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WAP for hints in Norway


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Suddenly you realize that you're close to a cache that you uploaded to your GPS together with a bunch of others, but you had no idea that you would come across it during the day's hunt. So you start searching. No luck. Bad signal, difficult terrain and no print outs to help you. What do you do? Go home? No, not if you're in Norway and have a WAP mobile.


Now you can wap for the hints you need. I've uploaded hints for all the norwegian caches (it's only 123 of them). It isn't necessarily the encrypted hint. Sometimes it might be text from the description instead. The point is that it is the hint you might need for those final meters when you think you've turned every stone in a twenty meter radius and still can't find the cache.


Key in the following address to your mobile phone to see a typical example:



(You can also check it out through a WAP emulator on your computer at this address:



So when you're out there you just enter that address to your WAP phone, just exchanging the filename in accordance to what your GPS says this cache is called.


There's also a file telling you the date for the latest updates and the name of the cache with the highest GC-name currently in this WAP hint archive. It's at this address:



Now, I did the 123 norwegian ones. Who'll do the 964 swedish ones for me. ;-)

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