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Multi Country Multi idea


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At this point, this is just an idea. Was wondering if anyone knows if this has been done before (I would be surprised if it hadn't) or if it would be even allowed.


My idea is to make a very difficult multi where each cache would send you off to another whole country for the next step. I'd imagine it would take most people a few years to actually log all the portions of it. I would have other cachers in these other countries work with me to ensure each step is placed/maintained correctly. Probably each step could be a Traditional Cache as well so that each step has a satisfying conclusion before giving some sort of direction to the next country. Obviously this would have a '5' difficulty but would probably try to keep the terrain low. Maybe even have a puzzle to solve to decide which country you need to visit next.


Obviously I am just brainstorming at this point but wanted to hear your opinions...




I'm aware of a few multi-country caches, but most (if not all?) of those that I am aware of are designed as cooperation caches - the intention is to solicit help from other cachers to assemble the required coordinates. I'm not aware of any that are intended to be completed by one cacher, but it would be interesting to learn if some exist. A sampling of the ones I do know about:



entente UK First Stage (GC15827)

entente Oz First Stage (GC14VXV)

entente Canada First Stage (GC14TA3)

entente US First Stage (GC158W4)


International Cache (Twin Project) (GCNHZY)

International Cache (Twin Project) (GCNJCX)


Meeting Point (GC1CGC2)

TurnAbout -- Meeting Point, Two (GC1DDHR)

Meeting Point #3 (GC1W08Z)

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