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In Johannesburg (Sandton) 28th - 31st


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Hi All,


Tomorrow I am leaving for Johannesburg/Sandton and will be spending thursday to sunday there. In the weekend I would like to find at least one geoache. It will be my first time in South Africa and although I am on a business trip I don't want to miss out on the opportunity to go geocaching in my spare time :-) Is it possible to go geocaching on foot in the Sandton area and which cache would you recommend? I will be staying near the Wanderers Club on Corlett Drive.


Thanks in advance,




Hi Budewijn


In the daylight - it should be fine to go on foot in most places in Sandton. However there are not many caches in the sandton area (be careful going into open public parks alone or going into isolated areas 9where you are not very easily visible by much of the public).


I would suggest that the Zoo and Millatarry Museum (which are a very short taxi ride from Wanderers) are the best. There is an entrance fee - but there are a few safe caches in these.


Also some Earthcaches that are easily accessible from the roadside [:)]


There is Buonarotti at the Sandton City shopping centre - but it is tricky to access (?).




Although one needs to be circumspect in any large city, during daylight hours I believe you will have no trouble in and around Sandton on foot and alone, including the parks.


Closest cache to you hotel is one of mine "Which Rock?" and is an easy walk to a nearby park - about 1km from the Wanderers club. Another very nearby one is a mystery cache "Logical 1" which is also about 1km away in the suburb of Birdhaven. You've already been told about Buonarotti (which I haven't done yet). Another of mine is at the Inanda Club between Sandton Central and Wanderers called "Mink and Manure".


I'd be happy to meet up with on Saturday and help with some transport - I live not far from the Wanderers. If you are interested then contact me directly.





I would like to thank everybody who made it possible for me to go caching in South Africa last weekend. I was pleasantly surprised by the amount of reactions to my forum post and the number of people willing to take me out on a day full of geocaching. Was very nice to experience the South African hospitality in general and of South African geocachers in particular. It seems like we truly are one global family of geocachers enthousiasts. Had a great time at the event and it was a pleasure to meet so many of you guys! Hopefully there will be an opportunity to meet up again in the near future, be it in South Africa or the Netherlands.


Many thanks for the great time I had!

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