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using a Nokia 5800 for caching?

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I am temporarily without a gps until I get a replacement Oregon. However I do have a Nokia 5800 which I know can be used for caching.


Pleaase can anyone point me in the direction of easy to follow instructions for using it? Do I have to download a caching application?


If its symbian based I would recomend:


Would recomend:

SmartGPX: Free

View Ranger: Pay bt OS Maps

Geocaching Live: Free

Geocache Navigator: No longer free

Google Maps: Free (using Smart GOX you can get your caches to appear on the maps/ sat views).


Maybe a compas app so you know where north is from the sun...


Any more suggestions I would be intrested in!


Hope it helps....

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Thanks. I have downloaded geocaching live. Now to learn how to use it! I found a useful google group.


If its symbian based I would recomend:


Would recomend:

SmartGPX: Free

View Ranger: Pay bt OS Maps

Geocaching Live: Free

Geocache Navigator: No longer free

Google Maps: Free (using Smart GOX you can get your caches to appear on the maps/ sat views).


Maybe a compas app so you know where north is from the sun...


Any more suggestions I would be intrested in!


Hope it helps....

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Very happy with mine, except for poor battery life if you use it for much- and I do use it for web, music and PC-downloaded iPlayer videos a lot. So I got a second genuine Nokia battery from Amazon for peanuts. On the whole, with unlimited texts, 8Gb card included and 1Gb/month internet for £15pm from 3, I give it a solid :rolleyes:


On the caching side there's a free app called Locify which I've had a play with. Not sure it'll replace my Loox PDA and/or Etrex for caching, but it shows promise.

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I had a thread on this topic in another forum


Like all things a lot of trial and error to get things going, but once up and running quite nice. See my link above for links. GClive works like a bomb for on the fly caching. SmartGPX is a very nice app for the paperless part. The battery life is poor when using the GPS. I quite like the touchscreen.


Folks with Symbian phones also use Trekbuddy, but you have to download maps for that (at different zooms)

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I definitely give the 5800 a big :shocked: I love it!

Today I took some excellent photos when out caching, almost as good as my camera. I have recently discovered podcasting so I have set it to automatically download the ones I want every day or week. The organiser is invaluable so I generally know what i am doing. There is a great keyboard so texting is so quick. The wifi was so useful when on holiday in Spain recently. And it also makes phone calls! :huh:

I really think it has something to suit everyone regardless of age or lifestyle.

I still haven't used it for caching as I already have an Oregon and a PDA.




Just to slightly take this thread on a detour, how do you find the 5800 ?


I'm thinking about going to get one as it seems to be a decent phone from techie reviews and from the research I have done. But from a users point of view, your opinion is.....






:) ?



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I too would give it a big thumbs up - for general use as well as caching. I use Locify which is slow but free and does the job. I've put Geocaching Live on it twice but it doesn't seem to be able to connect to the gps...I'm probably doing something wrong as my attention span for something technical going wrong is about a nanosecond!


I've not found the battery life to be particularly poor but then I really only use my phone for the odd short call, bit of internet browsing and sending texts. I usually recharge every few days.


Like any phone based GPSr it depends on having network coverage. Great for urban caching but rubbish out in the sticks!


Oh, and I didn't like the phone's browser so downloaded Opera Mini which is much better. Geocaching.com works a treat, the browser rearranges the format so the page fits the screen without having to navigate sideways as well as down.


Hope that helps!

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Hi All, first post.


I have a 5800 and have used it for caching (very new to this game). I use the Navigator software that come installed on the phone, is the stuff on the web, Locify for example, better? I have always just printed out the pages and taken them with me. We then park up input the co-ords into the phone and away we go, resorting to the paper clue if needed (or if the younger members of the team are getting bored of the area).


I just never thought about other software.

Edited by nands
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Hi nands, I too started caching using my phone in the same way. Nothing wrong with doing that, entering the coords is just a bit labourious if you are doing a walk with several caches along a route. Locify (and others) finds your current location and then tells you where the nearest caches are. You can then access the description, hint and recent logs from the site (no need for paper printouts). I find the compass pointer flicks all over the place but if you just follow the (hopefully) decreasing distance from the cache it works pretty accurately!

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Hi nands, I too started caching using my phone in the same way. Nothing wrong with doing that, entering the coords is just a bit labourious if you are doing a walk with several caches along a route. Locify (and others) finds your current location and then tells you where the nearest caches are. You can then access the description, hint and recent logs from the site (no need for paper printouts). I find the compass pointer flicks all over the place but if you just follow the (hopefully) decreasing distance from the cache it works pretty accurately!


Thanks for the swift reply, I am currently reading about Locify and Geochaching Live. Geocahing Live maybe looks better but it is obviously still in Beta, anyone had any issues with it?


This forum on the beta of Geocaching Live is interesting.

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I have a Nokia 5800 xpressmusic with Trimble's Geocache Navigator installed. I use it to list geocaches near me when I am away from home and to check previous logs if I am having difficulty finding a cache. However, to do these you need a good phone signal and that is not always possible. In tree cover it is useless. Also the GPS in the phone does not seem to be anywhere near as accurate as my Garmin etrex Venture HC. But generally it is a great phone and I would recommend it wholeheartedly.

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