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[bug] mapping search results shows the wrong side of the world!


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On profile page beneath the DT grid click "Fill your grid again" produces a search list with 6390 matches centred on home (the UK).

Click "Map these caches" and it shows this, which is no use to me as I'm right round the other side of the planet.

If I drag the map around I get to see the mapped caches closest to me.

I suspect this is yet another bug caused by not handling searches straddling the Greenwich Meridian. as I previously raised here

I've seen this happen for other searches but haven't remembered to record exactly what other sequences have caused it, other than this particular case.

Screenshot from 2022-06-10 22-37-52.png

Edited by MartyBartfast
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21 minutes ago, arisoft said:

For me, your link produces a map centered on the Gulf of Bothnia.

I think that's because all the hits for you will be in the Eastern Hemisphere, so the mapping works correctly; whereas for me (being close to the Greenwich Meridien) it produces a list of caches in the Eastern and the Western hemispheres, and the mapping doesn't handle that correctly and ends up displaying the map 180° out, round the opposite side of the world.

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