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Difficulty With Virtual Cache Approval! (Would like your opinion)


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I recently tried to approve a virtual cache in Southwest Louisiana. I am not much for seeking out virtual caches but this one is very unique! It is a 1,000 year old Buddha statue that was transported from China to America in 1936. It rest in a temple among the Spanish moss and Bamboo trees. The Site hosts a wide variety of wildlife including alligators. I wish I could include tha photos I included on the cache page. The person approving the site, Key9, did not think it was worthy of posting. Key9 thought I should take it to the forum for concensus. I would like your opinion.


Inscription on the temple:


Peacefully ! Rest

Upon This Lagoon’s Bank

As Pale Green Bamboos

Sway Above My Throne.

Clouds Of Blossoms

Soften The Sifted Light

Falling Golden And Misty

Through The Boughs Above.

Long Days Of Travel

Brought Me From My Home.

Yet I Have Known

No Hour Of Calmer Rest.

My Thoughts Are Like

The Swaying Bamboos’ Crest

Waved To And Fro

Above The Rippling Stream.

Clear And Blue

As From A Glorious Dream.


E.A McIlhenny


[This message was edited by Lexxor on March 12, 2003 at 06:38 AM.]


[This message was edited by Lexxor on March 12, 2003 at 06:41 AM.]

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I'm not a fan of virtuals, but a 1000 year old Buddah in SW Loos-ee-anna is deserving of something. I voted for approval, but...


...is there a place near the Buddah where you could hide a physical cache? I wouldn't normally go out of my way for a virtual, but even a micro at the site would be enough to draw me off the highway.

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i don't mind doing truly unique virtuals. this one sounds unique to me, but what is the reasoning for not doing a micro or a vitual at this location. even if you have to do a offset or multi-stage where they could go to the bhudda to get some bit of info for the final cache you have got some one to the bhudda. but i think it is worthy of a virtual.

the federation


boldly going where others have gone before

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I recently tried to approve a virtual cache in Southwest Louisiana. I am not much for seeking out virtual caches but this one is very unique! It is a 1,000 year old Buddha statue that was transported from China to America in 1936. It rest in a temple among the Spanish moss and Bamboo trees.


I'm not too fond of virtuals, so my opinion may seem slanted a bit here --


I'm guessing it got shot down due to the fact that there is another virtual very close to the site you are describing. That, and the recent crack-down on virtuals in general.


However, since I've thought about virtual-ing buddha myself, I give it a thumbs up. icon_smile.gif Perhaps you could change it to a micro (film cannister plus log sheet)?


If you do get it approved, don't forget to mention the park entry fee. That was my main reason for not doing it before. I'd be steaming if I rolled in there and got blind-sided by the fee. On any given day, I don't think I could pluck that much out of my ash tray!


Good Luck!



Friend of Buddha

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I would say no, but only because of the entrance fee. Otherwise my vote would have been a yes. I am generaly opposed to finding any caches that require entrance or parking fees to find, and have never found any of these myself.


Not all who wander are lost... unless the batteries in their GPS die, their maps get ruined by rainwater when their pack leaks, and they find themselves in a laurel thicket. Then, they are probably lost.

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