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About the "new cache" form


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Only one "account" can own a cache, but you can change the names that are displayed on the cache page. Therefore only the account that adds the new cache will have it show up as theirs.


Example: 2002 Picnic Memorial: Determination and Deet, we all contributed to the original contents, I found the location, and The Dolphin took the container back to the location later. I set up the cache page, so the owner's account is mine, but it is displayed at Markwell & The Dolphin out of thanks to the other cacher that helped place it.



Chicago Geocachers

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I hope I don't open a bag of worms here.... but when I helped put on a cache event with another geocacher I created a new user name for that purpose.


Listing the cache under that name, and emailing the other other cacher with the account name and password, meant that we were both able to make changes at will and neither account received more/less credit.


If more than one person is involved I can't think of a better way.

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Originally posted by Eric O'Connor:

I hope I don't open a bag of worms here.... but when I helped put on a cache event with another geocacher I created a new user name for that purpose...


If more than one person is involved I can't think of a better way.

Actually Eric, the GGA has done the same thing. There are six of us that plan the monthly event caches, and all of us have the account name and password. We can log out and log back in under our GGA account and create the next event cache, change the description, coordinates, etc. Some time ago we had an event cache created and even before the event the cache creator got busy with work and disappeared. He was not even able to come to the event he created. We finally got the cache archived after about six months. With our GGA account, this would never happen.


I support the Georgia Geocachers Association, or the GGA!

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