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Fire in Double Trouble Park in NJ

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On May 30, a fire broke out in Double Trouble park, a part of the NJ Pinelands. heres the

Retuers article , and one from the Philladelphia Enquirer. Wondering if any of these caches were lost:






Twice the Trouble


Also was wondering if anyone has ever lost a cache due to a wildfire or similar natural disaster...


I don't want to downplay the significance of the fire of course. One home was destroyed, and icon_mad.gif some people who were evacuated came home to find their homes had been broken into in their abscence.




Originally posted by Gwho:


Also was wondering if anyone has ever lost a cache due to a wildfire or similar natural disaster...


I remember the original "Whitetail Hill" cache in Cheesequake State Park (GC720, now archived) was destroyed in a fire, and Marty621 replaced it. That was our second cache find, and did we get dirty from the soot covering everything! Even though nature has worked quickly to replace what was lost, one can still see evidence of the extent of that fire while looking for other caches in Cheesequake.


I've also done a couple of caches where the originals apparently floated away during heavy rains or floods ... now I see many cache owners take the precaution of tethering their caches. Good idea!


[This message was edited by BassoonPilot on June 05, 2002 at 06:34 AM.]


Originally posted by Gwho:


Also was wondering if anyone has ever lost a cache due to a wildfire or similar natural disaster...



Mott What? in Fort Mott State Park was confirmed missing by moose_is_loose after a fire at the cache location. He has replaced the cache in a different spot in the same park.


tneigel also mentioned that a few caches of his have melted in some fires in the pine barrens but I don't know which ones they were. Those could have been controlled burnings though.


Not sure of the scale on the map page, but I would think at least three caches could be in danger from the Hayman fire in Park County Colorado. This fire has charred 70,000 acres and is growing faster than can be handled. In fact, firefighters have been pulled out because this monster of a forest fire is too large to even try and contain.


The theory is that some careless campers let an illegal campfire (ALL open fires have been banned) get out of control.


The smoke has been thick around Denver for the last two days. Makes the eyes sting and the throat burn.


I have no recollection, Senator.


[This message was edited by The Treasurer on June 10, 2002 at 08:52 PM.]


Originally posted by Gwho:

Also was wondering if anyone has ever lost a cache due to a wildfire or similar natural disaster...

The Under the Turkey's Belly cache seems to have been destroyed by fire. Whether it was natural or not, I have no idea.


When I could not find the cache, I decided the charred wood about was probably why.





Geocaching . . . hiking with a purpose

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