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Is that something I have to buy just to delete a geocache?


Basecamp is software that will interact with your Garmin. With Basecamp you can do all sorts of stuff like view maps, plan routes, and mark waypoints and tracks from your computer and then transfer them to your device.You can also delete cache from Basecamp. Read up on it.

Edited by russelln114
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But there is no logical reason that I’ve found to delete individual caches from a GPS while leaving old stale cache data behind (manage PQ’s). The only thing that makes since to me is to replace all data to update your found caches, logs, cache status, etc. Might keep you from wasting your time looking for a cache that’s not there or missing a new cache that was just placed. That’s the beauty of PQ’s. Right click, extract to microSd and you’re done in the time it takes BaseCamp to open.

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But there is no logical reason that I’ve found to delete individual caches from a GPS while leaving old stale cache data behind (manage PQ’s). The only thing that makes since to me is to replace all data to update your found caches, logs, cache status, etc. Might keep you from wasting your time looking for a cache that’s not there or missing a new cache that was just placed. That’s the beauty of PQ’s. Right click, extract to microSd and you’re done in the time it takes BaseCamp to open.


While that is your preference, with some good reasons, there is no requirement the PQ has to go to a microSD card. A new user may not understand that so it shouldn't be stated like it is the only option.


That said, I fully agree there is NO reason to worry about deleting individual caches. It took me a little while to realize this when I moved from paper caching to a paperless eTrex that will hold 5000 caches.

Edited by GeoTrekker26
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Cacheoholic, what exactly are you right clicking on a Mac to extract a pq? I timed opening BaseCamp on my Mac and it took 9 seconds. I really don't believe you've ever used BaseCamp for Macintosh from your posts.


In any case, waiting for a fresh pq of hundreds of cashes to have 100% up to date data is a waist of time when you only need the 10 caches you are going to hunt updated. The are more that one way to skin a cat, you needn't be an elitest and think your way is the only way. The OP asked, one can assume that's the into they want.

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You are correct; I do not use a mac. You are also correct in what I presume you intended to say; There is more than one way to skin a cat.


I interpreted that the Original Poster is using the Send To method to load caches since the OP wanted to only remove a few caches and additionally they removed the caches by deleting multiple gpx files. My intent was to inject the option of Pocket Queries to the OP. Wouldnt it be nice if Groundspeak would add a Remove from GPS button on the cache pages? I apologize if I came off as an elitist but try to present the method of skinning that works best for me.


@ GeoTrekker26, at the risk of being labeled an elitist, I could never recommend loading cache files in the internal memory of a paperless handheld Garmin GPS if you have external memory. It looks like you already know why but for those who dont: The newer Garmin handheld paperless GPSes continue to be plagued with a random loss of cache data during startup. The only way to fix it is to modify the gpx files or remove the gpx file, startup, shutdown, replace gpx files, startup. This requires a computer to correct if you keep the gpx files in internal memory. There is lots of sadness when your caching day is ended prematurely. The gpx files are easily removed by removing the memory card if you store them there resulting in an easy fix out in the field.

Edited by Cacheoholic
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