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Check out this GPS

GEO*Trailblazer 1

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Originally posted by jeff35080:

Not sure what the importance of this is, it's not that it's something new.




Jeff ....


If you don't understand that technology on a 1992 launched sea temperature satellite is a little outdated then like I said it ain't nothing new. Jason-1 ain't all that much different.


Really the Turbo Rogue receiver is fairly common especially on some of the world's permanent recording sites. Because it's on a low orbit satellite doens't make it any special at all especially considering GPS has a service volume out to 3000km orbits anyway.


Cheers, Kerry.


I never get lost icon_smile.gif everybody keeps telling me where to go icon_wink.gif

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Y'know, Jo, I have zero finds, zero hides, and zero benchmarks found, so maybe I'm a sock puppet too, but I know enough about how GPS works to form a pretty solid opinion about whether Kerry knows what he (or she) is talking about, and it's my opinion that he (or she - take the "or she" as given from here on out, okay?) does.


Now, I don't pretend to know what Kerry's motivations are for posting here if he's not a geocacher, but he does seem to stick to his area of expertise and not go off willy-nilly commenting about every little thing as sock puppets are wont to do.


What I suspect we have here is a denizen of the sci.geo.satellite-nav newsgroup who just can't get enough technical talk about the birds that make our little GPS receivers work, so he seeks it out in unlikely places like the geocaching.com forums.


Whether you choose to believe he knows what he's talking about is your business, and I'll admit that he has a somewhat abrasive personality, but a sock puppet he's not.



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New Technologies from the (outdated)?.It looks like they are still using all this Technology,Like Terra and Mizer eh... http://rapidfire.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/products_rr.html

Another use, http://www.fao.org/gtos/gofc-gold/overview.html *KERRY* I have not seen you add any possiive links or updates to any of these yet,But as said in an earlier post, you think you can but you can't,I am like a big dog, don't back me in a corner cause you might be barking up the wrong tree,your negativity towards me is only food for my SPIRIT...And as the Story goes The Good will overcome.Let me ask, What is the problem that you have with me??????

WHEN ALL ELSE FAILS*GEOTRYAGAIN **1803-2003 "LOUSIANA PURCHASE" "LEWIS AND CLARK EXPADITION" http://www.lapurchase.org http://arkansasstateparks.com/lapurchase/ http://www.msnusers.com/MissouriTrails


[This message was edited by GEO*Trailblazer 1 on July 23, 2003 at 07:35 AM.]


[This message was edited by GEO*Trailblazer 1 on July 23, 2003 at 07:48 AM.]

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Gee Wizzzzzzzzz and I thought this web site and forum was for people that hunted, geocaches, benchmarks, and played with a few travel bugs. When did it become anything else . If you are looking for creditably in the forums then participate in the sport.



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But in general these sites are a maze of myths and miscomceptions and in the past many similar myths and misconceptions have almost become fact, basically caused by some who had absolute no idea what they were on about.


Trailblazer, there's many around here who also don't really know where your coming from, what for and why because on most days you make absolutely no sense what so ever. I can't put it any clearer than that, you mostly talk a whole heap of mumbo jumbo so if you want some advice drop all the riduluous claims and simply get to the point in plain simple english. Maybe you think talking the talk gives you some credibility (pinched that word from Jo) but in most cases it simply highlights a lacking.


And yeah they're still using 1992 technology that should have been dead by 1998, so what just like they continue to use 12 year old GPS satellites that are 5 years past their use by date. So what, it's still old bloody technology, it's not hard to work that one out but you appear to think it's something new, get real.


So what is it trailblazer a game to see who can post the most unrelated and out of date links. If you haven't realized things you post links for comment, so you get some comment then your complaining about comments, so what is do you want comment or not, if you don't want comment then why bother putting it up in the first place.


Maybe Jo's gunna have to have a talk to you, your supposed to be hunting geocaches, benchmarks and bed bugs and you put up links of satellite imagery and remote sensing. Oh Jo won't be pleased.


I'll call a spade a spade basically because I can and don't have any need to justify that.


Cheers, Kerry.


I never get lost icon_smile.gif everybody keeps telling me where to go icon_wink.gif

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Originally posted by Warm Fuzzies - Fuzzy:

What I suspect we have here is a denizen of the sci.geo.satellite-nav newsgroup who just can't get enough technical talk about the birds that make our little GPS receivers work, so he seeks it out in unlikely places like the geocaching.com forums.


NO fuzzy I think there's way too much technical talk and mostly by some who have absolutely no idea what they're talking about.


But what you suspect is absolutely wrong. However I have no intention of spelling my background out specifically for these other jackals, my background is totally irrelvent but lets just say that what many find "fashionable" here has been a daily event for more years than I'd like to remember.


Cheers, Kerry.


I never get lost icon_smile.gif everybody keeps telling me where to go icon_wink.gif

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Forum: Area out-of-doors,marketplace,origin? 1. the public square or market place of an ancient Roman City or town,where legal and political buisness was conducted. 2. a law court;tribunal. 3a)an assembly,place,radio program,web site,ect for the discussion of public matters or current questions. 3b)an opportunity for open discussion --the Forum of Ancient Rome so unless you are 2. then, 3b) applies here.


WHEN ALL ELSE FAILS*GEOTRYAGAIN **1803-2003 "LOUSIANA PURCHASE" "LEWIS AND CLARK EXPADITION" http://www.lapurchase.org http://arkansasstateparks.com/lapurchase/ http://www.msnusers.com/MissouriTrails

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Originally posted by Kerry:

Trailblazer, there's many around here who also don't really know where your coming from, what for and why because on most days you make absolutely no sense what so ever.


I will have to agree with Kerry on this point. Many times I have read Trailblazer's posts and scratched my head. Then I just keep reading the follow on posts and hope that I can figure out what in the world he is talking about.


No reason for him to stop posting - just keep in mind that each post should in some way stand on its own.


----- Fighting entropy one benchmark at a time. -----


[This message was edited by geocletic on July 24, 2003 at 07:42 AM.]

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Is anyone using this one yet??? I know it ain't outdated.


adjd aaieree erer egkmgvaer ertky wrwt5y jdsjj qqq no more babble *&*T%%$$$,mdm sl;rth




**1803-2003** "LOUSIANA PURCHASE"





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