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62nd time is the charm. [Subscription Notification]

Eric O'Connor

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I've received 62 messaged with "Subscription Notification" as the subject.


"This is an automated notification that occurs when your subscription has been first created or has been updated."


Has anyone else been really-really-really notified?


I use filters, so this is more amusing than annoying to me, but I can't help but wonder what's up.

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Originally posted by Choberiba:

I've received 62 messaged with "Subscription Notification" as the subject.

Choberiba -


Can you please forward a few of those messages to admin @ Groundspeak.com with their full headers so I can see what's going on. I'd like to investigate this immediately.


If this is happening to anyone else, I'd like to know that as well.





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Originally posted by TresOkies:

Probably in response for you opening your big yapper somewhere. icon_razz.gif


The troubles my mouth gets me into are nothing when compared to my fingers, so it seems.


Yes, I counted them, but not manually for peets sake. I filtered and looked at how many wound up in the directory. It probably took me about the same amount of time to set the filter, but it was somehow less tedious to do.


The messages have stopped - FYI

Can you do anything about stopping the voices in my head? At least get them to hum a tune in three part harmony for a change.

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Originally posted by TresOkies:

Probably in response for you opening your big yapper somewhere. icon_razz.gif


The troubles my mouth gets me into are nothing when compared to my fingers, so it seems.


Yes, I counted them, but not manually for peets sake. I filtered and looked at how many wound up in the directory. It probably took me about the same amount of time to set the filter, but it was somehow less tedious to do.


The messages have stopped - FYI

Can you do anything about stopping the voices in my head? At least get them to hum a tune in three part harmony for a change.

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