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Buried Geocache?

Mirage Geko

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According to the Guidelines...


Caches may be quickly archived if we see the following (which is not exhaustive):


Caches that are buried. If a shovel, trowel or other "pointy" object is used to dig, whether in order to hide or to find the cache, then it is not appropriate...


So that's a big NO-NO.


Thanks for the quick response and link.So now Im back to take another look.

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Keep in mind though that a cache is not "buried" just because someone throws dirt, leaves, sticks, rocks, etc. on top of it. That's camouflaging, not burying.


Also, I've found several caches that were hidden in holes that were already there when the cache owner hid the cache. Technically, these are not buried either.


But regardless, you should not need to dig to find the cache.

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I've only been doing this a little while, but I've found quite a few that were WELL covered. One if I hadn't had my husband with me, I never would have found it! It was well tucked under logs and covered with leaves. Keep looking! You'll find it!


That could be called a UPS (Unnatural Pile of Sticks). Very common - and eventually you'll learn to spot this from quite some distance. Not usually a pile of 'logs' but sticks that are arranged in a way that would defy natural falling of debris from a tree.


What you describe may be more like just tucking it under and pushing leaves up to the cache hide - also fairly easy to spot since leaves won't typically accumulate like that.


Rocks stacked in strange ways (UPRs) are also tale-tale signs.


When I rehide I try to avoid that type of camouflaging and work to provide something more natural if the hide location allows for it.


Then there's the handcuffed 5 feet up in a cedar tree approach - easier to spot - now archived: http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_detai...12-e8b046082d59

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I suppose it depends on where you're caching, but at least in the area where I normally cache the rules are not obeyed all the time. I wouldn't say I see an "illegal" cache everytime I go caching, but I see it often enough that I'm no longer suprised by it. In this area I see caches that are buried (and yes, I'm talking buried and not just well hidden, I've seen plenty of both and can tell the difference), and people also like on multis to remove boards from wooden structures, drill holes in them, write on wooden structures with permanent markers and in other ways permanently deface public structures (like on boardwalks and overlook observation stands). So while those types of things are big no, no's you may want to keep an open mind that others may not be following the rules. I know from reading here in the Forums that my area is not the only one with these problems so keep an open mind. Good luck in your searches and happy caching!!!!

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