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Dutch 2011 Geocoin


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Posted (edited)

Dutch 2011 Geocoin (The Flying Dutchman)


Designer: GoudHaartje

Size: 50mm (2 inches)

Thickness: 4mm

Trackable: Yes

Icon: Yes!


  • RE antique bronze - $11.00 Cdn / € 7,85
  • SE foggy nickel/antique gold - $11.50 Cdn / € 8,20 - limit of 1 per person




The coin will be available through PHDCoins at http://phdcoins.ca.


The presale period will run from October 3rd to October 17th. The order will be sent to the mint on October 19th and expected delivery will be November 18th. If this schedule changes at all you will be notified immediately.


To help cut down on the shipping costs we will be shipping from both Canada and the Netherlands. For each order, whichever service offers the best rate, that is what we will use.

Edited by Eartha
Posted (edited)

[ This is the story behind the coin as told by Goudhaartje. I hope my translation is accurate! ;) ]


Het verhaal van de Vliegende Hollander is ontstaan in de tijd dat bijgeloof hoogtij vierde. Rondom de Vliegende Hollander bestaan diverse verhalen, het meest tot de verbeelding sprekende is de volgende versie.


Willem van der Decken is een succesvolle kapitein van de Verenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie. Zijn schip Den Hollander is het snelste van de VOC. Hij geniet van zijn welvaart. Maar schijn bedriegt, er kleeft bloed aan zijn succes. Het grote succes maakte hem hebzuchtig. Van der Decken wordt een kaperkapitein, die kustdorpen plundert en schepen entert. Hij schrikt er niet voor terug te moorden om de buit binnen te halen. Maar zijn hebzucht zal hem zwaar kosten. Op 1e paasdag vaart Kapitein Willem van der Decken, tegen alle regels in, met zijn bemanning uit naar de Oost. Zelfs een razende storm kan hem er niet van weerhouden, ook al is zijn bemanning van angst de wanhoop nabij. Ik zal vaeren, storm of gheen storm, Paesen of gheen Paesen. Ik zal vaeren, al is het tot in den eeuwigheid! Willem van der Decken tartte alle regels, het fatsoen en de elementen. En tekende zijn eigen noodlot...


Zijn schip veranderde in een mysterieus, vurig spookschip dat werd gedoemd voor eeuwig de zeven wereldzeeën te bevaren als De Vliegende Hollander...


Diverse zeelui zouden een schip met brandende zeilen gezien hebben, anderen claimen dat zij een sloep met de bemanning aan hun schip hebben gehad, die brieven wilde afgeven voor familieleden die al eeuwen dood bleken te zijn.




The story of the Flying Dutchman came at a time when superstition reigned supreme. Around the Flying Dutchman are various stories, the most evocative is the next version.


Willem van der Decken was a successful captain of the United East India Company. His ship 'The Dutchman' was the fastest of the VOC. He enjoyed his wealth. But appearances are deceptive. His success was fueled by greed... and blood. Van der Decken was a privateer captain who plundered coastal villages and captured ships. He was not afraid to kill in order to increase his wealth. But his greed would cost him dearly. One Easter Sunday Captain Willem van der Decken -- against all tradition -- sailed with his crew from the East. A raging storm could not stop him, nor a fearful and despairing crew. "I will sail, storm or no storm, Easter or no Easter. I will sail, if even unto eternity!" Willem van der Decken defied all the rules, all decency, and even the elements. And he signed his own fate...


His ship turned into a mysterious, fiery ghost ship that was doomed forever to sail the seven seas as "The Flying Dutchman"...


Several sailors have reported a ship with burning sails and others claim that a boat with the crew have met their ship, and issued letters to family members who were found to be dead for centuries.

Edited by E&Cplus3

I'm so glad that E&Cplus3 helped us out to get the tradition of the yearly presented Dutch geocoin (since 2005) back.

With Goudhaartjes winning design (from the theme; Legends) and the beautiful artwork of E&Cplus3 this is going to be a wonderful Dutch Geocoin 2011. :D


As an aid to help you figure out when the sale begins, here are some start times around the globe.


Halifax (Nova Scotia)        Monday, October 3, 2011    at 1:00:00 PM      UTC-3 hours 

Amsterdam (Netherlands)      Monday, October 3, 2011    at ]6:00:00 PM     UTC+2 hours 

Boston (Massachusetts)       Monday, October 3, 2011    at 12:00:00 Noon   UTC-4 hours 

San Francisco (California)   Monday, October 3, 2011    at 9:00:00 AM      UTC-7 hours 

Sydney (Australia)           Tuesday, October 4, 2011   at 3:00:00 AM      UTC+11 hours


Anyone have the complete set of Dutch Geocoins right back to 2005?


Here's mine:



Dutch 2005 (antique gold and LE silver)


Dutch 2006 (antique gold and LE antique silver)


Dutch 2007 (antique bronze and LE antique silver)


Dutch 2008 (antique silver and LE antique gold)


Dutch 2009 (antique silver and SE antique copper)


Dutch 2010 (antique silver and SE antique gold)


Anyone have the complete set of Dutch Geocoins right back to 2005?


Here's mine:



Dutch 2005 (antique gold and LE silver)


Dutch 2006 (antique gold and LE antique silver)


Dutch 2007 (antique bronze and LE antique silver)


Dutch 2008 (antique silver and LE antique gold)


Dutch 2009 (antique silver and SE antique copper)


Dutch 2010 (antique silver and SE antique gold)



I have all the coins on the left side of the picture (since 2005) :D

This is a great collection, you have here...


Anyway, ONLY TREE DAYS left to order the (even greater) Dutch Geocoin 2011.....

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