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Send to GPS Problems


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Is anyone having problems sending to their GPS from the geocaching website? Starting yesterday I cannot download waypoints. I keep getting an error message saying there is a problem with the server. I have a Garmin.


It has spread to the Algarve too. Tried all afternoon, but kept getting:-


500 - Internal server error.

There is a problem with the resource you are looking for, and it cannot be displayed.


Maybe it is being improved!!!

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Is anyone having problems sending to their GPS from the geocaching website? Starting yesterday I cannot download waypoints. I keep getting an error message saying there is a problem with the server. I have a Garmin.

We are having the same problem in the Denver Metro area. We have a big 3 day event going on this weekend and it looks like we will have to manually load our caches. Of course that is if the maintenance thats going on right now is done soon. This is very frustrating. We have been looking forward to this for over a month, and have even taken time off of work.

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Send to GPS functionality is now working again.


I encourage those who have been struggling during the downtime of Send to GPS to familiarize yourselves is the several other methods available for getting the data into your GPS. These include:

  • Manual coordinate entry
  • Download of single cache GPX using the GPX eXchange File button on each cache page and manual copy of the file(s) to the GPS
  • Generation of multiple cache GPX using Pocket Queries and manual copy of the file(s) to the GPS
  • Generation of multiple cache GPX using Pocket Queries, import of those files into a third-party cache/waypoint manager (such as GSAK), and automated or semi-automated copy of chosen caches to the GPS

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Send to GPS functionality is now working again.


I encourage those who have been struggling during the downtime of Send to GPS to familiarize yourselves is the several other methods available for getting the data into your GPS. These include:

  • Manual coordinate entry
  • Download of single cache GPX using the GPX eXchange File button on each cache page and manual copy of the file(s) to the GPS
  • Generation of multiple cache GPX using Pocket Queries and manual copy of the file(s) to the GPS
  • Generation of multiple cache GPX using Pocket Queries, import of those files into a third-party cache/waypoint manager (such as GSAK), and automated or semi-automated copy of chosen caches to the GPS

Im having this problem too, just cant send geocash to my gps i even paid and became a premium member hoping that would work. NO luck, Could someone give detailed instruction as to how to fix this problem. (for people like me who have no clue what to do.

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I have tried to use Send to GPS and keep getting Garmin Communicator Plugin NOT detected. I have downloaded the communicator and installed along with USB drivers. I have deinstalled the Communicator and reinstalled along with USB drivers again. When I click the Send to GPS button I still get Garmin Communicator NOT detected. When I go to the test page it reports everything is fine and identifes my Garmin device.

Edited by COCyclist
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I have tried to use Send to GPS and keep getting Garmin Communicator Plugin NOT detected. I have downloaded the communicator and installed along with USB drivers. I have deinstalled the Communicator and reinstalled along with USB drivers again. When I click the Send to GPS button I still get Garmin Communicator NOT detected. When I go to the test page it reports everything is fine and identifes my Garmin device.


If you are using Garmin Communicator from Safari on a Macintosh, then Garmin has identified a conflict between the Plug-in and the Flip4Mac Quicktime enhancement. Their solution is to use the Garmin Communicator in FireFox, which does not encounter the problem or remove Flip4Mac if you want to use the plug-in from Safari. No word on time to fix. I've verified that the Plug-in works from FireFox on the Mac.



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