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Earthcache Science


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So in another topic there was a discussion about the scientific requirements for earthcaches what is a qualifying science vs. non-qualifying science. In that thread Geoaware stated:


EarthCaches are about teaching about Earth Science (not just geology) and through this program we have been working with another professional group and Groundspeak to look at possibilities. As mentioned earlier, this is trial program and your feedback is valuable - but also give us some scope to test the concepts.This process was not started with the concept of creating a power trail. A series of EC being created in one diverse area is open to all...and we have no plans to promote or to discourage those efforts.


Elsewhere in the earthcache guidelines there are numerous notes about the caches having to be have a base in geology.


So which one is it? It is all earth science or just geology?

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Earth science can be defined in many ways...however, for EarthCaches, Earth science refers to those process that have created the physical (not biological) landscape which includes geology, hydrology, tectonics, sedimentology, glaciology, petrology, mineralogy etc etc So, more simply put, it is about the rocks and how they have forms and how they influence the landforms. It can also be about those geological proceses that have or still are forming the landscape. It is about mineral and energy resources and how humans have used those resources. It can also be about how Earth science ideas have changed over time - such as historical sites where geological ideas formed. This is not an endless list...it is one with examples to see how the definition works. What it shows is it is NOT just about geology (rocks and minerals)...its broader than that.


However, it is not about biology, ecology, archeology etc.


I hope that helps.

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The list of suggestions I use most often is below. It comes from the EarthCache Knowledge Book at the GSA website on EarthCaching. The cache types description at GC says:

"An EarthCache is a special place that people can visit to learn about a unique geoscience feature of our Earth.

EarthCache pages include a set of educational notes along with cache coordinates. Visitors to EarthCaches can see how our planet has been shaped by geological processes, how we manage its resources and how scientists gather evidence to learn about the Earth. For more information about EarthCaches, visit http://www.earthcache.org/."


3.3 List of Acceptable Sciences

EarthCaches focus on the solid earth and the processes that shape it. For the purpose of EarthCaches, "Earth science" includes geology, mineralogy, paleontology, landforms, physical geography etc. It does not include ecology, biology, anthropology, history, etc.


The following are sciences that are normally acceptable and not acceptable in the creation of an Earthcache. This list is not all inclusive and there are times when a specific focus of an Earthcache may be included, or may be excluded from a list.


Acceptable :

* Geological materials - Rocks, minerals, fossils, sands, soils etc.

* Geological processes - erosion, weathering, deposition, volcanic activity, glacial action etc.

* Geological land form evolution - ie glacial valleys, reverse topography due to rock properties etc, waterfalls with geological explanations

* Use of geological materials - building stones etc.

* Geological phenomena (not included above) - impact craters, geysers, mineral springs, etc.

* Tools used by geologists - index fossils, rocks, historical geology sites


Not acceptable:

* Biology, botany, zoology

* Ecology

* Atmospheric observations

* Oceanographic observations not tied to a geology theme

* Geodesy if NOT tied to the site

* Archeology

* History, unless it has a geology theme

* Buildings without a geology lesson

* Engineering unless it has a geology theme

Edited by Neos2
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What about instances where the geology directly affects the biology/ecology of an area? There are many places local to me where the subsurface geology creates unique conditions that support isolated plant communities that are very different from the ones that dominate the area? I already have an earthcache that uses the topic in the lesson, but I heavily diluted the link between the geology and plant community because that sort of thing was not expressly mentioned as okay.

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Again conflicting information. Once again earth sciences is not limited to geology however in section 3.3 as noted above... almost exclusively geology.


In fact if you go back in the knowledgebook to section 2.2 a person will find:


"2.2 EarthCache Description

The EarthCache write-up must include substantial information about the local geology or geological processes. The text must provide accurate but simple explanations of what visitors will experience at the site. The logging tasks must also be geology-related. It should assume no prior knowledge of geology and be written at an age 14 reading level."


Implying if no geology is mentioned then it can't be considered to be an earth cache.


Since I'm guessing most reviewers utilize the knowledge books to some extent in determining if an EC is acceptable or not this becomes confusing when there is conflicting information (as evidenced in other threads periodically that pop up about this topic).


I get what earth science is but saying a cache can be earth science is not in line with what the knowledge books say. And in the past people have had difficulty getting caches published that are not about geology while others haven't which indicates some dissent among the reviewers on what qualifies and doesn't for an earth cache.

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