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Christmas event


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Hi, I never thought that I would think about Christmas in August, but with the events calendar as packed as it is this is probably a good time to "book" some space for a Christmas event.

I just want to test the interest for the idea on the forum, before publishing the event.

I'm thinking of having a Christmas picnic event, where each team can make a Christmas cache and bring to the event. We can then put the names of the teams in a hat, and each team can draw a name to get a gift cache, which can then be planted at any time after the event (but before the next Christmas).

It would be nice to have lots of kids there, and get them involved in making the Christmas caches.

I can also arrange for a jumping castle.

Please let me know if this sounds like fun.

It will be the first event I host, so I'm also looking for an experienced co-host to help me please.

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Hi Sonsoeker

We normally visit KZN for the Christmas yearly event, so this idée is not new. You can start your arrangements and bookings now but can only list the event 3 months in advance. We will gladly help you on your first event.


Hi Redglobe, sorry I didn't realise that there was already a yearly Christmas event. I was thinking more towards the end of November though, before Gauteng gets evacuated for the holidays. Thanks for the offer to help, it's gladly accepted. :o

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Hi SonSoeker.


If you host it, they will come.


If held in a park, make sure there are adequate ablution facilities.

And rememeber, although you might be nervous of hosting an event for the first time, every things just falls into place, in the end.


Godd idea to have it at the end of November. Also remember that the companies do their Christmas dinners at that time. So a Sunday afternoon "might" be the best option.

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It would be great if your event could also be the Gauteng launch of the Great SA 2011 TB Race. My original idea was for cachers in the various regions to use their year end events in November to launch their TBs to travel for the year ahead.


Hi, thanks for all the suggestions and replies.


Bruce, I'm sure we can use it to start the TB's off as well, but I don't know anything about a TB race, so I'll need your help with that part of it.


Any suggestions for a nice park?

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