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Elias is Da Man!


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I just wanted to take a moment to say THANKS to Elias and the rest of the crew as they are often hidden in Jeremy's shadow.


Jeremy, you da man too, but this is Elias' moment.


Elias has truly been the Groundspeak man - the technical genius behind the website that feeds the madness of we the geocachers.


So keep up the good work! And pass on the praise down the ladder all the way to the custodian who empties your trashcan and tell them 'Thanks' for being a part of a great crew.





burnout.gif Go! And don't be afraid to get a little wet!

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Elias has truly been the Groundspeak man - the technical genius behind the website that feeds the madness of we the geocachers.


So is Elias Da Man who's going to answer my question about why I'm getting an error when I update my profile?!?! icon_wink.gif


Seriously, all you guys do a great job. I'm pretty easy to please anyway, but even if I weren't I can't imagine what I'd complain about.


Thanks for doing an all-too-often thankless job!




"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field.

When a man found it, he hid it again." Mt. 13:44

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