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Bolt or Dsic stem?


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An old question in this forum but for a new mark. I recently searched for a disk (KC0115. After brushing off a bit of dirt I located this metal object protruding from the rock outcrop. My first reaction was that I had found the remains of a disk. However the missing disks that I have so far found did not have the stem protruding to this extent. Also the designation of 2 sounds as though it could be for a bolt. But does DOD put those short designations on disks or just on bolts? Could be an error in the datasheet? The NGS datasheet did not offer any more enlightenment. I claim a find of a bolt. Any suggestions or comments from the community?


The Original Data sheet says (DISC),Bolts are usally described as such,rivets as well as spike and cotton spindle,???Don't know how to answer that one.Stones usually have 3 dimensions 17"-6"-3"and type,Limestone,Flint,Cotton stone,Granite.


THE MOST DANGEROUS ANIMAL IN THE FOREST DOES NOT EVEN LIVE THERE*********WHEN ALL ELSE FAILS*GEOTRYAGAIN **1803-2003 "LOUSIANA PURCHASE" 200TH ANNIVERSARY AND THE "LEWIS AND CLARK EXPADITION" http://lewisclark.goeg.missouri.edu/index.shtml http://www.lapurchase.org http://www.msnusers.com/MissouriTrails


The original datasheet clearly indicates the marker for this station is a bench mark disk:




I always recommend reading the official datasheets, and it's generally a good idea to download the most current version from the NGS web site for any possible updates.


You could be right but you can not be sure I would not claim it as a find untill all of the references are checked and then I would be hesitant because you don't know if something happended to the disk and someone else set this pin. It is possible that the top of the disk is gone and this is the stem. Hard to say without being there.


I have found some 1975 NOS marks along a line here that are often noted as something they are not not. It would seem the person whom wrote the descriptions copied info from the previous description but forget to make note of the marker in the new decription.


Thank you folks for your insights. I sure do appreciate this forum! I did look at the NGS data sheet on their site, but was still not convinced. I like elcamino's point -- why couldn't it be a later subsitute for a missing disc? I sure can't argue against that idea! There are some missing discs in that general area and that was my first thought. However I did not think it looked quite right. I logged one missing disc (PID 9279) and rogbarn found one also (PID JC0580) in the area. I should probably change to a note -- which is what I do when not certain. Of course I often initially log them as found only to return to change my log to a note after some reflection. icon_cool.gif

Thanks again!


At least you reflect........Your welcome we are all in the same learning process together.I wish this site would have been here years before.Thats life though... We have it now...


THE MOST DANGEROUS ANIMAL IN THE FOREST DOES NOT EVEN LIVE THERE*********WHEN ALL ELSE FAILS*GEOTRYAGAIN **1803-2003 "LOUSIANA PURCHASE" 200TH ANNIVERSARY AND THE "LEWIS AND CLARK EXPADITION" http://lewisclark.goeg.missouri.edu/index.shtml http://www.lapurchase.org http://www.msnusers.com/MissouriTrails

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