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BMs being destroyed dilema


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Howdy! I've been working benchmarks to the west side of Houston, Texas. Through that area runs Interstate-10, aka the Katy Freeway. Along the north side of the Interstate is the railbed of the old Missouri-Kansas-Texas (M-K-T, or Katy) Railroad. Most of the track has been removed/destroyed within the last 10 years, and now construction has started all along the old railbed in prep for an expansion to the Freeway (don't get me started on THAT topic - I'm sure I can find a much better use for $1.6 Billion than creating a bigger traffic and environmental mess).


Anyway, here is the dilema - Most of the benchmarks along here are referenced to the railroad track (AW0263 through AW0274, at least). All of this area is being leveled, trenched, sewage/drainage installed, etc. I found 3 of about 9 marks I was looking for Saturday. The rest were either previously marked destroyed, or would be in the middle of the construction zone (where I'm not going to venture - I like my head attached to my shoulders and not in jail for trespassing, thankyouverymuch).


I guess my question after all this background is: should I report these marks to NGS as "not found", with notes about the construction, or hope that the have been reported by the construction surveyors? I haven't seen any new info about these marks since about 1995; most were "Recovered in good condition" at that time.


As an aside, query for the professionals on the board: What is the chance that any of the destroyed (or "not found") marks will be either reset or new marks will be added to the area after the construction on Interstate 10 is complete in 5-10 years? these are just some of the marks in an 8 mile radius from my apartment...many are being destroyed for road and residential development. Kinda makes me sad, because my original interest in BMs was the history behind the area where many of them are placed.


Sorry this is so long!



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Originally posted by RACooper:

I found 3 of about 9 marks I was looking for Saturday. The rest were either previously marked destroyed, or would be in the middle of the construction zone (where I'm not going to venture - I like my head attached to my shoulders and not in jail for trespassing, thankyouverymuch).


I guess my question after all this background is: should I report these marks to NGS as "not found", with notes about the construction, or hope that the have been reported by the construction surveyors? I haven't seen any new info about these marks since about 1995; most were "Recovered in good condition" at that time.


I would not file any report with NGS about the BMs you can't get access to due to construction. That is temporary by nature and a professional surveyor probably can gain access to them as needed.


I would suggest a note in the GeoCaching site to alert other searchers, so nobody makes a cross-town trip to find they can't get to them.


The BMs you can get access to but were unable to find you might consider a "not found" with NGS with a note about the construction. At least that would alert someone that it may not be an easy find.


Normally, I don't think the NGS is interested in a "found" when it's only been 7 years since the last visit, but since there is construction in the area, it might be helpful to know that it survived if the construction is complete. If the directions to finding the mark has changed, then I'm sure the NGS would appricate an update in the directions since the rail lines are no longer there as reference.


Just my 2¢.

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