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GC1XQ24 Cima Paganella


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I've logged GC1XQ24 Cima Paganella. The geocache has very bad coordinates. At least 70 metres away. It's impossible to find this cache without photo.


I've logged this cache with this text:


We needed to call our friend in Czech republic for photo hint, because the coordinates are really very bad. It's impossible to find it by this coordinates.

It's near the broadcaster tower near chair-lift. I hope that some user's will appreciate this log :-)

I found it with my girlfriend incah and Lenka.


And also logged need maintainance because bad coordinates. Both logs were deleted without any contact from author. So I've logged it again with log type Need archive with text:

I've alerted author that the coordinates are very bad and she have deleted my log. I think that this is not the right way how geocaching should work.


And againg both my logs have been deleted.


Is there anything what can I do ? I think that this author is making this game very unfunny. She has a lot of caches, that she can't manage. Also lot of them are disabled.


Can I some how improve the game by disabling cache like this ?

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I've logged GC1XQ24 Cima Paganella. The geocache has very bad coordinates. At least 70 metres away. It's impossible to find this cache without photo.


I've logged this cache with this text:


We needed to call our friend in Czech republic for photo hint, because the coordinates are really very bad. It's impossible to find it by this coordinates.

It's near the broadcaster tower near chair-lift. I hope that some user's will appreciate this log :-)

I found it with my girlfriend incah and Lenka.


And also logged need maintainance because bad coordinates. Both logs were deleted without any contact from author. So I've logged it again with log type Need archive with text:

I've alerted author that the coordinates are very bad and she have deleted my log. I think that this is not the right way how geocaching should work.


And againg both my logs have been deleted.


Is there anything what can I do ? I think that this author is making this game very unfunny. She has a lot of caches, that she can't manage. Also lot of them are disabled.


Can I some how improve the game by disabling cache like this ?

Logging a NA log type is the best you can do. You already did that - and despite it being deleted, a reviewer has received it and will determine if further action is needed.


Let it go and go have fun at other caches.

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Shoot an email to Groundspeak with the first log info. They will restore it and lock it so the CO can't delete it again.


As far as the coords being so bad, your probably not the first to complain, and I doubt you're the first to have logs deleted based on what you're saying.

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I never post corrected coordinates. Also, I don't say "the coordinates are off by xx meters", I say "my GPSr indicated Ground Zero being xx meters away from the actual cache". If the difference is significant, I send my coordinates to the owner and let him deal with his listing. By not criticizing the hide and by being non-confrontational I lower the chances to get my log deleted, while supplying relevant information to the next cachers.

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I never post corrected coordinates. Also, I don't say "the coordinates are off by xx meters", I say "my GPSr indicated Ground Zero being xx meters away from the actual cache". If the difference is significant, I send my coordinates to the owner and let him deal with his listing. By not criticizing the hide and by being non-confrontational I lower the chances to get my log deleted, while supplying relevant information to the next cachers.


I was looking at a cache listing the other day. 3 DNFs and 10 finds. Of the ten finds, nine of them mention that the coordinates are off by 100'. The cache owners noted that he can't get back there for several weeks. If one person had posted their coordinates, it would be a non-issue.


I fail to understand why people are afraid to use the tools Groundspeak has given us and why others are so offended when people do use those tools.

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I never post corrected coordinates. Also, I don't say "the coordinates are off by xx meters", I say "my GPSr indicated Ground Zero being xx meters away from the actual cache". If the difference is significant, I send my coordinates to the owner and let him deal with his listing. By not criticizing the hide and by being non-confrontational I lower the chances to get my log deleted, while supplying relevant information to the next cachers.


I was looking at a cache listing the other day. 3 DNFs and 10 finds. Of the ten finds, nine of them mention that the coordinates are off by 100'. The cache owners noted that he can't get back there for several weeks. If one person had posted their coordinates, it would be a non-issue.


I fail to understand why people are afraid to use the tools Groundspeak has given us and why others are so offended when people do use those tools.

I logged a cache about a week and a half ago that was nearly 75 feet off - on steep hillside off of what was more of a goat trail than a person trail. The group that had found it the week before had not posted corrected coordinates, though two of the three logs did mention the coordinates were 50 feet off and one of these gave an approximate direction without which I don't think I would have found the cache. I posted corrected coordinates. Still I fail to understand why the previous group did not use the tools Groundspeak has given them. :ph34r:

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I never post corrected coordinates. Also, I don't say "the coordinates are off by xx meters", I say "my GPSr indicated Ground Zero being xx meters away from the actual cache". If the difference is significant, I send my coordinates to the owner and let him deal with his listing. By not criticizing the hide and by being non-confrontational I lower the chances to get my log deleted, while supplying relevant information to the next cachers.


I was looking at a cache listing the other day. 3 DNFs and 10 finds. Of the ten finds, nine of them mention that the coordinates are off by 100'. The cache owners noted that he can't get back there for several weeks. If one person had posted their coordinates, it would be a non-issue.


I fail to understand why people are afraid to use the tools Groundspeak has given us and why others are so offended when people do use those tools.

I logged a cache about a week and a half ago that was nearly 75 feet off - on steep hillside off of what was more of a goat trail than a person trail. The group that had found it the week before had not posted corrected coordinates, though two of the three logs did mention the coordinates were 50 feet off and one of these gave an approximate direction without which I don't think I would have found the cache. I posted corrected coordinates. Still I fail to understand why the previous group did not use the tools Groundspeak has given them. :ph34r:


I was FTF on a cache with coordinates about 80 feet off. Sent coordinates to the owner, who updated them. Situation solved.

I was FTF on another cache that was over 200 feet off. Sent my coordinates to the owner, who updated them. Situation solved.

I found a cache that was 0.11 miles from the posted coordinates. Notified the owner, who asked the reviewer to change them. Situation solved.

I was FTF on a cache with coordinates about 90 feet off. Sent coordinates to the owner, who didn't update. Cache got archived later after DNFs and complaints from other geocachers. Situation solved!


The owner checked a box saying he read and understood the guidelines (including the part about maintenance) when he submitted the cache. If he can't be bothered to update the coordinates, maybe the cache is better to be archived. If the owner doesn't trust the geocacher who sent corrected coordinates, then disabling the cache, going out, getting a new reading, updating coordinates and enabling the cache is part of the maintenance he agreed to do when submitting the cache.


I hate when someone posts "corrected coordinates" that are less than 10 feet from the coordinates posted by the owner. Why do they think their coordinates are better when the difference is only .001 or .002?

Between 10 and 30 feet, I don't consider it alright to post corrected coordinates. Usually GPS signal in the area is not the best, the owner is aware of this, he might have gone to the location several times to get coordinates (I did that for a cache that is 4 hours of hiking each way!), the "corrected coordinates" might be less accurate than the ones posted by the owner.

I don't like it when geocachers post corrected coordinates that are more than 30 feet off either. This gives the option to the owner of not updating the coordinates. He can say "These are my coordinates, if you find nothing here, you may search at the coordinates posted by other players".

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Did you take a reading and include better coords with any of your logs?


No, I want to record the right coords, but I forgot it. So I write to the log the information from photo spoiler. Because on this photo spoiler there is exact place showing the hide on centimeters range. And the GPS signal was really good there, all geocachers found the same bad place from wich you can't see the photo spoiler.


The reviewer have repaired my log. And alert the author that she shoudln't delete my "found" log. I understand, that sometimes the coords haven't been so exact for some reason. But when there is exact photo spoiler, than it isn't any reason for have coords 70 meters away.


I prefer when author care about caches which he created.

Edited by koudis
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After reviewer action, author contact me like this:


Change your attitude or change hobbies! It is unbelievable selfish of you to want to have a cache archived so that no-one else can enjoy it, while at the same time insist that you can log it yourself...and even attempt to do so several times! Those who place caches do so for the sole benefit of others, but not for people like you, who are not only extremely rude and ungrateful, but also very insistent to ruin the experience for anyone who comes after. Maybe there are too many caches in your country and you feel that you can afford to be ungrateful to the cache owners there, but that doesn't apply in Italy, where we are all very grateful for new caches.


I hope you had a horrible holiday, but I'm certain that you did, because with that attitude, people quickly learn to treat you like you deserve to be treated (i.e. with hostility and no respect).





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After reviewer action, author contact me like this:


Change your attitude or change hobbies! It is unbelievable selfish of you to want to have a cache archived so that no-one else can enjoy it, while at the same time insist that you can log it yourself...and even attempt to do so several times! Those who place caches do so for the sole benefit of others, but not for people like you, who are not only extremely rude and ungrateful, but also very insistent to ruin the experience for anyone who comes after. Maybe there are too many caches in your country and you feel that you can afford to be ungrateful to the cache owners there, but that doesn't apply in Italy, where we are all very grateful for new caches.


I hope you had a horrible holiday, but I'm certain that you did, because with that attitude, people quickly learn to treat you like you deserve to be treated (i.e. with hostility and no respect).





The problem with the cache has been resolved. Let it go.
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