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Oh, Wow! We can now lock TBs!


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Posted (edited)

I confirmed the option is available on my TB's page. SWEET!


If your Trackable is being logged inappropriately, you can lock it, essentially taking it out of the game. It can be unlocked later. To lock your Trackable, visit the Trackable page and select "Lock" under "Actions." Confirm on the next page that you want it locked.


Edited by TriciaG

Seems rather a blunt tool - block everything or allow everything.


60 seconds online and I found a tool which, given a list of TB codes, would log them all for you to save you the effort of bothering yourself* - probably harvesting all the codes at the same time to add to ever growing lists for circulation. In a way it's a perfect system for anyone for whom actually having physical contact with a TB isn't essential to logging it.


So once your TB is on one of the lists no doubt circulating out there in the ether I'd say that a temporary disablement wouldn't actually fix the problem - just stem the flow of fake logs for a while.


*Personally I wouldn't use such a system as I'm not in the habit of handing over my Groundspeak credentials to any Tom, Dick or Harry and I think there's a guideline against doing so?

Posted (edited)

Well, people did ask for it, so someone will use it. :)


I can see people using it in and around mega events, to prevent scads of Discovers on their TB.


ETA: Or for TBs that are in their possession or are gone forever, to prevent fake logs. It obviously doesn't work well for TBs still in play, but there are definitely uses for this new tool.

Edited by TriciaG

If a TB owner doesn't want their TB discovered at mega events (or any events), even if it's legitimately AT the event, I can see them using this functionality.


There are TB owners that want their TB to move, not to be taken to events and discovered.


I'm not saying it's right or wrong; I'm just saying it's a use for it. :)


Yep it works ... I just tested it on a geocoin of mine that someone has kidnapped. The only problem I see with this is if you lock it, then it gets dropped into a cache and you forget to unlock it, you'd never know anything of it's movements. So I can see an advantage AND a major disadvantage, still nice to know we have a little more control over things we own.


What we were hoping for was a means to prevent the possibility of discovery logs, while still leaving our TBs in play. This tool is useless for that purpose. The folks who paid Groundspeak Money for the trackable number are not given control for how that item gets used in the game. The folks who paid nothing and log discoveries get to do what they want. Utter failure to deal appropriately with the problem.

Posted (edited)

Hmmmm. It IS nice to have a lock feature over nothing...and that GS listened to members concerns over rampant fake discoveries, but it would have been nice to block discoveries as opposed to locking up all activities on a TB. I just had an MIA TB "discovered" in Germany. No way!

Edited by PlantAKiss

I have to say I hate the mobile version of this forum. It's horrible. It won't let me edit my post to fix the autocorrect. Text is so minuscule I can barely read it. The "loading" alert gets stuck all the time. Anyway, my post was supposed to say "...a lock feature over a TB..."


I have to say I hate the mobile version of this forum. It's horrible. It won't let me edit my post to fix the autocorrect. Text is so minuscule I can barely read it. The "loading" alert gets stuck all the time. Anyway, my post was supposed to say "...a lock feature over a TB..."


Which skin are you using?


You can change to "IP mobile", down at the very bottom of the page, over on the left.





A lock, interesting, I did not know it was there. Thanks, though I am not sure I could use it. I would like to see a button on your travel bug page to HIDE the discovered logs, and another option to HIDE the "Took it to" logs. I think this would solve many TB owners issues with these logs. Thanks again.


A lock, interesting, I did not know it was there. Thanks, though I am not sure I could use it. I would like to see a button on your travel bug page to HIDE the discovered logs, and another option to HIDE the "Took it to" logs. I think this would solve many TB owners issues with these logs. Thanks again.


Gets my vote.

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