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Mountains Calling: Blossom


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Mountains Calling is a coin series celebrating the things that many geocachers love. The the call of the outdoors, the natural world, the wonder of mathematics and structure in all living things. This coin is Blossom, and it has two sister-coins in the series (see other posts).


The coin is a graphic representation of plum blossoms. The plum blossom is an early bloomer, often blooming when there is still snow on the ground, representing vitality and vigor, courage and strength. It is a reminder that spring will come. It is a celebration of life and endurance through hardship. This particular arrangement of the blossoms also references sashiko stitching, which is used in quilting (those of you who know me know I am also a quilter).


The back of the coin hosts a quote by Muir "The mountains are calling and I must go" and the inlay pattern that I've been stitching into my quilts this past year (rocks, earth, spirals, sunrise/sunset).


From sketchbook:





To artwork






To coin




The coin is trackable on geocaching.com, is 1.25" in diameter and has a unique icon.

I made 100 in satin gold and they will debut for sale at geocoinfest in 15 days. There is also a small run of artist edition in antique silver and black and white for trade only.

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Thanks for the kind words everyone. Some folks are writing and asking for reservations. I really just can't manage that. What works best for me is selling at events, and not managing an internet store. What I will do, though, is post about any leftovers after the event, and take orders for a week or so, or until the coins run out (whichever comes first).


Here is a picture of the back of the coin:




More info on the coins and what I am up to can be seen on my facebook page.

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I have a few coins left from the GCF trip. If you would like any of the coins, please follow the directions below to order.


Email to: clearlykam@gmail.com

Subject line: Vanelle Coin Order


Please copy and paste the following into your e-



Your Name:

Your GeoNick:

Your Shipping Address:

Your Paypal:

Trees & Men: RE (satin silver with translucents) QTY =

Trees & Men: LE (black nickel with glow) QTY =

Mountains Calling Set (satin gold with free Pathtag ) QTY=

Marvelous Nature: SE (black nickel/rainbow) QTY=

If a version runs out please = cancel my order / send what is available


Once you send me your information, I will send you an invoice via paypal. Because these coins are all different weights and sizes, I’ll weigh your package and figure out actual postage costs. Shipping & handling will be based on actual postage fees +$1.


I will be working through the e-mails in the order they are received. I will try to get back to everyone before the end of the weekend.

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