.124  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_hw_params: requested rate: 0, sample size: 32
06-20 23:40:51.132  root     0     0 I __afe_port_start: port id: 0x1017
06-20 23:40:51.132  root     0     0 I afe_find_cal_topo_id_by_port: port id: 0x1017, dev_acdb_id: -22
06-20 23:40:51.132  root     0     0 I afe_find_cal_topo_id_by_port: top_id:1000ff00 acdb_id:102 afe_port:0x1017
06-20 23:40:51.132  root     0     0 I afe_get_cal_topology_id: port_id = 0x1017 acdb_id = 102 topology_id = 0x1000ff00 cal_type_index=8 ret=0
06-20 23:40:51.133  root     0     0 I afe_send_port_topology_id: AFE set topology id 0x1000ff00  enable for port 0x1017 ret 0
06-20 23:40:51.133  root     0     0 I send_afe_cal_type: cal_index is 1
06-20 23:40:51.133  root     0     0 I send_afe_cal_type: dev_acdb_id[52] is -22
06-20 23:40:51.133  root     0     0 I send_afe_cal_type: Sending cal_index cal 1
06-20 23:40:51.133  root     0     0 I afe_send_hw_delay: port_id 0x1017 rate 48000 delay_usec 578 status 0
06-20 23:40:51.140  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_mute: mute state=0
06-20 23:40:51.140  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_mute: mute state=0
06-20 23:40:51.148  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_startup: playback enter
06-20 23:40:51.148  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_startup: playback enter
06-20 23:40:51.148  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_hw_params: requested rate: 48000, sample size: 32
06-20 23:40:51.149  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_hw_params: width = 32
06-20 23:40:51.149  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_hw_params: requested rate: 48000, sample size: 32
06-20 23:40:51.150  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_hw_params: width = 32
06-20 23:40:51.152  root     0     0 I __afe_port_start: port id: 0x1016
06-20 23:40:51.152  root     0     0 I afe_find_cal_topo_id_by_port: port id: 0x1016, dev_acdb_id: 15
06-20 23:40:51.152  root     0     0 I afe_find_cal_topo_id_by_port: top_id:1000ff01 acdb_id:15 afe_port_id:0x1016
06-20 23:40:51.152  root     0     0 I afe_get_cal_topology_id: port_id = 0x1016 acdb_id = 15 topology_id = 0x1000ff01 cal_type_index=8 ret=0
06-20 23:40:51.152  root     0     0 I afe_send_port_topology_id: AFE set topology id 0x1000ff01  enable for port 0x1016 ret 0
06-20 23:40:51.152  root     0     0 I send_afe_cal_type: cal_index is 0
06-20 23:40:51.152  root     0     0 I send_afe_cal_type: dev_acdb_id[51] is 15
06-20 23:40:51.152  root     0     0 I afe_find_cal: cal_index 0 port_id 0x1016 port_index 51
06-20 23:40:51.152  root     0     0 I afe_find_cal: acdb_id 15 dev_acdb_id 15 sample_rate 48000 afe_sample_rates 48000
06-20 23:40:51.152  root     0     0 I afe_find_cal: cal block is a match, size is 4556
06-20 23:40:51.152  root     0     0 I send_afe_cal_type: Sending cal_index cal 0
06-20 23:40:51.153  root     0     0 I afe_send_hw_delay: port_id 0x1016 rate 48000 delay_usec 474 status 0
06-20 23:40:51.157  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_mute: mute state=0
06-20 23:40:51.157  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_smartpa_cfg: flag = 1, power status = 0
06-20 23:40:51.157  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_start: enter
06-20 23:40:51.157  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_run_i2s_tx: enter
06-20 23:40:51.157  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_run_pwd: enter
06-20 23:40:51.164  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_clear_sysint: get_sysint=0x4395
06-20 23:40:51.164  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_clear_sysint: get_sysint=0x0000
06-20 23:40:51.164  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_run_mute: enter
06-20 23:40:51.164  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 180 , 0xf0
06-20 23:40:51.166  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 168 , 0xe0
06-20 23:40:51.168  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 156 , 0xd0
06-20 23:40:51.170  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 144 , 0xc0
06-20 23:40:51.172  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 132 , 0xb0
06-20 23:40:51.174  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 120 , 0xa0
06-20 23:40:51.176  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 108 , 0x90
06-20 23:40:51.179  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 96 , 0x80
06-20 23:40:51.181  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 84 , 0x70
06-20 23:40:51.183  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 72 , 0x60
06-20 23:40:51.185  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 60 , 0x50
06-20 23:40:51.187  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 48 , 0x40
06-20 23:40:51.189  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 36 , 0x30
06-20 23:40:51.191  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 24 , 0x20
06-20 23:40:51.193  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 12 , 0x10
06-20 23:40:51.196  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 0 , 0x0
06-20 23:40:51.198  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 0 , 0x0
06-20 23:40:51.198  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_cali_re_to_dsp: cali re = 0x647e
06-20 23:40:51.198  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_monitor_start: enter
06-20 23:40:51.198  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_mute: mute state=0
06-20 23:40:51.198  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_smartpa_cfg: flag = 1, power status = 0
06-20 23:40:51.198  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_start: enter
06-20 23:40:51.198  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_run_i2s_tx: enter
06-20 23:40:51.198  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_run_pwd: enter
06-20 23:40:51.200  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_monitor_get_data: vol: ipeak = 0x9, gain = 0x2, vmax = 0xffe81992
06-20 23:40:51.200  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_monitor_get_data: temp: ipeak = 0xa, gain = 0x0, vmax = 0x0
06-20 23:40:51.200  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_monitor_set_ipeak: ipeak = 0x9, no change
06-20 23:40:51.200  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_set_volume: value 2 , 0x2
06-20 23:40:51.200  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_monitor_set_gain: set_volume = 1.0 dB
06-20 23:40:51.201  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_l]aw882xx_monitor_set_vmax: set vmax = 0xffe81992
06-20 23:40:51.211  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_clear_sysint: get_sysint=0x4395
06-20 23:40:51.212  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_clear_sysint: get_sysint=0x0000
06-20 23:40:51.212  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_run_mute: enter
06-20 23:40:51.212  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 180 , 0xf0
06-20 23:40:51.214  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 168 , 0xe0
06-20 23:40:51.217  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 156 , 0xd0
06-20 23:40:51.219  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 144 , 0xc0
06-20 23:40:51.221  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 132 , 0xb0
06-20 23:40:51.223  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 120 , 0xa0
06-20 23:40:51.225  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 108 , 0x90
06-20 23:40:51.227  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 96 , 0x80
06-20 23:40:51.229  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 84 , 0x70
06-20 23:40:51.232  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 72 , 0x60
06-20 23:40:51.234  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 60 , 0x50
06-20 23:40:51.236  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 48 , 0x40
06-20 23:40:51.238  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 36 , 0x30
06-20 23:40:51.240  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 24 , 0x20
06-20 23:40:51.243  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 12 , 0x10
06-20 23:40:51.245  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 0 , 0x0
06-20 23:40:51.247  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 0 , 0x0
06-20 23:40:51.247  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_cali_re_to_dsp: cali re = 0x75d2
06-20 23:40:51.248  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_monitor_start: enter
06-20 23:40:51.250  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_monitor_get_data: vol: ipeak = 0x9, gain = 0x2, vmax = 0xffe81992
06-20 23:40:51.250  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_monitor_get_data: temp: ipeak = 0xa, gain = 0x0, vmax = 0x0
06-20 23:40:51.250  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_monitor_set_ipeak: ipeak = 0x9, no change
06-20 23:40:51.250  root     0     0 D [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_set_volume: value 2 , 0x2
06-20 23:40:51.251  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_monitor_set_gain: set_volume = 1.0 dB
06-20 23:40:51.251  root     0     0 I [aw882xx_smartpa_r]aw882xx_monitor_set_vmax: set vmax = 0xffe81992
06-20 23:40:52.445 10158  8162  8162 F libc    : Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -1 (SI_QUEUE) in tid 8162 (eact.adventures), pid 8162 (eact.adventures)
06-20 23:40:53.206 10158 10439 10439 F DEBUG   : *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
06-20 23:40:53.206 10158 10439 10439 F DEBUG   : Build fingerprint: 'Fairphone/FP4eea/FP4:11/RKQ1.210503.001/FP3Q:user/release-keys'
06-20 23:40:53.206 10158 10439 10439 F DEBUG   : Revision: '0'
06-20 23:40:53.206 10158 10439 10439 F DEBUG   : ABI: 'arm64'
06-20 23:40:53.206 10158 10439 10439 F DEBUG   : Timestamp: 2023-06-20 23:40:52.757060546+0300
06-20 23:40:53.206 10158 10439 10439 F DEBUG   : Process uptime: 0s
06-20 23:40:53.206 10158 10439 10439 F DEBUG   : Cmdline: com.Groundspeak.react.adventures
06-20 23:40:53.206 10158 10439 10439 F DEBUG   : pid: 8162, tid: 8162, name: eact.adventures  >>> com.Groundspeak.react.adventures <<<
06-20 23:40:53.206 10158 10439 10439 F DEBUG   : uid: 10158
06-20 23:40:53.206 10158 10439 10439 F DEBUG   : signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -1 (SI_QUEUE), fault addr --------
06-20 23:40:53.206 10158 10439 10439 F DEBUG   : Abort message: 'terminating with uncaught exception of type jni::PendingJavaException'
06-20 23:40:53.206 10158 10439 10439 F DEBUG   :     x0  0000000000000000  x1  0000000000001fe2  x2  0000000000000006  x3  0000007fff178980
06-20 23:40:53.206 10158 10439 10439 F DEBUG   :     x4  736f646277641f73  x5  736f646277641f73  x6  736f646277641f73  x7  7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f
06-20 23:40:53.206 10158 10439 10439 F DEBUG   :     x8  00000000000000f0  x9  00000072ffcaf0b0  x10 0000000000000000  x11 ffffff80fffffbdf
06-20 23:40:53.206 10158 10439 10439 F DEBUG   :     x12 0000000000000001  x13 000000036e167ebd  x14 001a621e0e934a71  x15 0000000034155555
06-20 23:40:53.206 10158 10439 10439 F DEBUG   :     x16 00000072ffd4c050  x17 00000072ffd29bd0  x18 0000007321db4000  x19 0000000000001fe2
06-20 23:40:53.206 10158 10439 10439 F DEBUG   :     x20 0000000000001fe2  x21 00000000ffffffff  x22 ffffff80ffffffc8  x23 0000007fff178bd0
06-20 23:40:53.206 10158 10439 10439 F DEBUG   :     x24 0000007fff178ab0  x25 0000007fff178af0  x26 0000006f6d96ffb0  x27 0000006f6d96ff68
06-20 23:40:53.206 10158 10439 10439 F DEBUG   :     x28 0000006f6d96ff60  x29 0000007fff178a00
06-20 23:40:53.206 10158 10439 10439 F DEBUG   :     lr  00000072ffcdc72c  sp  0000007fff178960  pc  00000072ffcdc75c  pst 0000000000001000
06-20 23:40:53.206 10158 10439 10439 F DEBUG   : backtrace:
06-20 23:40:53.206 10158 10439 10439 F DEBUG   :   NOTE: Function names and BuildId information is missing for some frames due
06-20 23:40:53.206 10158 10439 10439 F DEBUG   :   NOTE: to unreadable libraries. For unwinds of apps, only shared libraries
06-20 23:40:53.206 10158 10439 10439 F DEBUG   :   NOTE: found under the lib/ directory are readable.
06-20 23:40:53.206 10158 10439 10439 F DEBUG   :   NOTE: On this device, run setenforce 0 to make the libraries readable.
06-20 23:40:53.206 10158 10439 10439 F DEBUG   :       #00 pc 000000000004f75c  /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (abort+168) (BuildId: f9471102bb6e4ed28f2e46762b2f446d)
06-20 23:40:53.206 10158 10439 10439 F DEBUG   :       #01 pc 00000000002ff5ac  /data/data/com.Groundspeak.react.adventures/cache/.gmscore/lib/arm64-v8a/libmapbox-gl.so
06-20 23:40:53.206 10158 10439 10439 F DEBUG   :       #02 pc 00000000002ff71c  /data/data/com.Groundspeak.react.adventures/cache/.gmscore/lib/arm64-v8a/libmapbox-gl.so
06-20 23:40:53.206 10158 10439 10439 F DEBUG   :       #03 pc 00000000002fccdc  /data/data/com.Groundspeak.react.adventures/cache/.gmscore/lib/arm64-v8a/libmapbox-gl.so
06-20 23:40:53.206 10158 10439 10439 F DEBUG   :       #04 pc 00000000002fc308  /data/data/com.Groundspeak.react.adventures/cache/.gmscore/lib/arm64-v8a/libmapbox-gl.so
06-20 23:40:53.206 10158 10439 10439 F DEBUG   :       #05 pc 00000000002fc264  /data/data/com.Groundspeak.react.adventures/cache/.gmscore/lib/arm64-v8a/libmapbox-gl.so
06-20 23:40:53.206 10158 10439 10439 F DEBUG   :       #06 pc 000000000008e8fc  /data/data/com.Groundspeak.react.adventures/cache/.gmscore/lib/arm64-v8a/libmapbox-gl.so
06-20 23:40:53.206 10158 10439 10439 F DEBUG   :       #07 pc 00000000000a7abc  /data/data/com.Groundspeak.react.adventures/cache/.gmscore/lib/arm64-v8a/libmapbox-gl.so
06-20 23:40:53.206 10158 10439 10439 F DEBUG   :       #08 pc 0000000000101524  /data/data/com.Groundspeak.react.adventures/cache/.gmscore/lib/arm64-v8a/libmapbox-gl.so
06-20 23:40:53.206 10158 10439 10439 F DEBUG   :       #09 pc 000000000016fc60  /data/data/com.Groundspeak.react.adventures/cache/.gmscore/lib/arm64-v8a/libmapbox-gl.so
06-20 23:40:53.206 10158 10439 10439 F DEBUG   :       #10 pc 0000000000171100  /data/data/com.Groundspeak.react.adventures/cache/.gmscore/lib/arm64-v8a/libmapbox-gl.so
06-20 23:40:53.206 10158 10439 10439 F DEBUG   :       #11 pc 00000000001b48f4  /data/data/com.Groundspeak.react.adventures/cache/.gmscore/lib/arm64-v8a/libmapbox-gl.so
06-20 23:40:53.206 10158 10439 10439 F DEBUG   :       #12 pc 00000000000eb3f4  /data/data/com.Groundspeak.react.adventures/cache/.gmscore/lib/arm64-v8a/libmapbox-gl.so
06-20 23:40:53.206 10158 10439 10439 F DEBUG   :       #13 pc 00000000001b12c4  /data/data/com.Groundspeak.react.adventures/cache/.gmscore/lib/arm64-v8a/libmapbox-gl.so
06-20 23:40:53.206 10158 10439 10439 F DEBUG   :       #14 pc 00000000001b13d8  /data/data/com.Groundspeak.react.adventures/cache/.gmscore/lib/arm64-v8a/libmapbox-gl.so
06-20 23:40:53.206 10158 10439 10439 F DEBUG   :       #15 pc 00000000001b0278  /data/data/com.Groundspeak.react.adventures/cache/.gmscore/lib/arm64-v8a/libmapbox-gl.so
06-20 23:40:53.206 10158 10439 10439 F DEBUG   :       #16 pc 00000000000167e8  /system/lib64/libutils.so (android::Looper::pollInner(int)+908) (BuildId: 686c31d894348488b4a8cd7a98a6d303)
06-20 23:40:53.206 10158 10439 10439 F DEBUG   :       #17 pc 00000000000163f4  /system/lib64/libutils.so (android::Looper::pollOnce(int, int*, int*, void**)+112) (BuildId: 686c31d894348488b4a8cd7a98a6d303)
06-20 23:40:53.206 10158 10439 10439 F DEBUG   :       #18 pc 00000000001573f0  /system/lib64/libandroid_runtime.so (android::android_os_MessageQueue_nativePollOnce(_JNIEnv*, _jobject*, long, int)+44) (BuildId: 7a2f8c298ca6a26af93d0393fec77436)
06-20 23:40:53.206 10158 10439 10439 F DEBUG   :       #19 pc 00000000001a222c  /system/framework/arm64/boot-framework.oat (art_jni_trampoline+108) (BuildId: a057d164d48f759f5868485c337930066a505008)
06-20 23:40:53.206 10158 10439 10439 F DEBUG   :       #20 pc 000000000051ebe4  /system/framework/arm64/boot-framework.oat (android.os.MessageQueue.next+228) (BuildId: a057d164d48f759f5868485c337930066a505008)
06-20 23:40:53.206 10158 10439 10439 F DEBUG   :       #21 pc 000000000051c134  /system/framework/arm64/boot-framework.oat (android.os.Looper.loopOnce+100) (BuildId: a057d164d48f759f5868485c337930066a505008)
06-20 23:40:53.206 10158 10439 10439 F DEBUG   :       #22 pc 000000000051c034  /system/framework/arm64/boot-framework.oat (android.os.Looper.loop+516) (BuildId: a057d164d48f759f5868485c337930066a505008)
06-20 23:40:53.206 10158 10439 10439 F DEBUG   :       #23 pc 00000000002e3e08  /system/framework/arm64/boot-framework.oat (android.app.ActivityThread.main+728) (BuildId: a057d164d48f759f5868485c337930066a505008)
06-20 23:40:53.206 10158 10439 10439 F DEBUG   :       #24 pc 0000000000218be8  /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art_quick_invoke_static_stub+568) (BuildId: 9938ac19137e593321b1dc75f5548d56)
06-20 23:40:53.206 10158 10439 10439 F DEBUG   :       #25 pc 000000000028407c  /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char const*)+212) (BuildId: 9938ac19137e593321b1dc75f5548d56)
06-20 23:40:53.206 10158 10439 10439 F DEBUG   :       #26 pc 0000000000617804  /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (_jobject* art::InvokeMethod<(art::PointerSize)8>(art::ScopedObjectAccessAlreadyRunnable const&, _jobject*, _jobject*, _jobject*, unsigned long)+1384) (BuildId: 9938ac19137e593321b1dc75f5548d56)
06-20 23:40:53.206 10158 10439 10439 F DEBUG   :       #27 pc 000000000058a6c8  /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::Method_invoke(_JNIEnv*, _jobject*, _jobject*, _jobjectArray*)+52) (BuildId: 9938ac19137e593321b1dc75f5548d56)
06-20 23:40:53.206 10158 10439 10439 F DEBUG   :       #28 pc 00000000000b2f74  /apex/com.android.art/javalib/arm64/boot.oat (art_jni_trampoline+132) (BuildId: c9335f586a3431c478b52ef92db81d0f382dd414)
06-20 23:40:53.206 10158 10439 10439 F DEBUG   :       #29 pc 000000000084e11c  /system/framework/arm64/boot-framework.oat (com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run+140) (BuildId: a057d164d48f759f5868485c337930066a505008)
06-20 23:40:53.206 10158 10439 10439 F DEBUG   :       #30 pc 00000000008567ec  /system/framework/arm64/boot-framework.oat (com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main+2172) (BuildId: a057d164d48f759f5868485c337930066a505008)
06-20 23:40:53.206 10158 10439 10439 F DEBUG   :       #31 pc 0000000000218be8  /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art_quick_invoke_static_stub+568) (BuildId: 9938ac19137e593321b1dc75f5548d56)
06-20 23:40:53.206 10158 10439 10439 F DEBUG   :       #32 pc 000000000028407c  /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char const*)+212) (BuildId: 9938ac19137e593321b1dc75f5548d56)
06-20 23:40:53.206 10158 10439 10439 F DEBUG   :       #33 pc 0000000000617f58  /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::JValue art::InvokeWithVarArgs<art::ArtMethod*>(art::ScopedObjectAccessAlreadyRunnable const&, _jobject*, art::ArtMethod*, std::__va_list)+448) (BuildId: 9938ac19137e593321b1dc75f5548d56)
06-20 23:40:53.206 10158 10439 10439 F DEBUG   :       #34 pc 0000000000618424  /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::JValue art::InvokeWithVarArgs<_jmethodID*>(art::ScopedObjectAccessAlreadyRunnable const&, _jobject*, _jmethodID*, std::__va_list)+92) (BuildId: 9938ac19137e593321b1dc75f5548d56)
06-20 23:40:53.206 10158 10439 10439 F DEBUG   :       #35 pc 00000000004f7614  /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::JNI<true>::CallStaticVoidMethodV(_JNIEnv*, _jclass*, _jmethodID*, std::__va_list)+608) (BuildId: 9938ac19137e593321b1dc75f5548d56)
06-20 23:40:53.206 10158 10439 10439 F DEBUG   :       #36 pc 00000000000b5ad0  /system/lib64/libandroid_runtime.so (_JNIEnv::CallStaticVoidMethod(_jclass*, _jmethodID*, ...)+120) (BuildId: 7a2f8c298ca6a26af93d0393fec77436)
06-20 23:40:53.206 10158 10439 10439 F DEBUG   :       #37 pc 00000000000c0f68  /system/lib64/libandroid_runtime.so (android::AndroidRuntime::start(char const*, android::Vector<android::String8> const&, bool)+828) (BuildId: 7a2f8c298ca6a26af93d0393fec77436)
06-20 23:40:53.206 10158 10439 10439 F DEBUG   :       #38 pc 0000000000002580  /system/bin/app_process64 (main+1324) (BuildId: ddb233935f6ae6a038b020beea13d8fb)
06-20 23:40:53.206 10158 10439 10439 F DEBUG   :       #39 pc 00000000000484f0  /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__libc_init+96) (BuildId: f9471102bb6e4ed28f2e46762b2f446d)
06-20 23:40:53.302  1000  1698  2158 I BootReceiver: Copying /data/tombstones/tombstone_28 to DropBox (SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE)
06-20 23:40:53.303  1000  1698  2158 I DropBoxManagerService: add tag=SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE isTagEnabled=true flags=0x6
06-20 23:40:53.307  1000  1698 10443 I DropBoxManagerService: add tag=data_app_native_crash isTagEnabled=true flags=0x2
06-20 23:40:53.308  1000  1698 10442 W ActivityTaskManager:   Force finishing activity com.Groundspeak.react.adventures/.MainActivity
06-20 23:40:53.315  1000  1698  2158 I DropBoxManagerService: add tag=SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE_PROTO isTagEnabled=true flags=0x4
06-20 23:40:53.338  root     0     0 I init    : Untracked pid 10439 exited with status 0
06-20 23:40:53.505  root     0     0 I init    : Untracked pid 10441 exited with status 0
06-20 23:40:53.757  1000  1698  1779 I WindowManager: WIN DEATH: Window{ba0c3c0 u0 com.Groundspeak.react.adventures/com.Groundspeak.react.adventures.MainActivity}
06-20 23:40:53.756  root     0     0 I binder  : undelivered transaction 304873, process died.
06-20 23:40:53.759  1000  1698  1778 I ActivityManager: Process com.Groundspeak.react.adventures (pid 8162) has died: fg  TOP 
06-20 23:40:53.764 10061  3489  3489 E ActivityThread: Service org.microg.gms.location.GoogleLocationManagerService has leaked ServiceConnection org.microg.nlp.client.ContinuedServiceConnection@63e9b0e that was originally bound here
06-20 23:40:53.764 10061  3489  3489 E ActivityThread: android.app.ServiceConnectionLeaked: Service org.microg.gms.location.GoogleLocationManagerService has leaked ServiceConnection org.microg.nlp.client.ContinuedServiceConnection@63e9b0e that was originally bound here
06-20 23:40:53.764 10061  3489  3489 E ActivityThread: 	at android.app.LoadedApk$ServiceDispatcher.<init>(LoadedApk.java:1934)
06-20 23:40:53.764 10061  3489  3489 E ActivityThread: 	at android.app.LoadedApk.getServiceDispatcherCommon(LoadedApk.java:1806)
06-20 23:40:53.764 10061  3489  3489 E ActivityThread: 	at android.app.LoadedApk.getServiceDispatcher(LoadedApk.java:1785)
06-20 23:40:53.764 10061  3489  3489 E ActivityThread: 	at android.app.ContextImpl.bindServiceCommon(ContextImpl.java:1982)
06-20 23:40:53.764 10061  3489  3489 E ActivityThread: 	at android.app.ContextImpl.bindService(ContextImpl.java:1913)
06-20 23:40:53.764 10061  3489  3489 E ActivityThread: 	at android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService(ContextWrapper.java:812)
06-20 23:40:53.764 10061  3489  3489 E ActivityThread: 	at org.microg.nlp.client.BaseClient.connect(BaseClient.kt:72)
06-20 23:40:53.764 10061  3489  3489 E ActivityThread: 	at org.microg.nlp.client.LocationClient.withRequestService(LocationClient.kt:46)
06-20 23:40:53.764 10061  3489  3489 E ActivityThread: 	at org.microg.nlp.client.LocationClient.updateLocationRequest(LocationClient.kt:54)
06-20 23:40:53.764 10061  3489  3489 E ActivityThread: 	at org.microg.gms.location.UnifiedLocationProvider.updateConnection(UnifiedLocationProvider.kt:120)
06-20 23:40:53.764 10061  3489  3489 E ActivityThread: 	at org.microg.gms.location.UnifiedLocationProvider.access$updateConnection(UnifiedLocationProvider.kt:21)
06-20 23:40:53.764 10061  3489  3489 E ActivityThread: 	at org.microg.gms.location.UnifiedLocationProvider$addRequest$1.invokeSuspend(UnifiedLocationProvider.kt:86)
06-20 23:40:53.764 10061  3489  3489 E ActivityThread: 	at kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.BaseContinuationImpl.resumeWith(ContinuationImpl.kt:33)
06-20 23:40:53.764 10061  3489  3489 E ActivityThread: 	at kotlinx.coroutines.internal.DispatchedContinuationKt.resumeCancellableWith(DispatchedContinuation.kt:367)
06-20 23:40:53.764 10061  3489  3489 E ActivityThread: 	at kotlinx.coroutines.intrinsics.CancellableKt.startCoroutineCancellable(Cancellable.kt:30)
06-20 23:40:53.764 10061  3489  3489 E ActivityThread: 	at kotlinx.coroutines.intrinsics.CancellableKt.startCoroutineCancellable$default(Cancellable.kt:25)
06-20 23:40:53.764 10061  3489  3489 E ActivityThread: 	at kotlinx.coroutines.BuildersKt__Builders_commonKt.withContext(Builders.common.kt:174)
06-20 23:40:53.764 10061  3489  3489 E ActivityThread: 	at kotlinx.coroutines.BuildersKt.withContext(Unknown Source:1)
06-20 23:40:53.764 10061  3489  3489 E ActivityThread: 	at androidx.lifecycle.PausingDispatcherKt$whenStateAtLeast$2.invokeSuspend(PausingDispatcher.kt:162)
06-20 23:40:53.764 10061  3489  3489 E ActivityThread: 	at androidx.lifecycle.PausingDispatcherKt$whenStateAtLeast$2.invoke(Unknown Source:8)
06-20 23:40:53.764 10061  3489  3489 E ActivityThread: 	at androidx.lifecycle.PausingDispatcherKt$whenStateAtLeast$2.invoke(Unknown Source:4)
06-20 23:40:53.764 10061  3489  3489 E ActivityThread: 	at kotlinx.coroutines.intrinsics.UndispatchedKt.startUndispatchedOrReturn(Undispatched.kt:89)
06-20 23:40:53.764 10061  3489  3489 E ActivityThread: 	at kotlinx.coroutines.BuildersKt__Builders_commonKt.withContext(Builders.common.kt:169)
06-20 23:40:53.764 10061  3489  3489 E ActivityThread: 	at kotlinx.coroutines.BuildersKt.withContext(Unknown Source:1)
06-20 23:40:53.764 10061  3489  3489 E ActivityThread: 	at androidx.lifecycle.PausingDispatcherKt.whenStateAtLeast(PausingDispatcher.kt:156)
06-20 23:40:53.764 10061  3489  3489 E ActivityThread: 	at androidx.lifecycle.PausingDispatcherKt.whenStarted(PausingDispatcher.kt:60)
06-20 23:40:53.764 10061  3489  3489 E ActivityThread: 	at androidx.lifecycle.LifecycleCoroutineScope$launchWhenStarted$1.invokeSuspend(Lifecycle.kt:97)
06-20 23:40:53.764 10061  3489  3489 E ActivityThread: 	at kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.BaseContinuationImpl.resumeWith(ContinuationImpl.kt:33)
06-20 23:40:53.764 10061  3489  3489 E ActivityThread: 	at kotlinx.coroutines.DispatchedTask.run(DispatchedTask.kt:106)
06-20 23:40:53.764 10061  3489  3489 E ActivityThread: 	at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:938)
06-20 23:40:53.764 10061  3489  3489 E ActivityThread: 	at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99)
06-20 23:40:53.764 10061  3489  3489 E ActivityThread: 	at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(Looper.java:201)
06-20 23:40:53.764 10061  3489  3489 E ActivityThread: 	at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:288)
06-20 23:40:53.764 10061  3489  3489 E ActivityThread: 	at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:7870)
06-20 23:40:53.764 10061  3489  3489 E ActivityThread: 	at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
06-20 23:40:53.764 10061  3489  3489 E ActivityThread: 	at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:548)
06-20 23:40:53.764 10061  3489  3489 E ActivityThread: 	at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:1003)
06-20 23:40:53.810  1000  1698  1962 W ActivityTaskManager: Activity top resumed state loss timeout for ActivityRecord{f6ad6d7 u0 com.Groundspeak.react.adventures/.MainActivity t13 f} isExiting}
06-20 23:40:53.814  1000  1698  1963 W WindowManager: Failed to deliver inset state change to w=Window{ba0c3c0 u0 com.Groundspeak.react.adventures/com.Groundspeak.react.adventures.MainActivity EXITING}


Link to comment

I can confirm this new gps bug is due to MicroG updating its location system. I was not aware of that feature change prior to update... Adventure lab is calling for a service that doesn't exist anymore. The "out of memory" bug also still presists... As all other apps I have still work and get location just fine, I am wondering is Adventure lab made in an unusual way or are my other apps unusual... I'll copy this report to e.OS


--------- beginning of crash
07-02 12:42:20.562 10176  5676  5676 E AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main
07-02 12:42:20.562 10176  5676  5676 E AndroidRuntime: Process: com.Groundspeak.react.adventures, PID: 5676
07-02 12:42:20.562 10176  5676  5676 E AndroidRuntime: java.lang.NullPointerException: Listener must not be null
07-02 12:42:20.562 10176  5676  5676 E AndroidRuntime: 	at xc.q.k(com.google.android.gms:play-services-basement@@18.1.0:1)
07-02 12:42:20.562 10176  5676  5676 E AndroidRuntime: 	at com.google.android.gms.common.api.internal.l.b(com.google.android.gms:play-services-base@@18.1.0:1)
07-02 12:42:20.562 10176  5676  5676 E AndroidRuntime: 	at rd.a.y(com.google.android.gms:play-services-location@@20.0.0:1)
07-02 12:42:20.562 10176  5676  5676 E AndroidRuntime: 	at com.airbnb.android.react.maps.p.D(FusedLocationSource.java:1)
07-02 12:42:20.562 10176  5676  5676 E AndroidRuntime: 	at sd.z.D(com.google.android.gms:play-services-maps@@18.0.0:1)
07-02 12:42:20.562 10176  5676  5676 E AndroidRuntime: 	at td.v0.z(com.google.android.gms:play-services-maps@@18.0.0:1)
07-02 12:42:20.562 10176  5676  5676 E AndroidRuntime: 	at od.l.onTransact(com.google.android.gms:play-services-maps@@18.0.0:3)
07-02 12:42:20.562 10176  5676  5676 E AndroidRuntime: 	at android.os.Binder.transact(Binder.java:1064)
07-02 12:42:20.562 10176  5676  5676 E AndroidRuntime: 	at com.google.android.gms.maps.internal.ILocationSourceDelegate$Stub$Proxy.deactivate(ILocationSourceDelegate.java:121)
07-02 12:42:20.562 10176  5676  5676 E AndroidRuntime: 	at org.microg.gms.maps.mapbox.SourceLocationEngine.removeLocationUpdates(SourceLocationEngine.kt:41)
07-02 12:42:20.562 10176  5676  5676 E AndroidRuntime: 	at org.microg.gms.maps.mapbox.GoogleMapImpl.updateLocationEngineListener(GoogleMap.kt:423)
07-02 12:42:20.562 10176  5676  5676 E AndroidRuntime: 	at org.microg.gms.maps.mapbox.GoogleMapImpl.setLocationSource(GoogleMap.kt:436)
07-02 12:42:20.562 10176  5676  5676 E AndroidRuntime: 	at com.google.android.gms.maps.internal.IGoogleMapDelegate$Stub.onTransact(IGoogleMapDelegate.java:474)
07-02 12:42:20.562 10176  5676  5676 E AndroidRuntime: 	at org.microg.gms.maps.mapbox.GoogleMapImpl.onTransact(GoogleMap.kt:876)
07-02 12:42:20.562 10176  5676  5676 E AndroidRuntime: 	at android.os.Binder.transact(Binder.java:1064)
07-02 12:42:20.562 10176  5676  5676 E AndroidRuntime: 	at od.a.L(com.google.android.gms:play-services-maps@@18.0.0:2)
07-02 12:42:20.562 10176  5676  5676 E AndroidRuntime: 	at td.s0.f0(com.google.android.gms:play-services-maps@@18.0.0:3)
07-02 12:42:20.562 10176  5676  5676 E AndroidRuntime: 	at sd.c.r(com.google.android.gms:play-services-maps@@18.0.0:3)
07-02 12:42:20.562 10176  5676  5676 E AndroidRuntime: 	at com.airbnb.android.react.maps.m$f.onHostResume(AirMapView.java:3)
07-02 12:42:20.562 10176  5676  5676 E AndroidRuntime: 	at com.facebook.react.bridge.ReactContext$1.run(ReactContext.java:2)
07-02 12:42:20.562 10176  5676  5676 E AndroidRuntime: 	at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:938)
07-02 12:42:20.562 10176  5676  5676 E AndroidRuntime: 	at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99)
07-02 12:42:20.562 10176  5676  5676 E AndroidRuntime: 	at com.facebook.react.bridge.queue.MessageQueueThreadHandler.dispatchMessage(MessageQueueThreadHandler.java:1)
07-02 12:42:20.562 10176  5676  5676 E AndroidRuntime: 	at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(Looper.java:201)
07-02 12:42:20.562 10176  5676  5676 E AndroidRuntime: 	at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:288)
07-02 12:42:20.562 10176  5676  5676 E AndroidRuntime: 	at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:7870)
07-02 12:42:20.562 10176  5676  5676 E AndroidRuntime: 	at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
07-02 12:42:20.562 10176  5676  5676 E AndroidRuntime: 	at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:548)
07-02 12:42:20.562 10176  5676  5676 E AndroidRuntime: 	at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:1003)


07-02 13:09:30.920 10178 10351 10351 F libc    : Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -1 (SI_QUEUE) in tid 10351 (eact.adventures), pid 10351 (eact.adventures)
07-02 13:09:32.176 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   : *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
07-02 13:09:32.176 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   : Build fingerprint: 'Fairphone/FP4eea/FP4:11/RKQ1.210503.001/FP3Q:user/release-keys'
07-02 13:09:32.176 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   : Revision: '0'
07-02 13:09:32.176 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   : ABI: 'arm64'
07-02 13:09:32.176 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   : Timestamp: 2023-07-02 13:09:31.465159872+0300
07-02 13:09:32.176 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   : Process uptime: 0s
07-02 13:09:32.176 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   : Cmdline: com.Groundspeak.react.adventures
07-02 13:09:32.176 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   : pid: 10351, tid: 10351, name: eact.adventures  >>> com.Groundspeak.react.adventures <<<
07-02 13:09:32.176 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   : uid: 10178
07-02 13:09:32.176 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   : signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -1 (SI_QUEUE), fault addr --------
07-02 13:09:32.176 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   : Abort message: 'Scudo ERROR: internal map failure (NO MEMORY) requesting 36KB
07-02 13:09:32.176 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   : '
07-02 13:09:32.176 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   :     x0  0000000000000000  x1  000000000000286f  x2  0000000000000006  x3  0000007fe7fe97e0
07-02 13:09:32.176 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   :     x4  0000000000008080  x5  0000000000008080  x6  0000000000008080  x7  8080000000000000
07-02 13:09:32.176 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   :     x8  00000000000000f0  x9  000000797adf00b0  x10 0000000000000000  x11 ffffff80fffffbdf
07-02 13:09:32.176 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   :     x12 0000000000000001  x13 00000008e8097d66  x14 003680144a825b76  x15 0000000000000078
07-02 13:09:32.176 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   :     x16 000000797ae8d050  x17 000000797ae6abd0  x18 000000798932a000  x19 000000000000286f
07-02 13:09:32.176 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   :     x20 000000000000286f  x21 00000000ffffffff  x22 0000000000009000  x23 000000000000b000
07-02 13:09:32.176 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   :     x24 000000738ebb6000  x25 000000738ebb7000  x26 0000000000009000  x27 0000007fe7fe99e8
07-02 13:09:32.176 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   :     x28 000000738ebc0000  x29 0000007fe7fe9860
07-02 13:09:32.176 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   :     lr  000000797ae1d72c  sp  0000007fe7fe97c0  pc  000000797ae1d75c  pst 0000000000001000
07-02 13:09:32.176 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   : backtrace:
07-02 13:09:32.176 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   :   NOTE: Function names and BuildId information is missing for some frames due
07-02 13:09:32.176 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   :   NOTE: to unreadable libraries. For unwinds of apps, only shared libraries
07-02 13:09:32.176 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   :   NOTE: found under the lib/ directory are readable.
07-02 13:09:32.176 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   :   NOTE: On this device, run setenforce 0 to make the libraries readable.
07-02 13:09:32.176 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   :       #00 pc 000000000004f75c  /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (abort+168) (BuildId: f9471102bb6e4ed28f2e46762b2f446d)
07-02 13:09:32.176 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   :       #01 pc 0000000000040214  /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (scudo::die()+8) (BuildId: f9471102bb6e4ed28f2e46762b2f446d)
07-02 13:09:32.176 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   :       #02 pc 000000000003fb24  /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (scudo::dieOnMapUnmapError(unsigned long)+96) (BuildId: f9471102bb6e4ed28f2e46762b2f446d)
07-02 13:09:32.176 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   :       #03 pc 00000000000402d4  /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (scudo::map(void*, unsigned long, char const*, unsigned long, scudo::MapPlatformData*)+188) (BuildId: f9471102bb6e4ed28f2e46762b2f446d)
07-02 13:09:32.176 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   :       #04 pc 0000000000043fc8  /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (scudo::MapAllocator<scudo::AndroidConfig>::allocate(scudo::Options, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long*, scudo::FillContentsMode)+508) (BuildId: f9471102bb6e4ed28f2e46762b2f446d)
07-02 13:09:32.176 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   :       #05 pc 0000000000041e40  /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (scudo::Allocator<scudo::AndroidConfig, &(scudo_malloc_postinit)>::allocate(unsigned long, scudo::Chunk::Origin, unsigned long, bool)+1208) (BuildId: f9471102bb6e4ed28f2e46762b2f446d)
07-02 13:09:32.176 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   :       #06 pc 000000000004220c  /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (scudo_malloc+36) (BuildId: f9471102bb6e4ed28f2e46762b2f446d)
07-02 13:09:32.176 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   :       #07 pc 000000000003cc7c  /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (malloc+36) (BuildId: f9471102bb6e4ed28f2e46762b2f446d)
07-02 13:09:32.176 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   :       #08 pc 0000000000916c00  /data/data/com.Groundspeak.react.adventures/cache/.gmscore/lib/arm64-v8a/libmapbox-gl.so
07-02 13:09:32.176 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   :       #09 pc 00000000004357e0  /data/data/com.Groundspeak.react.adventures/cache/.gmscore/lib/arm64-v8a/libmapbox-gl.so
07-02 13:09:32.176 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   :       #10 pc 000000000044715c  /data/data/com.Groundspeak.react.adventures/cache/.gmscore/lib/arm64-v8a/libmapbox-gl.so
07-02 13:09:32.176 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   :       #11 pc 00000000004573d8  /data/data/com.Groundspeak.react.adventures/cache/.gmscore/lib/arm64-v8a/libmapbox-gl.so
07-02 13:09:32.176 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   :       #12 pc 000000000045747c  /data/data/com.Groundspeak.react.adventures/cache/.gmscore/lib/arm64-v8a/libmapbox-gl.so
07-02 13:09:32.176 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   :       #13 pc 000000000204d5b0  /memfd:jit-cache (deleted) (art_jni_trampoline+112)
07-02 13:09:32.176 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   :       #14 pc 0000000002062850  /memfd:jit-cache (deleted) (com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.maps.NativeMapView.addImages+144)
07-02 13:09:32.176 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   :       #15 pc 0000000002057460  /memfd:jit-cache (deleted) (com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.maps.Style.addImage+368)
07-02 13:09:32.176 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   :       #16 pc 0000000000212520  /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (nterp_helper+4016) (BuildId: 9938ac19137e593321b1dc75f5548d56)
07-02 13:09:32.176 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   :       #17 pc 00000000002bfcde  /system/priv-app/GmsCore/GmsCore.apk (com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.maps.Style.addImage+2)
07-02 13:09:32.176 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   :       #18 pc 0000000002059d28  /memfd:jit-cache (deleted) (org.microg.gms.maps.mapbox.model.BitmapDescriptorFactoryImpl$registerBitmap$1$1.invoke+168)
07-02 13:09:32.176 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   :       #19 pc 0000000000212520  /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (nterp_helper+4016) (BuildId: 9938ac19137e593321b1dc75f5548d56)
07-02 13:09:32.176 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   :       #20 pc 000000000019e068  /system/priv-app/GmsCore/GmsCore.apk (org.microg.gms.maps.mapbox.model.BitmapDescriptorFactoryImpl$registerBitmap$1$1.invoke+0)
07-02 13:09:32.176 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   :       #21 pc 0000000002057198  /memfd:jit-cache (deleted) (org.microg.gms.maps.mapbox.GoogleMapKt.runOnMainLooper+216)
07-02 13:09:32.176 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   :       #22 pc 000000000205edf8  /memfd:jit-cache (deleted) (org.microg.gms.maps.mapbox.GoogleMapKt.runOnMainLooper$default+104)
07-02 13:09:32.176 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   :       #23 pc 00000000020547fc  /memfd:jit-cache (deleted) (org.microg.gms.maps.mapbox.model.BitmapDescriptorFactoryImpl.registerBitmap$lambda-5+316)
07-02 13:09:32.176 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   :       #24 pc 0000000000211608  /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (nterp_helper+152) (BuildId: 9938ac19137e593321b1dc75f5548d56)
07-02 13:09:32.176 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   :       #25 pc 000000000019e51c  /system/priv-app/GmsCore/GmsCore.apk (org.microg.gms.maps.mapbox.model.BitmapDescriptorFactoryImpl.$r8$lambda$GviGh1Djt5VC0qWwHiz3alrHoa8+0)
07-02 13:09:32.176 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   :       #26 pc 00000000002115a4  /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (nterp_helper+52) (BuildId: 9938ac19137e593321b1dc75f5548d56)
07-02 13:09:32.176 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   :       #27 pc 000000000019dbe8  /system/priv-app/GmsCore/GmsCore.apk (org.microg.gms.maps.mapbox.model.BitmapDescriptorFactoryImpl$$ExternalSyntheticLambda0.onStyleLoaded+8)
07-02 13:09:32.176 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   :       #28 pc 000000000205b4cc  /memfd:jit-cache (deleted) (com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.maps.MapboxMap.getStyle+220)
07-02 13:09:32.176 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   :       #29 pc 00000000020512bc  /memfd:jit-cache (deleted) (org.microg.gms.maps.mapbox.model.BitmapDescriptorFactoryImpl.registerBitmap+1260)
07-02 13:09:32.176 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   :       #30 pc 000000000205435c  /memfd:jit-cache (deleted) (org.microg.gms.maps.mapbox.model.BitmapDescriptorFactoryImpl.fromBitmap+508)
07-02 13:09:32.176 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   :       #31 pc 000000000205a6a4  /memfd:jit-cache (deleted) (com.google.android.gms.maps.model.internal.IBitmapDescriptorFactoryDelegate$Stub.onTransact+692)
07-02 13:09:32.177 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   :       #32 pc 0000000000212520  /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (nterp_helper+4016) (BuildId: 9938ac19137e593321b1dc75f5548d56)
07-02 13:09:32.177 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   :       #33 pc 000000000019e10a  /system/priv-app/GmsCore/GmsCore.apk (org.microg.gms.maps.mapbox.model.BitmapDescriptorFactoryImpl.onTransact+10)
07-02 13:09:32.177 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   :       #34 pc 0000000000581db4  /system/framework/arm64/boot-framework.oat (android.os.Binder.transact+148) (BuildId: 93094a8ac6c7a6e66a43b62d0319aead5762f5aa)
07-02 13:09:32.177 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   :       #35 pc 000000000202ef14  /memfd:jit-cache (deleted) (od.a.z+196)
07-02 13:09:32.177 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   :       #36 pc 000000000205971c  /memfd:jit-cache (deleted) (od.q.J0+204)
07-02 13:09:32.177 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   :       #37 pc 00000000020598c4  /memfd:jit-cache (deleted) (ud.b.c+212)
07-02 13:09:32.177 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   :       #38 pc 0000000002060c7c  /memfd:jit-cache (deleted) (com.airbnb.android.react.maps.g.getIcon+732)
07-02 13:09:32.177 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   :       #39 pc 000000000205cc80  /memfd:jit-cache (deleted) (com.airbnb.android.react.maps.g.B+112)
07-02 13:09:32.177 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   :       #40 pc 00000000020604a8  /memfd:jit-cache (deleted) (com.airbnb.android.react.maps.g.A+136)
07-02 13:09:32.177 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   :       #41 pc 000000000205b08c  /memfd:jit-cache (deleted) (com.airbnb.android.react.maps.x.h+364)
07-02 13:09:32.177 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   :       #42 pc 0000000000212520  /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (nterp_helper+4016) (BuildId: 9938ac19137e593321b1dc75f5548d56)
07-02 13:09:32.177 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   :       #43 pc 0000000000283670  /data/app/~~_QBIcTurrfEBMj0zr4hxkw==/com.Groundspeak.react.adventures-3IJSDCZjV_EbVNLQHvxqwg==/oat/arm64/base.vdex (com.airbnb.android.react.maps.x$a.run+16)
07-02 13:09:32.177 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   :       #44 pc 0000000000519650  /system/framework/arm64/boot-framework.oat (android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage+80) (BuildId: 93094a8ac6c7a6e66a43b62d0319aead5762f5aa)
07-02 13:09:32.177 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   :       #45 pc 000000000051c54c  /system/framework/arm64/boot-framework.oat (android.os.Looper.loopOnce+1148) (BuildId: 93094a8ac6c7a6e66a43b62d0319aead5762f5aa)
07-02 13:09:32.177 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   :       #46 pc 000000000051c034  /system/framework/arm64/boot-framework.oat (android.os.Looper.loop+516) (BuildId: 93094a8ac6c7a6e66a43b62d0319aead5762f5aa)
07-02 13:09:32.177 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   :       #47 pc 00000000002e3e08  /system/framework/arm64/boot-framework.oat (android.app.ActivityThread.main+728) (BuildId: 93094a8ac6c7a6e66a43b62d0319aead5762f5aa)
07-02 13:09:32.177 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   :       #48 pc 0000000000218be8  /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art_quick_invoke_static_stub+568) (BuildId: 9938ac19137e593321b1dc75f5548d56)
07-02 13:09:32.177 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   :       #49 pc 000000000028407c  /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char const*)+212) (BuildId: 9938ac19137e593321b1dc75f5548d56)
07-02 13:09:32.177 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   :       #50 pc 0000000000617804  /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (_jobject* art::InvokeMethod<(art::PointerSize)8>(art::ScopedObjectAccessAlreadyRunnable const&, _jobject*, _jobject*, _jobject*, unsigned long)+1384) (BuildId: 9938ac19137e593321b1dc75f5548d56)
07-02 13:09:32.177 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   :       #51 pc 000000000058a6c8  /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::Method_invoke(_JNIEnv*, _jobject*, _jobject*, _jobjectArray*)+52) (BuildId: 9938ac19137e593321b1dc75f5548d56)
07-02 13:09:32.177 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   :       #52 pc 00000000000b2f74  /apex/com.android.art/javalib/arm64/boot.oat (art_jni_trampoline+132) (BuildId: c9335f586a3431c478b52ef92db81d0f382dd414)
07-02 13:09:32.177 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   :       #53 pc 000000000084e02c  /system/framework/arm64/boot-framework.oat (com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run+140) (BuildId: 93094a8ac6c7a6e66a43b62d0319aead5762f5aa)
07-02 13:09:32.177 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   :       #54 pc 00000000008566fc  /system/framework/arm64/boot-framework.oat (com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main+2172) (BuildId: 93094a8ac6c7a6e66a43b62d0319aead5762f5aa)
07-02 13:09:32.177 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   :       #55 pc 0000000000218be8  /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art_quick_invoke_static_stub+568) (BuildId: 9938ac19137e593321b1dc75f5548d56)
07-02 13:09:32.177 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   :       #56 pc 000000000028407c  /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char const*)+212) (BuildId: 9938ac19137e593321b1dc75f5548d56)
07-02 13:09:32.177 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   :       #57 pc 0000000000617f58  /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::JValue art::InvokeWithVarArgs<art::ArtMethod*>(art::ScopedObjectAccessAlreadyRunnable const&, _jobject*, art::ArtMethod*, std::__va_list)+448) (BuildId: 9938ac19137e593321b1dc75f5548d56)
07-02 13:09:32.177 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   :       #58 pc 0000000000618424  /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::JValue art::InvokeWithVarArgs<_jmethodID*>(art::ScopedObjectAccessAlreadyRunnable const&, _jobject*, _jmethodID*, std::__va_list)+92) (BuildId: 9938ac19137e593321b1dc75f5548d56)
07-02 13:09:32.177 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   :       #59 pc 00000000004f7614  /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::JNI<true>::CallStaticVoidMethodV(_JNIEnv*, _jclass*, _jmethodID*, std::__va_list)+608) (BuildId: 9938ac19137e593321b1dc75f5548d56)
07-02 13:09:32.177 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   :       #60 pc 00000000000b5ad0  /system/lib64/libandroid_runtime.so (_JNIEnv::CallStaticVoidMethod(_jclass*, _jmethodID*, ...)+120) (BuildId: cd7cec0f36a7e9a3c18ab6003fd3011a)
07-02 13:09:32.177 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   :       #61 pc 00000000000c0f68  /system/lib64/libandroid_runtime.so (android::AndroidRuntime::start(char const*, android::Vector<android::String8> const&, bool)+828) (BuildId: cd7cec0f36a7e9a3c18ab6003fd3011a)
07-02 13:09:32.177 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   :       #62 pc 0000000000002580  /system/bin/app_process64 (main+1324) (BuildId: ddb233935f6ae6a038b020beea13d8fb)
07-02 13:09:32.177 10178 15929 15929 F DEBUG   :       #63 pc 00000000000484f0  /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__libc_init+96) (BuildId: f9471102bb6e4ed28f2e46762b2f446d)
07-02 13:09:32.390  1000  1724 15932 W ActivityTaskManager:   Force finishing activity com.Groundspeak.react.adventures/.MainActivity
07-02 13:09:32.391  1000  1724 15933 I DropBoxManagerService: add tag=data_app_native_crash isTagEnabled=true flags=0x2
07-02 13:09:32.398  1000  1724  2280 I BootReceiver: Copying /data/tombstones/tombstone_42 to DropBox (SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE)
07-02 13:09:32.399  1000  1724  2280 I DropBoxManagerService: add tag=SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE isTagEnabled=true flags=0x6
07-02 13:09:32.453  1000  1724  2280 I DropBoxManagerService: add tag=SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE_PROTO isTagEnabled=true flags=0x4
07-02 13:09:32.892  1000  1724  2011 W ActivityTaskManager: Activity top resumed state loss timeout for ActivityRecord{61f519 u0 com.Groundspeak.react.adventures/.MainActivity t393 f}}
07-02 13:09:32.912  1000  1724  2011 W ActivityTaskManager: Activity pause timeout for ActivityRecord{61f519 u0 com.Groundspeak.react.adventures/.MainActivity t393 f}}


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Waking up this thread just to inform that Adventure lab is usable on e.OS devices. Has been since August 2023.

The crash was caused by a change in the way how microG handles location services and this has since been fixed.

Adventure lab still stops tracking your gps signal if the display is turned off and then you need to restart the app.

Otherwise its working normal.

  • Funny 1
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