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question for surverors


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We have a new busness going in were ther eused to be a public city owned parking lot and a house. they bought the house and tore it down then bought the parking lot from the city. Today they were surving it I guess to find the bounmderies. they guy had a gps with one of those backpack antainies " I know I killed that word" Any ways at one place it used the gps and took a reading then looked in a book then went to a computer then came back and took the reading again. and re checked his book and map Then he put in what looked like a bench mark then he went to the other corners and took reding and dint look in a book but did on a map and put a wood steak and painted it pink. then he did sevral other areas but not cornes the same way. the benck mark lookng thing just has the survey comapny name and an l-21 he then painted a bunch of lines in the dirt. . Is that how they map out a property and why was he so psecific on that one point. that point isn't the sotres new boundery for property becuse it wasnt out in the city owen parkeing lot that know belongs to the busnes but more were the house proprty used to be.

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They may have been marking something other than property lines. Surveyors lay out all kinds of structures, easements, setbacks, etc., so its impossible to tell what they are doing, or why they are doing it, without inquiring. Next time just ask for an explanation, if they have time they will probably be willing to explain what they are doing, how and why. If its your property, and you think something is being done wrong, you have the right to question it.

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it loks like they are laying out were the buidling will set. today they had a back how out and was diging a large hole after they got it dug the one surverior jumped in the hole with the reflter pole thing from the transite adn shot a line from the totel sttion to the guy in the hole not sure what that was about.

Originally posted by survey tech:

They may have been marking something other than property lines. Surveyors lay out all kinds of structures, easements, setbacks, etc., so its impossible to tell what they are doing, or why they are doing it, without inquiring. Next time just ask for an explanation, if they have time they will probably be willing to explain what they are doing, how and why. If its your property, and you think something is being done wrong, you have the right to question it.

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Originally posted by teamcourage:

I won't cut and paste to make every thing perfect.


(Not trying to cause flames here)...it looks like it doesn't require cut and paste...just a click on a button to spell-check the input box you just typed. I haven't used it myself, but it does look interesting.

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