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Confuzzled about the Cache type

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Here's where I'm stuck. I have no clue how to submit this cache as meets several requirements for different types of cache (multi, event, regular, puzzle maybe). I'll list the basic elements I want so you all can flame me or help me. I plan on placing a few caches before this one for more practice, but this idea is stuck in my craw.....


I want to place four caches for Halloween.

I want to fill them with goodies for the geo-mini-cachers and their drivers ;-).

I also want to put one segment of final co-ordinates in each cache. Four pieces of the puzzle will lead to the final fifth "cache" (more below)

I want to theme them to their hiding places with a story. Find the caches in order, and you'll have had a good scary story on Halloween, and had some treats (no food...i know...) and a good time.

The final fifth "cache" I was thinking could be my doorstep. I'm a professional baker, and any one who knocked on my door on Halloween and said "I need to sign the log" would get a goodie bag. A tasty one.

I want to also add in a few disposable cameras to see the costumes and fun at the caches. Anyone had success with this?

My plan is to go back on Nov1 and turn these into regular non-themed caches for the rest of the year, then re-write a new story next year.


The problem is, when they are just regular caches, theyll just be regular caches. No need for the multi tag. This isn't truly an Event, so that doesn't work either. There's no puzzle, except the final location.


So do I just list them as regular caches?

Can I go back and change the descriptions and names and such (I was thinking about "Blood Road" as their name) since the name would be a bit of a head scratcher the rest of the year...


I'm open to suggestions...help...and yes, even flames. lol. I used to sell cars for a living, you have to have a hide like a sherman tank...fire away....


What your talking about will be a series of caches. All being regular caches except the final cache which will be a puzzle. But if the final will be at your door expect caches year round.


If the caches are only relevant for a small period of time and then have to be changed they may not get approved. You may be required to archive the caches and place new ones. Little changes to the cache page can be done but if too much is changed it has to go back to the reviewer.

Posted (edited)

No flaming required.


You have 4 traditional caches. Name them something fun, and number them 1 - 4.


The cache at your house is a "Unknown" type - you get the coords for it from the other 4 hides somehow.


Remember that to be published, all 5 of these caches need to be place with the intent that they'll be available for 3 months minimum.


Yes, you can rewrite and re-theme the caches after Halloween.


If you only want the cache at your home to be available around Halloween, mention it prominently in the cache boxes, but don't try to make it a published listing.

Edited by palmetto

What your talking about will be a series of caches. All being regular caches except the final cache which will be a puzzle. But if the final will be at your door expect caches year round.


If the caches are only relevant for a small period of time and then have to be changed they may not get approved. You may be required to archive the caches and place new ones. Little changes to the cache page can be done but if too much is changed it has to go back to the reviewer.


I figured they'd show up all the time. lol. I should put little lamentated cards with the "puzzle" in them and remove them the 1st of Nov to keep my porch quiet from nov through the following october. Good point...


I have heard of some cachers getting annoyed at cache name changes. I'm not sure of the reason, but presumably it confused them and they mistakenly thought they were looking at new caches that they hadn't found yet.


I don't think the names need to be changed. Many caches have names which I don't understand the COs reason for choosing. If you explain on the cache page that they were placed for Halloween then that will make sense of the names.


I also agree that it is 4 traditional caches and that you don't want to make the final part an actual cache that is published if it is going to be on your doorstep! Just make that part clear on the cache pages and in the caches themselves - then you can remove that part after the event!



I'm open to suggestions...help...and yes, even flames. lol. I used to sell cars for a living, you have to have a hide like a sherman tank...fire away....


here you go flamethrower-2.gif



I have heard of some cachers getting annoyed at cache name changes. I'm not sure of the reason, but presumably it confused them and they mistakenly thought they were looking at new caches that they hadn't found yet.
I don't like big changes to cache descriptions, because that changes part of my caching history. I think past finders should be able to pull up the cache description later, and see something familiar. If there's that big a change, then I'd rather see the original listing archived, and a new listing published.


FWIW, I'm familiar with seasonally themed caches that remain in place year-round. The description mentions that certain seasonal features will be there only at the appropriate time of year, but there is no attempt to rewrite the cache description out of season.


I know people who have held events at their homes. I know people who have hidden caches at their homes. There's nothing wrong with the OP having a bonus cache at his home, with the coordinates determined by information at the 4 traditional caches in the series. There's nothing wrong with holding an event at his home. But based on local experience trying to list a "mystery/puzzle event cache", the OP probably won't be allowed to list an event without publishing the actual coordinates (thus removing the mystery/puzzle aspect of the event cache).


I have heard of some cachers getting annoyed at cache name changes. I'm not sure of the reason, but presumably it confused them and they mistakenly thought they were looking at new caches that they hadn't found yet.


There are some challenges that require finding of a cache starting with each letter of the alphabet. Changing the name of the cache would mess up those who are trying to complete the alphabet; they'd be particularly unhappy with a change from "QUICK" to "SPEEDY" for instance. Don't worry about the name not making sense the rest of the year; lots of cache names don't make sense ANY time of the year. This sounds like a really fun series and I wish you success with it.


I can see why this is a complex situation. If you ONLY wanted cachers showing up to your door on Halloween night, then you'd have to make that final cache an event cache. And then for the others, you could make them traditionals, but they're technically a part of a puzzle--at least on one night. Otherwise, they're solid traditionals... Probably. How confusing.


If I was doing it, I would probably make the four caches traditionals, which give hints to a one-time event cache. I would then remove the hints and any mention of the event cache from all of the cache pages after the main event is over, and then simply keep the four as traditions.


But then again, it's not an event if cachers aren't gathering, which they wouldn't be. So perhaps that last one would be best as a puzzle.



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