Zuckerruebensirup Posted May 30, 2002 Posted May 30, 2002 What do you think of the idea of having an option (like a box to check), when hiding a cache, to either: "DISPLAY cache coordinates to ALL users", or "HIDE coordinates from unregistered visitors to the site"? To see the coordinates, all a user would have to do is log in to the site (the same as we have to to post any messages here, or to add a log to a cache page). It would still be completely free to play...the same as always.
+Rusty & Libby Posted May 30, 2002 Posted May 30, 2002 I'll leave my comment here rather than the other thread but I think the members only caches address the plundering problem best. I haven't used the option yet but I have had a change of heart in my opinion of them. If someone is specifically targeting you nothing is going to stop them. I always have plundering in mind when placing caches and try to make them less obvious to casual hikers. I read once where you should place a cache about 10 yards further from the trail than the average hiker would go to take a leak! I just had my first case of semi-plundering (according to the logs) but I still don't think that will change my mind. As far as increasing the online logging of caches, I don't know. It is frustrating to me as a hider when I see lots of logs in the physical cache that aren't online but I guess if that is how they choose to play they have that right. At least by checking my caches I know they are still being enjoyed. I have a friend that has dabbled at caching but he is so paranoid about privacy & spam that he would not register his email anywhere and he doesn't really understand how to setup a throw-away hotmail account. If he had to register he would not cache, period. His paranoia is wierd but he's probably not the only one. One thing that would definitely help reduce plundering is if people would re-hide caches as well as they found them, but that is a topic for another thread. My 2cents, Rusty... Rusty & Libby's Geocache Page
+cachew nut Posted May 30, 2002 Posted May 30, 2002 Now for an opposing viewpoint. I voted yes, I'd rather not have "members only" caches as the only option. I think if the site went "members only" then a lot of people might be driven away from this sport. By voting yes, geocaching can stay free, and it may encourage more participation rather than less. It may also prevent the plundering of caches. I think this is a great idea. If you think about it, it really won't affect the way you do things now anyway. I would read the discussion on this subject before voting. quote:Just to quote Rusty, the guy who voted no: I think Member Only Caches sound elitist, that is my opinion as of now. I will keep an open mind and continue following and commenting on the discusions. http://opentopic.Groundspeak.com/0/OpenTopic?a=tpc&s=1750973553&f=3000917383&m=3890934993&r=2350913004#2350913004 [This message was edited by cachew nut on May 30, 2002 at 08:14 AM.] [This message was edited by cachew nut on May 30, 2002 at 08:15 AM.] [This message was edited by cachew nut on May 30, 2002 at 08:16 AM.]
+RAD Dad Posted May 30, 2002 Posted May 30, 2002 I'd use it on each and every one of my caches. I have already been tempted to start MOCs, but have resisted, because I want my caches available to the non-paying members as well as the paying. But I do want people to have to at least be registered to play, and I'd like registration to include agreeing to the basic ground rules of conduct, so that no one can say they were ignorant of what is expected of participants (take something,leave something; sign the log book; fill out online log, you know, those over demanding expectations) This game is a great game, it is very very enjoyable, and because it is well thought out and fun, it will have no problem attaining membership as time goes by. It is already huge for such a young game, so why all the desperation? I mean it seems that some are so fearful of turning off anyone that they would continue to embrace the nar-do-wells because at least they add to the number of players, even if their "gameplay" is counter-productive. No need to be so desperate for players, if the game continues to be fun, they will come. ummmm....not sure what to say here....so ummm, well errrr, uhhhh, well I guess that's it.
+geospotter Posted May 30, 2002 Posted May 30, 2002 quote:Originally posted by RAD Dad:I mean it seems that some are so fearful of turning off anyone that they would continue to embrace the nar-do-wells because at least they add to the number of players, even if their "gameplay" is counter-productive. No need to be so desperate for players, if the game continues to be fun, they will come. Good point. I wonder how many more will be turned off by the plundering. Will it stop the plundering? Probably not. But it might put a dent in it. I don't think registering will stop new players from joining in, once they see all of the fun noted in the online cache logs. Heck, once I saw the fun I went out and spent $150 on a GPS! Registering seems cheap by comparison.
+RAD Dad Posted May 30, 2002 Posted May 30, 2002 Not only did I register before even looking up my first cache, after finding my first few caches, and seeing how few pop-up ads were on the site (a real plus) and how smoothly the site works, I quickly became a "charter member" as well. I have been online for nearly 10 years now, I have registered to use many many free sites, registration is used to keep control over the site and keep the trolls down, and it works. It is not a sure fire method, it doesn't have a 100% success rate, but it does lower the number of trolls. I have also been to sites that started out great, but as they got more popular they also became more unfriendly because the web masters were "philosophicly opposed to any restrictions on access or content" well, those sites went downhill fast, and I and many other long time users left for other sites that were in competition with them, because it just wasn't fun anymore, because all the idiots of the world seemed to have discovered the site, and really ruined the experience for everyone else. ummmm....not sure what to say here....so ummm, well errrr, uhhhh, well I guess that's it.
+Rusty & Libby Posted May 30, 2002 Posted May 30, 2002 quote:Originally posted by cachew nut: Just to quote Rusty, the guy who voted no: I think Member Only Caches sound elitist, that is my opinion as of now. I will keep an open mind and continue following and commenting on the discusions. But to quote what I wrote above: I haven't used the option yet but I have had a change of heart in my opinion of them. Meaning that I did keep and open mind and I changed it Rusty... Rusty & Libby's Geocache Page
+cachew nut Posted May 30, 2002 Posted May 30, 2002 quote:Originally posted by Rusty: Meaning that I did keep and open mind and I changed it Hope this one works better
+Rusty & Libby Posted May 30, 2002 Posted May 30, 2002 quote:Originally posted by cachew nut: quote:Originally posted by Rusty: Meaning that I did keep and open mind and I changed it Hope this one works better I've got half a mind to tell you where... Oh dadgum, now where did that other half go? Rusty & Libby's Geocache Page
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