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iPhone not running "On Enter" events


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I am building a 5 x 5 Urwigo/Wherigo cartridge. As you enter the various cells of the maze the adjacent cells become active and visible. Other cells that are no longer adjacent become inactive and invisible. These (and other actions) are triggered by the "On Enter" event for the zone (cell). Entering the first cell works fine, the dialogue is triggered and the adjacent cell is revealed and activated. You can select the second cell in "Locations" and it will guide you there and indicate that you are "In Zone." But, no events are triggered and the additional cells are (of course) not activated.


I am thinking that the "In Range" or "In Proximity" settings may be the issue. I have unsuccessfully played with these. The programming works correctly in the Urwigo Simulator but not in the field.


Any help would be appreciated.



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The zones need to be marked as "always in range." Otherwise they will be invisible since the range is set to 0. The urwigo player shows invisible zones so this is why you can see them in the player. Also, just a thought, but you might want to bump the proximities upto 8 or higher on the first couple. I have gotten bashed pretty hard by geocachers who have a hard time entering a zone so I try and always keep those at least at 8-10 meters.


Also, I noticed a bunch of the zones are marked at proximity 60 meters which is uriwgo's default setting. With such a high setting the player will most likely be triggering multiple zones since that is such a wide area--might want to take those down, just as a thought. I can also see many reasons for wanting high proximity though too.


It looks like a really fun Wherigo!! I love these maze puzzle types. I played my first one in seattle this summer and really enjoyed it.

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Thank you Forest! I've made the changes you suggested. It looks like a 4 meter proximity might be the sweet spot. I'll test it in the field and see what happens.


And yes, the "On Proximity" events have been eliminated. I was just playing with them as a way to get beyond the error.


Thanks for your comment on the maze. I've got a ways to go with it. I want to add media and various field puzzles to it before I publish.


Thanks again,



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