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Edited - re: markwell - how do I seach for Ohio-only locationless?


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Hi. Can someone tell me how, or if it is possible to, do a search like this:


I want to search for every locationless cache in Ohio.


I know how to search for all of the locationless caches in the country, and I know how to search for every type of cache in Ohio, but I do not know how to combine to two to yeild the results I am looking for.





[This message was edited by Loomis and Bughead on January 13, 2003 at 10:24 PM.]

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Are you looking for locationless caches that have already been logged in Ohio? Because, by definition, except in rare "Ohio Only" type of caches, locationless caches should be able to be logged pretty much anywhere...


If the answer to my first question is yes, you cannot search the coordinates given for all of the logs for various locationless caches, to see which ones have been logged already.



Chicago Geocaching

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Let me explain more thoroughly.


I want to see a list of Ohio-only locationless caches. Essentially I would like to see all the locationless caches in Ohio.


Some for example, are locationless but require you to photograph something in Ohio etc... you called these "rare."


I want to see a list/do a search so I can see all of the Ohio locationless caches that I haven't found yet, so I can go do them.


Hope this makes it clearer.




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Your request is still not making sense. Locationless caches are locationless; that is, they don't have a location.


So how can something that doesn't have a location be in Ohio?


The only way to tell if the target was something that could only be found in Ohio would be to read and understand the description, something computers are not very good at.


So either way, there's no way to do the search you want online. The only way to do it is to download all the locationless caches, read them, and figure out which ones are Ohio-only.

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If you're a premium member, you can do it through the Pocket Query Generator. Select Locationless Caches for the type, and select the state of Ohio for the center point. It won't ONLY select Ohio-only caches, but all caches that were generated with Ohio coordinates, which would include the Ohio-only ones. In fact, in Pocket Query generator, I'd like to see a way to generate ALL locationless caches, something you can't do right now.

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Here please look at this one:




This one is locationless, but it requires you to photograph historic Ohio markers. So basically it is locationless BUT locationless within Ohio.


So I was wondering how one would search for all of the ones like this one?


Is the only way to do so to use the pocket query thingy?




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Originally posted by thestraws:

In fact, in Pocket Query generator, I'd like to see a way to generate ALL locationless caches, something you can't do right now.


Well, you can do it, it just takes two query counts, one for the caches in the US and one for the rest of the world. Then you can use GPSBabel to merge the resulting GPX files into one big file.


Edit: there are, however, duplicates. I don't know why there are duplicates, but there are. For the sake of anyone trying to troubleshoot this bug, the following caches are (currently) duplicated between the in-US and the extra-US queries:


GC461E GC4E84 GC509A GC5372 GC539D GC55DD GC55E1 GC630A

GC69FB GC6A9A GC6B8F GC72FC GC7535 GC7D98 GC8589 GC86E6








[This message was edited by Warm Fuzzies - Fuzzy on January 14, 2003 at 01:08 PM.]

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Originally posted by Loomis and Bughead:

Is the only way to do so to use the pocket query thingy?


And even that may not give you the results you're looking for. You would need to scan through the text of the Locationless caches listed as being in Ohio and see if they really ARE Ohio only caches.


Pocket Queries can easily list the Locationless Caches that have Ohio listed as their state. It took more time to read this post than it would to set the query up.



Chicago Geocaching

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