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Any ideas for logging tasks for these three sites?


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I am about to embark on a most excellent adventure across three central asian countries. I would like to publish three earthcaches based on three place I plan to go, but Id like to get ideas for logging tasks before I go.


The first place is a Köw Ata[\b] a subterranean lake in Turkmenistan. This is what I know about the site currently is it is about 60 meters underground and the lake is geothermally heated to around 36C. Apparently the water contains a lot of sulfur. I think this will be the easyist to publish and 100% worthy of an Earthcache.


The second place is Charvak reservoir[\b] in Uzbekistan. It very stunning and id like to make a EC here but im at a loss what to ask.


The third is Solomon's Throne, a UNESCO World Heritage site in (the vowel challenged) Kyrgyzstan. I don't know much about it other than it is a WHS (so it should be EC worthy).


What do you think? Any ideas?

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I don't have specific suggestions for these sites, but maybe some general advice is helpful:


1) Prepare yourself in advance by making yourself familiar with the guidelines and the other sources with regard to Earthcaches. You could make a print out of the guidelines to take along. This will help you collecting the correct information for a good Earthcache.

2) Try to find (some) geological information about the location you are visiting in advance. This helps you to understand the geology better and gives you a means to develop your Earthcache.

3) At the location, take a lot of pictures, field notes and make sketches so you understand the geology and will be able to develop location spefic logging tasks.

4) Keep in mind your Earthcache listing (also) needs to be submitted in the local language, although you can wait with translating it until your English version is approved.

5) Also keep in mind that you might need permission in order to place your Earthcache. Try to get this permission when you are at the site from the proper authorities or at least make sure you receive contact information of the person/institution who/which can provide permission.


I hope you have a great trip and will be happy to review your earthcache(s), as they're in our territory anyway. If you still have some questions, don't hesitate to contact me.




Peter / GeoawareGBL / Global EarthCache Reviewer


PS: Maybe I should just tag along, so we can discuss matters at the sites themselves...

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Sounds like a great adventure (even if it is for work?).


I agree with the advise given above - get as much geological information on the sites - and ensure it is specific to the area. It is no good just getting information in general about underground lakes (for instance) - if it is not specific to the site you are asking.


also - for the site specific questions - make sure they are interesting and related to the earth science you are wanting cache finders to learn. So not things like - what is the height of X; how many steps between X & Y; what is the telephone number on the sign etc.


Rather look around the site and try get something very unique and not "google-able". So things like the crystal structure in a vein, deposits shape/colour near hot spring vents and explanation of the form/colour in own words - etc.


good luck and look forward the report back and photos.

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I recently listed two earthcaches out on Garden Key and Fort Jefferson in Dry Tortugas National Park, 70 miles west of Key West. I hadn't ever been there before, but I knew that there were no earthcaches there, so I frontloaded my research to determine what I could find. I came up with two possible earthcaches, which I drafted before we went out to the fort, including approximate waypoint coordinates and logging tasks that I thought would be pretty site specific. I knew we'd only have a few hours to both mess around with earthcache whatnot and tour through Fort Jefferson. I did end up tweaking the coordinates and modifying the logging tasks once I'd been out there, but not all that much.

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A few thoughts:

1. If this is the Solomon's Throne you're referring to: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sulayman_Mountain & http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/1230

Then be sure to focus on the geology, rather than the human and cultural history and archaeology. The UNESCO info provided online does not talk about the geology at all. My fear is that when you arrive on site, there won't be much info about geology, so that's something to be mindful of. You just may have a hard time finding good geo info for the location.


2. If this is the reservoir: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charvak_Lake

This could be tough to publish. In a number of cases, our review team (myself included) has had difficulty working with COs to get reservoir EarthCaches to a "publishable" state. There's often just not "enough geology" to make them viable. The key is to not focus on the water and reservoir itself, but instead, the geology that underlies it. That kind of information can be hard to find right here in the US, for US reservoirs, so my guess is it will be even harder to find for Uzbekistan.


These comments aren't meant to be negative or discouraging, but are more of a "heads up" about some of the challenges these caches might face.


The subterranean lake sounds like it'll have ample geology for you to work with. One key is to avoid "generic cave talk", and keep it site specific as much as possible. That seems like a neat spot!! Happy travels, and good luck.


Best wishes,


Matt, GeoawareHQ

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