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State Parks, etc.


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Hi there!


A few local geocachers and I have started an organization for Central Kentucky. One of our first tasks is to try and work out a friendly relationship with State Parks and the like so we can cache there.


I would love to hear any and all discussions from people dealing with this issue in order to help us gather info from around the country to back us up, or to prepare us for what they will throw at us.


thanks in advance,



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The WSGA (Washington State Geocaching Association) has begun its efforts to get guidelines set for the Washington State Parks. We are still waiting for confirmation of a date for our first meeting. I will be happy to let you know how things go.




Cum catapultae proscriptae erat,tum soli proscript catapultas habeunt.

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That's a great idea. Once we get our first meeting under our belts, we might try that. Our first cache is very near the regional headquarters for our State Parks. Even though it is our first cache it meets all the guidelines we've proposed......well..........except for that whole getting permission ahead of time thing. icon_wink.gif Some day we'll have to do that.


smile02.gif If ignorance is bliss, why aren't there more happy people??



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