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Looking to share cache I hid in Gladstone, if you'll maintain :P


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I'd love a kind volunteer so this can be published.  Already hidden in Gladstone while there for business.  It's at a local park at following coords.  S 23° 50.590 E 151° 15.109


Here are the details and a pic.  Contact me if willing to assist.  I can send a short vid of exactly where cache is.  


"This park deserves a cache....enjoy the hunt.

This is a small cache that is well hidden, please replace just as found to conceal and retain Difficulty rating.  General cache location is contained within CO picture. BYOP"





Hi, no worries. I can maintain it if you wish. Just publish it, putting a note in it that I will be the local maintainer.


I am currently working out west for a few weeks, but do get home on occasion. When I get that way again, I will go for the hunt.






You're awesome!  I will resubmit with you as agreeing to maintain it for me.  If at any point you decide to not maintain, let me know and I'll try and find someone else or simply Archive.  It's (well, SHOULD BE still) under the wooden bridge that crosses the little rock stream that is in the CO picture.  I put in on the cement slab under a small rock, under the wood.  Its on the corner that is nearest the road and nearest the park.  I hope it publishes soon and someone confirms its still there   :P

See attached pic where my cursor is

Thanks again!



Bridge Eclipsed.JPG

On 06/09/2017 at 5:33 PM, RELKCIB said:

You're awesome!  I will resubmit with you as agreeing to maintain it for me.  If at any point you decide to not maintain, let me know and I'll try and find someone else or simply Archive.  It's (well, SHOULD BE still) under the wooden bridge that crosses the little rock stream that is in the CO picture.  I put in on the cement slab under a small rock, under the wood.  Its on the corner that is nearest the road and nearest the park.  I hope it publishes soon and someone confirms its still there   :P

See attached pic where my cursor is

Thanks again!



Bridge Eclipsed.JPG

Spoiler alert!!!!:lol:

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