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Jeremy, have you submitted 'geocache' and its variants...


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to the dictionary companies to have it considered for addition? Merriam-Webster has a place to submit, but requires citations from printed sources. They do not accept Web-based sources. Citations and the use of the word or its inflected variations in at least one sentence. Might be good for us all the way 'round.



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Quoted from the Unabridged Merriam-Webster OnLine:

"Word: geotourism


Citation: The concept of sustainable tourism is not new to the travel industry. In the past, its primary concern was to sustain balance with the ecological environment and minimize impact upon it by mass-market tourism. The term "geotourism" is closely related, but is concerned instead with preserving a destination's geographic character—the entire combination of natural and human attributes that make one place distinct from another. Geotourism encompasses both cultural and environmental concerns regarding travel, as well as the local impact tourism has upon communities and their individual economies and lifestyles.


Source: Travel Industry Association of America and National Geographic Traveler. The Geotourism Study. Washington, DC: Travel Industry Association of America, 2001. 1.


Submitted by: Marilyn Terrell of VA"


An example of the format for submission to these folks. Others may differ.



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