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Friday get together


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I posted an event cache 3 days ago but for some reason that even Jeremy can't answer it is yet to be approved. It now says Hold TMS. I was hoping to launch a new golden item called the Golden nipple. Here are the details hopefully it will be approved soon.


Friday the 25th


N 45° 30.012 W 122° 25.915


Come have some fun. The coordinates will take you to 1 of 2 bars. A great brewery or if some prefer a nice sports bar. I would like to present a knock off of the Golden Spike. The Nipple currently resides in Thom's Little Cache. This is nothing formal/organized just a meeting place to see a few of the faces that appear on the logs. Time will be 7:30ish PM. Looking forward to meeting some of you. Max does run about 3 blocks from here. The brewery has a smaller bar but the sports bar is bigger


There was a young maid from Madras

Who had a magnificent a$$;

Not rounded and pink,

As you probably think---

It was grey, had long ears, and ate grass.


Oh good, I was getting concerned that maybe this wasn't really going to happen. I would like to go, but Doug won't be able to-- and yes, I do have his 'permission' to go.


Is there anyone that I already know who is willing to swing by and pick me up on their way? I live VERY near EC Cache. If I don't hear from anyone, I may Max it, but hey now, that just wouldn't be as much fun!


...speaking of Sports Bar, the Blazers play their 3rd game against the Mavs Friday evening (7:30) on ESPN. I bet the bar will have it on. Anyone want to join me in betting against the Blazers? I love to hate 'em... or is it hate to love 'em? I'm not sure any more!

--laurak of dasein


Temporarily French Polynesia's most prolific geocachers!


Is there anyone that I already know who is willing to swing by and pick me up on their way? I live VERY near http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?ID=63303. If I don't hear from anyone, I may Max it, but hey now, that just wouldn't be as much fun!

You know I live close to the EC Cache, but that also means I live close to the MAX. I can't pass up the opportunity to ride the MAX if I know a bar's involved. I plan to be there, but I haven't received approval from the entertainment committee yet . . .


Hey, an event I don't have to work during. We'll be there. And can pick-up Laura too. We aren't really beer drinkers though. So if you want to stay late you might have to Max it with Bodoni. Finally get a chance to met more of you nerds. icon_wink.gif


smiles_63.gif ---Real men cache in shorts.


I guess the name of the cache is the holdup. The Golden Nipple is now the Golden N. The Golden N

There was a young maid from Madras

Who had a magnificent a$$;

Not rounded and pink,

As you probably think---

It was grey, had long ears, and ate grass.


[This message was edited by MattandLaura on April 22, 2003 at 02:27 PM.]


I'll have to be at the next one...

I'm working a long day on Friday, then have to be back to work at 6am Saturday...


Until next time...





N 45? 30.ish

W 122? 58.ish


Hope you all have a wonderful time!


MattandLaura - how's the little one? icon_wink.gif My Matt and I are expecting in August. I'm hoping to get more caching in this summer.


Hi Raven, We are all doing well. Congrats to you on your future arrival. Note: I have reservations at the brewery under MattandLaura for 7:30. Look forward to seeing everyone


There was a young maid from Madras

Who had a magnificent a$$;

Not rounded and pink,

As you probably think---

It was grey, had long ears, and ate grass.

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