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Cachers Vs. Cache Seekers

Guest Ron Streeter

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Guest Quinnow

Actually I don't think we get any better prices than the rest of the country even though kodak is homed here. But many times when they do testing my friend gets the leftover single use cameras. About 4 months before I heard of this sport he got over 300 of them, but I had no use so padded on them, God I could slam my head into a wall for doing that. next time he gets some I'll scoop them all and send out some to whoever could use them (of course you guys would have to pay postage) but gotta wait and see when and if this will happen again.



Quinn Stone

Rochester, NY.14616



[This message has been edited by Quinnow (edited 04-06-2001).]

Guest easom1

I have only placed 2 so far, one on my own, and another with a group. I have only found one, and plan to place the 5 caches that I have done this weekend. I plan placing my caches at least 20 miles apart. Here in Idaho that could be twenty minutes apart or a day apart. I will try and make each cache very different from the rest in as many ways possible. Some will be placed close to a populated areas, these will be to lure more people into the sport. Others will be quite a challenge and be targeted toward those who now have been bitten hard by the Geocaching bug. I will probably place far more than I find at first but hope my caches will be responsible for more people participate. EASOM eek.gif

Guest brucebridges

I've been reading this thread and just want to add my humble perspective.


We have found 3 caches so far so we are new to this great game. We have been trying to get a better idea of how to do this properly before we place our first cache (but plan to soon).


In the meantime, we have tried very hard to bring several items to the caches we find with, hopefully, interesting items that people will genuinely appreciate. I guess the point there is that although we haven't actually placed a cache, we are really trying to contribute to the fun rather than be parasites.


One thing that I wonder about though is that as this game becomes more and more popular, there is a real prospect of excessive caches. We don't want to put caches out unless they make sense. I guess the idea of excessive caches is a little ridiculous at this point but it has occurred to us.


Most important though and completely off topic, we are really embracing the cache in/trash out concept. Every time we leave a park, it is a little better for the garbage we bring out. I look forward to the first park ranger that notices this practice.





Guest Quinnow

Bruce, the sport needs more people like you!...I agree with you on everything after some thought. Maybe when and also in certain areas, if there becomes too many caches we the owners could pick up a cache and update it and then replace it elsewheres.

The trash idea is great! and I hope it is working in most areas. Good luck while caching and have fun! icon_smile.gif



Quinn Stone

Rochester, NY.14616



[This message has been edited by Quinnow (edited 04-06-2001).]

Guest Quinnow

Bruce, the sport needs more people like you!...I agree with you on everything after some thought. Maybe when and also in certain areas, if there becomes too many caches we the owners could pick up a cache and update it and then replace it elsewheres.

The trash idea is great! and I hope it is working in most areas. Good luck while caching and have fun! icon_smile.gif



Quinn Stone

Rochester, NY.14616



[This message has been edited by Quinnow (edited 04-06-2001).]

Guest bob_renner

Originally posted by brucebridges:

... I look forward to the first park ranger that notices this practice.





Don't wait for a Park Ranger to notice your trash cleanup - take the bag of trash to the Park Headquarters (or other nearby office), give it to them and tell them, "This bag of trash was collected courtesy of Geocaching.com!"



Guest Ron Streeter

age you are responding to? (especially if it is the message just above your response). It takes up a lot of space and seems redundant.



Guest Quinnow

Sorry Ron, yeah you're right, I need to break it down some. Bad habit on my part!


Sorry guys!



Quinn Stone

Rochester, NY.14616


Guest Quinnow

I fixed the Quotes! icon_smile.gif


[This message has been edited by Quinnow (edited 04-06-2001).]

Guest Quinnow

I fixed the Quotes! icon_smile.gif


[This message has been edited by Quinnow (edited 04-06-2001).]

Guest Nomad

Another thing Quinnow...how come just about every post you've ever made has been edited?


Yes I recognize the irony in belittling a post editor through an edited post.


[This message has been edited by Nomad (edited 04-09-2001).]

Guest Quinnow

Nomad...it would be due to fat fingers and skinny keys on keyboard, that and a lack of proof reading will do it...why was yours edited?



Quinn Stone

Rochester, NY.14616


Guest Quinnow

And by the way Nomad...is that what you are wishing to do? "belittle" me?

I also forgot that another reason why so many were edited was to remove many of the long "quote" threads I had placed within. Thus it was making each topic a mile long scroll bar. So the ones here as well as other topic threads if you see an edit, it was either to correct a bad "typo" or to delete a long Quote.



Quinn Stone

Rochester, NY.14616


Guest dutchman12

How does everyone feel about 'Urban Caches' that are hidden within city limits, at parks or other landmarks? I was thinking of hiding a cache on Tom Sawyer's Island at Disneyland (since I live in Anaheim)... Any thoughts?


I stumbled upon this site will researching for my first GPS (eTrex Vista). I haven't receied my unit yet, but I'm more excited about the idea of creating caches (with my 5 year old son) than finding. Of course, my son will love the idea of "treasure hunting" more, but we don't even own a GPS yet and we are planning for making/placing our first cache.

Guest Russ

I noticed a sub-topic pop up here. Trash-liter, and the possibility of people complaining.On one of my cache hunts, I ended up in a location that was littered with non Geocache trash. I hauled out 3 bags of trash, 90% recyclables. It added 10 minutes at the most.


As far as the cost of placing a cash, maybe we should start a new thread.> Posting $1 stores, etc. to cut cost. I really doubt that my dog would mind a used baseball from a thrift store.


I place an urban cache, its not listed yet I need to follow up on that. But, I thought it was unique as it offers multiple outdoor activites for children and adults.



Guest Chris Juricich

I'm a salesman who travels around northern California-- so I'm in a perfect circumstance to do a little exploring and cache-creation of my own.


As I'll be in Vancouver, BC next month, with a few days on my own, I'll probably place at least one cache while I'm up there for others and, time permitting, do a few seeks of my own.

Guest Omicron

I've got 2 caches placed, and 1 cache found so far. I actually placed my first cache before I found one. I'm trying to place a cache for every one that I find, so I've got a bit of a buffer right now =)


I was involved with the degree confluence project for quite awhile, and i had a geocache made up and sitting in my closet for about two months before I decided to place it somewhere. I can't wait until people start finding them.


Originally posted by Ron Streeter:

The topic of this thread got waylaid a bit, so to get it back on track....


I had some minor success in getting a few people to place some more caches, but there are still some who "just can't find the time" to plant a cache...too busy finding them !


I still consider anyone who has a dozen or more finds under their belt and from zero to 1 or 2 placements to be "geocache slackers".


The worst offenders in my area are:


23 finds......4 placements

14 finds......0 placements


I did find one fellow (I think in another state or the southern part of CA) who had 50 finds and zero placements...he's the record holder for the Gordon Gecko award.."Greed is good".



Guest ClayJar

ay (that's what the trips are for). As a result of this, I've done quite a bit of travelling (about 4500 miles over six weekends) and found a fair number of caches (20 by the end of this weekend), only two of which are within 50 miles of my home.


Now, am I a rude and selfish person who cares nothing about geocaching and deserves to be dragged out and hung at sundown (and then shot at sunrise)? I haven't placed any caches yet (Oh, the humanity!), but this is because I haven't been anywhere near my area. Once this weekend is over, I will have used up all my summer-schedule-induced 3-day weekends, and then I won't be able to drive all over the southeastern US hiking and hunting caches, which will give me time to plant mine.


Still, I'll have a count of something like 20:2 or so, at least for a while. Does that make me a bad person? No. Should I go out and hide a third cache within 5 miles of the first two just north of Baton Rouge? Of course not! (There's no point in there being two of them that close, in my book at least.)


I'm spending time to work out a really nice, challenging placement for a cache about 25 or so miles east of Baton Rouge, and once the landowner and myself spend a day finding the best spot for the cache, I'll place it. IMHO, taking the time to plant one really good, tough cache around here is worth a dozen more */1-1.5 caches.


Do other people have other opinions? Sure! But I for one won't let anyone tell me that I'm doing a disservice to geocaching by thinking and planning and taking my time to plant the best cache I can around here. (And I am trying to contact the local geocachers to see what the LA State Park people's opinions are.)


(There. Vent complete. Pressure normalized.)

Guest Hard Slate

Clayjar,thank you!(applause).You said it all brother! icon_biggrin.gif

Guest Hard Slate

Clayjar,thank you!(applause).You said it all brother! icon_biggrin.gif

Guest McIrish

Ok here is my take on the hiders vs. seekers issue. I have found nine (going out today to find another one) I have placed three. I didn't place my first cache until I had found about six I think. I needed some experience in how it was all done and what the caches should be like. I believe it is much easier to find than it is to place. All of my placements took at least a day to accomplish. I don't think there should be any ratio followed for hiding and seeking caches. I enjoy doing both. I love the hunt and I also enjoy sitting at my computer reading what people have to say about my own caches. However, when I am in need of a day out relaxing, I love to seek caches. In our area there are many many caches and new ones cropping up all the time. I can hunt at least three or more in an afternoon. So, If I had to place one for every three I hunted, I would be placing a lot more caches than I am able to maintain. I do think that maintaining is as important as placement. I think the three that I have out now will keep me busy maintaining so I doubt I will place any more for awhile. I think instead of a ratio, we should be placing the emphisis on taking care of the ones you do place and making sure they are stocked and not hurting the environment. I do feel that after hunting several caches, you should feel responsible to place at least one to maintain. Happy geocaching everyone!!! cool.gif


In my short time as a geocacher, having a current record of 10 logged and 2 placed, I have come to realize that the most enjoyable and satisfying hunts were those that were obviously well researched and thought out. I'd prefer knowing that a new placement fell into this category rather than having it thrown together and hidden quickly because the cacher felt pressured into getting his/her ratio in line. If it takes 2 to 3 weeks or more to plan a cache then so be it but continue to enjoy hunting and logging finds. To heck with ratio.

Guest Garmyth

I have to agree with Olar. Give me a few well thought out caches over just trashing up places with ill thought out caches and needless repetition. If all your after is to put notches on your Geocaching belt then your missing out on about 90% of what the sport is all about. Namely another way to responsibly enjoy the outdoors. Collect coins or something else.

Guest Ron Streeter

This message is for the two folks immediately above this post.


This thread was started some time ago (check my very first entry). The situation in my area has changed quite a bit since then.


Now instead of 50 caches in my zip code there are about 240. I stopped placing caches a few months ago and now have joined the ranks of the finders.


I brought a lot of cachers to the area with my 20 or so caches in this zip code (at a time when there were far fewer than now) and I even inspired some of the people who were hunting only, to place caches. I think this is a good thing.


I suggested to one cacher that after finding 15 caches, maybe he might want to place one for other people to find. He did and a lot of people came to it. That cacher now has 50 plus finds and has only placed the one. Maybe that's OK, but I still think that's not much of contribution to the sport.


I didn't (and don't) just throw down a cache. I don't THINK anyone does that, though I could be wrong.


I have come to feel that people will do what they will do no matter what one has to say on this or any other subject. A person IS the way a person IS. Some are givers, some are takers and some fall somewhere in between.


I hope all of you continue to enjoy and contribute to the sport in a manner you feel acceptable and appropriate.



24H/36F....1 country/4 states/ 3 times crossed paths with other cachers.

Guest niambi

home on Cape Ann in MA.


I'm in poor shape pysicallly and was delighted to find a fun incentive to get out and walk through senic areas of this most delightful area. The added bonus is learning to use a GPS, compass and maps.


For me, the beauty of this game seems to be in encouraging people to get out and find areas of beauty in the landscape that might be very special to the cacher and a wonderful discovery for the cachee. I think it's a terrific gift to share your special spot with others.


The idea of collecting trash is also wonderful. It will help geocaching from becoming restricted as a possible nuisance as it becomes more popular.



Guest tedoca

Ok, I'm just a newbie, but I feel like I've got to weigh in here...


In fact I've yet to set out on even my first adventure to find a cache.


...but let's take this scenario...


Let's suppose there were one hundred Geocachers in a given geographical area... be it Maryland or Montana, I don't care which (and it shouldn't matter anyway),


So... if each of these persons were to establish just one hidden cache of their own, that would be 99 "potential finds" for everybody else, right?


So... out of one hundred folks you've got one site to maintan and 99 sites you can go out searching for... that should keep you busy for a while, right? Or am I missing something? (remember,I'm a newbie, maybe I'm missing something)


So my point is, even if a person maintained a 1 to 100 ratio they would still be contributing to the sport, right?


I don't know... maybe my math is wrong? To me, if I had only one or two sites I had to maintain that would be a lot.


Sign me,

Newbie (for now)

Guest Nemesis

Originally posted by tedoca:

...my point is, even if a person maintained a 1 to 100 ratio they would still be contributing to the sport, right?


You are correct! But...if you lived in an area where there are only, let us say, 3 caches nearby, you would only have 2 to find (if one was yours). You can see that in empty areas, in the beginning you need to place more caches than you find (like in New Zealand, for example).





I can't believe that I read clear to the end before I noticed that all the posts (except the last) were from 2001!


That's it, I'm shutting the 'puter down NOW! icon_rolleyes.gif




"We've got the hardware and the software, the plans and the maps ..." -- Citizen Wayne Kramer


I can't believe that I read clear to the end before I noticed that all the posts (except the last) were from 2001!


That's it, I'm shutting the 'puter down NOW! icon_rolleyes.gif




"We've got the hardware and the software, the plans and the maps ..." -- Citizen Wayne Kramer


There have been a lot of valid points in this thread, hopefully I can add something. I think if you go to an area, where one cacher has placed quite a few caches it would be a nice gesture to place one so they could also enjoy seeking a cache in the area. This would be especially true in places without tons of caches. icon_razz.gif


There have been a lot of valid points in this thread, hopefully I can add something. I think if you go to an area, where one cacher has placed quite a few caches it would be a nice gesture to place one so they could also enjoy seeking a cache in the area. This would be especially true in places without tons of caches. icon_razz.gif


I normally don't respond to threads that someone has brought up from the Ice Age but I had to with this one.


floridaflamingo said:

I've had this idea floating in my head for weeks so I'll get on it and let you know when I've finally made my 'bury'.


Don't bury anything!


I'll throw in my 2 cents...


As some said above- I'd rather people took time and thought out their caches- so it doesn't bother me if someone seems to find a lot but hide few... We haven't hidden one yet, but we have been scouting locations and filling containers icon_smile.gif


Also- there are probably people who don't have the money or desire to hide a cache... so what? As long as they aren't plundering the caches they visit. The more people out searching the better IMO.


I guess it is like in organizations- there are lots of people invovled, but only the "core group" of usually 5-10% who do all the planning and work... The rest just show up to meetings- but that is their role in the group...


Tara P


I'll throw in my 2 cents...


As some said above- I'd rather people took time and thought out their caches- so it doesn't bother me if someone seems to find a lot but hide few... We haven't hidden one yet, but we have been scouting locations and filling containers icon_smile.gif


Also- there are probably people who don't have the money or desire to hide a cache... so what? As long as they aren't plundering the caches they visit. The more people out searching the better IMO.


I guess it is like in organizations- there are lots of people invovled, but only the "core group" of usually 5-10% who do all the planning and work... The rest just show up to meetings- but that is their role in the group...


Tara P

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