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Why are users not adequately supported?


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Why ? Why are users not adequately supported?

Changed coordinates are not recognizable in maps! Only changed coordinate be issued in PQ 's, useless for external apps! In the incredibly bad app modified coordinates will not even appear!

On tablets handling maps is a disgrace!


Why ? Why GC offers just such bad tools ?

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Why ? Why are users not adequately supported?

Changed coordinates are not recognizable in maps! Only changed coordinate be issued in PQ 's, useless for external apps! In the incredibly bad app modified coordinates will not even appear!

On tablets handling maps is a disgrace!


Why ? Why GC offers just such bad tools ?

Add to that... why do folks hide behind a sock? Perhaps because you wanted to create a cryptic gripe/rant only?

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To protect against users give senseless comments .

The problems are real , but the comment - without words !


Yeah, sure.


Let's hope that GS has good tools to enforce their Forum Guidelines:




5. Sock puppet accounts are not permitted. A sock-puppet account is created and used by a person who already has a primary account, for the purpose of posting anonymously. Posts from known sock puppet accounts may be deleted, and both the sock-puppet and primary accounts may be suspended from the Groundspeak sites. Please use your real, primary account for posting in the Groundspeak forums.



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12. Any messages you post in these discussion forums will remain available to the public for as long as this discussion forum is online; please post carefully and with due consideration to the content of your post. An exception is if the post does not meet forum guidelines and is moderated. Moderated posts may be removed or edited by moderators or Groundspeak. In the unlikely event that we do edit your post and you do not like the changes, we can delete the message at your request.




2.26. Deleting My Account


To disable your account, please visit your membership page.


Although accounts are never permanently deleted, they can certainly be disabled.


Each account created on Geocaching.com is assigned a Member ID which remains as a historical record in our system. If you choose to delete all public profile information or adopt caches or trackables, you can do so before your account is disabled. Disabling your account will cancel your email subscriptions and future payments. Note that account changes may take up to 24 hours to take effect. If you have an active PayPal subscription, you may need to contact PayPal directly to cancel it.


A non-ranting post from your primary account would probably get much better results. Definitely would get more respect.



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A non-ranting post from your primary account would probably get much better results. Definitely would get more respect.
You might even consider chiming in with your primary account on one of the existing threads about the issues you're concerned about.
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