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Soup + fractal + Halloween = ????


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We just might have something in the works for Halloween. More details after Soup gets back from his honeymoon icon_wink.gif


Congratulations Soup! Have fun tomorrow, and my best wishes go out to you and Mrs. Soup icon_wink.gif





N 45 30.ish

W 122 58.ish


My worst nightmare (or best cache dream) come true. Fractal and Soup teaming up on a geocache project. I'm very, very interested. I can hear Yoda saying now "You will be, You wiiilll be"


KTF !!! GBWY !!!


Please, please, please!!!


Make it on a weekend!!!!


A fractal/soup combo platter would be worth making the trek south, but it would have to be on a weekend.


smile02.gif If ignorance is bliss, why aren't there more happy people??




Soup and I just tossed the idea together on Monday night. No details have been set yet.

I think he gets back from his honeymoon on or about the 7th of October. We can set some details after that icon_smile.gif




Of course, this sounds like a GREAT cache event for Halloween!! icon_wink.gif (apoligies to LaurenCat).

Yep, your pal soup is gettin hitched. Crazy eh?


3 ministers (one crying no less), 1 broken truck (this morning), and 8000 other tasks I cannot complete before the wedding, but I WILL log onto GC one last time as a single cacher. Crazy X2.


Plus: fractal is telling no lie, we have decided to join forces and summon the devious spirits of the underworld. Prepare for something weird, something ghoulish, and something grand.


That is all for now. Thanks for the congrats!! Oh, and her name is Soupette!!! Like the Smurfs, but she aint blue. heh heh heh.


"I put instant soup in a microwave and almost went back in time." -Stephen Wright


soup+fractal+halloween=a resounding NO!


I've survived fractal's puzzles--barely. I've survived soup's apparatus--again, barely.


if the two of you were to join forces, i'd make sure to find an excuse to be out of town for the day--possibly for the entire week.


i've had a lot of fun in my life, but if the two of you get together for something, then i don't want to be within 50 mies of it. there's only so much a person can handle.


consider me out. definitely OUT! i am not a rich boy, but if you guys put something on for halloween, let me know so i can book my plane tickets now. i want to be as far away from this as possible.


No, serious. I'm sure there's a concert in seattle or boise i need to be at. yeah, that's it. i can see it now: robyn hitchcock is playing in everett on halloween so i can't come. oh geez, sorry guys.


No. Don't do it. We're not ready.


all rights reserved, all wrongs reversed


Originally posted by oregone:

...sorry guys.


No. Don't do it. We're not ready.



Wow... Didn't ecpect that icon_confused.gif


Too many geo-activities going on for ya lately?

I promise It wont be anything insane like The Game! And there won't be any driving like The Cube!


C'mon Rev. Oregone! It will be within your fun tolerences, I promise icon_wink.gif




Originally posted by fractal:


C'mon Rev. Oregone! It will be within your fun tolerences, I promise icon_wink.gif




In actuality, i'd probably drop everything if you guys got together for a cache/event. It would be like the pixies getting back together for a 15th anniversary show--or something along those lines. i just forgot to include a buttload of icon_wink.gif emoticons on my original post!


all rights reserved, all wrongs reversed


FRACTAL!, oregone's tounge has been surgically attached to his cheek.


i however will probably not be able to attend, unless it is after 9pm (i am working swing shift in hillsboro).


but i wish to you the best on my favorite of holy days.


oh and for oregone's sake: icon_wink.gificon_razz.gificon_wink.gificon_biggrin.gificon_cool.gificon_smile.gificon_eek.gificon_biggrin.gificon_wink.gificon_razz.gif



I'm not great enough to be modest.


Originally posted by bellemanda:

i however will probably not be able to attend, unless it is after 9pm (i am working swing shift in hillsboro).


but i wish to you the best on my favorite of holy days.

icon_frown.gificon_eek.gificon_confused.gifWhat an unfortunate day to have to work swing shift.


I'll be keeping my eyes on how this develops in the hopes of making it to this event, but I do hope it is not actually on Samhain night.


I, for one, am excited. I hope you guys don't get too spooky on me, though, because i scare very easily.


And happy wedding, soup and soupette. I'm sad that i can no longer marry soup, unless we move to utah with soupette. and i think utah's a little too hot and dry for me.


If there's gravity, then how you explain birds!?!


and I took Oct. 31st off as I always do. This sounds very scary. Me likey the All Hallows Eve. I think fractal might be able to vouch for that.



I spent the 1st 3 years trying to reach him

and the next 10 trying to lock him away. He is pure evil.


Well... Depending on when we do this, I might mot be able to make it!

I'm leaving for Orlando, Fl on the 26th and am returning on Halloween afternoon...

If we do this thing on Halloween night, I can still attend... but I think I'll be pretty tired!

I suppose I should put a call out for some travelbugs that wanna go east...




Well... I'm going to say that there's a 99% chance that Soup and I will not be putting together a geo-event on Halloween...


Soup is busy fixing up his house so he can sell it, so we can't transform it into something spooky-like... And, he had a hard time convincing his friends to let us take over and re-decorate/re-construct their place.


I'm returning on Halloween afternoon from a looooong flight... Then, I have to be at work the next day at 5:45am... I'm going to sleep like the dead that night (get it? Halloween...dead icon_wink.gif )


Looks like it's not in the cards for this year... Sorry folks. I was really looking forward to it myself...


But, don't you think for a second that we won't do something next year! icon_cool.gif We're keeping our notes that we've taken in our secret meetings... Now we've got a lot more time to work out details, create puzzles, build hype (like that's a problem icon_rolleyes.gif ), and put together something worthy of the names Soup and fractal!


And just to tease you even more, I did make a teaser in case everything worked out this year. It's simple, kinda funny, and actually one of my favorites. Be sure and check it out. It answers the question: Soup + fractal + Halloween = ????


Hope everyone has a safe and happy Halloween! If you're having a party, be sure to invite us icon_wink.gif




Originally posted by fractal:

There is still that 1% chance of something happening icon_wink.gif




Possibly a 1.52% chance. I am an optimist. icon_razz.gif


"I put instant soup in a microwave and almost went back in time." -Stephen Wright


I'm actually kinda glad this has been postponed, as i'll be in seattle at a concert that night. It would have made me insanely jealous upon my return to read all of the logs describing the event as a mix between The Apparatus, The Contact Cache, and Abe Vigoda's resurrection.


all rights reserved, all wrongs reversed


Originally posted by oregone:

... describing the event as a mix between The Apparatus, The Contact Cache, and Abe Vigoda's resurrection.


Uh oh... I think you must have taken a peek at our notes!

Your description perfectly describes the events we had planned for that evening icon_wink.gif




Oregone is close indeed. I still have Abe Vigoda in my closet. Keeps saying something about eating my brains.. stupid zombies! All the same.


Looks like your Halloween fiends fractal and soup will have to OFFICIALLY bow out of a spooky cache adventure. This year, it just wasnt meant to be..

Jeeze, I dont even have my costume ready yet. RATS! What will I use for an avatar next month?


We do have some 'killer' ideas, and we plan on unleashing them to you in 1 years time. Spooky it will be, easy it will not.


Get your Will up-to-date. You just might need it. icon_wink.gif


What do you call 2,000 pounds of Chinese Soup? Won Ton.


And I was just putting the final touches on my new Freddy Kruger glove. Complete with knife blade fingers, a bracket for my Garmin and a sensor that automatically marks a waypoint when blood touches it. Oh well, maybe next year. icon_razz.gif


"Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day, set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life."

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